Books I Read in April

I really stumbled upon some great books this month! You know those kinds of books where you actually feel a bit sad when they end and you aren't ready to just pick up another book and dive in?  Yeah, I had a few of those.  I just love when that happens.

1.  Night Road by Kristen Hannah-- I absolutely loved this book even if it did frustrate me at times and make me cry.  Lexie and Mia are best friends and even when Lexie begins dating Mia's twin brother Zach their friendship endures.  Then one fateful night on the bend of Night Road their lives are forever changed. This was one of those books I needed to "recover from" before diving into another.

2.  All The Bright Places by Jennifer Niven-- I wanted to read the book before watching the movie Netflix came out with.  It's a story about two teens who are struggling in the day to day of their lives. Theodore Finch and Violet Markey meet on a ledge.  Violet has been struggling since her sister's death; wearing her glasses, refusing to ride in a car, avoiding all the things she used to enjoy.  Finch struggles with great periods of high and lows but finds a new found reason to live in his friendship with Violet.

3. Where'd You Go, Bernadette? by Maria Semple-- Another book I wanted to read before watching on Netflix.   After reading two books that made me sad and made me cry I really wanted something light and funny.  And I was told this was it. I thought it was cute if a bit quirky but I wouldn't necessarily call it funny.  Bernadette was a brilliant architect about to set the world on fire when a setback caused her to withdraw.  She moved, became a mom and wife, and forgot all about her artistic side.  When she begins planning a family vacation to Antarctica everything in her life comes to a head and she flees.

4.  The Last Bathing Beauty by Amy Sue Nathan-- Betty AKA "Boop" is in her 80's and contemplating selling her family home to move closer to her son.  As a final farewell she invites her two oldest and best friends to stay with her for one last fun summer.  Then her granddaughter shows up on her doorstep and her story brings back memoires from Boop's summer the year she ended up getting married. I really enjoyed this book and it's multiple timelines between Betty in the 50's and Boop in the present day.  

5. In and Instant by Suzanne Redfearn-- This book was heartbreaking and brought out a whole range of emotions.  Finn is just 16 when she's in an accident with 10 other family/ friends that ends her life abruptly.  We learn of the fate of the others through Finn's eyes as we watch them to struggle and move on from that one night that changed them all.  I read this book in under a day-- it was that good! 

6.  Last Day by Luanne Rice--  When Beth is found strangled in her own bed with a famous painting missing, her sister Kate is brought back to the time they were both tied up with their mother, who died, the night that very painting had been stolen.  Conner, the detective assigned to the case, remembered Beth and Kate from  the first time and takes I personally that the girls are still not safe.  By the time I got to the last chapter I had pretty much suspected EVERYONE of killing Beth.  It was a great mystery. 

7.  The Night Before by Luanne Rice-- Having read the previous book, I was reminded how much I enjoy Rice's books; many of which are set in my home state! I love reading about places I have been and finding new places to explore (when we can go out exploring).  I decided to download this one to my Kindle and completely missed that it was a short story.  It was cute but like all short stories it left me wanting more. 

8.  A Town Like Alice by Nevil Shute-- I was surprised that I had never heard of this book when I saw that it was on the Mensa reading list for high school.  I really enjoyed the different writing style and the easy to follow story.  A solicitor is hired to write up a trust for an old client of the firm.  By the time the client passes the solicitor has to tack down the only remaining heir; Jean. Jean was held as a prisoner of war in Malaya and wants to return to a town there she remembers to build a well.  While she is there to build the well she discovers a man she befriended during the war did not actually die like everyone thought and follows the trial to Australia eventually helping a small town thrive by setting up a few small businesses to that it becomes a town like Alice.  Part love story/ part female empowerment it was a really good story. 

9.  The German Girl: A Novel by Armando Lucas Correa-- Told in two alternating stories from Hannah and Anna's points of view.  Hannah is a 12 year old Jewish German girl living in Berlin in 1939 as the Nazi's begin taking over. The family is making plans to flee first to Cuba and then onto America.  Anna is a 12 year old American girl living in New York in 2014 with her mother.  She knows hardly anything about her father and even less about his family.  Until one day a package arrives from her Aunt Hannah that inspires her to learn more about her father's family and even travel to Havana to meet her aunt.  I just love stories like this. 

Linking Up With: A Morning Cup of Joe,


  1. Great reads this month! I really want to read some of Kristen Hannah's older books. In an Instant sounds like something I'd love. Thanks for all the recommendations.

    1. Thanks! I love Kristen Hannah but realized there are a lot of her books I have not yet read; and I sure hope to get around to most of them.

  2. I read A Tree Grows in Brooklyn last month and it was so good, I was sad when it ended. I actually wanted to start reading it again afterwards. I am glad to have your list of books, I am reading one book a month and now that we can't go to the bookstore I'm trying to line up some books to read. My son randomly picked one up for me from the free table at the library and it ended up being the fourth in a series. So I started the first book this week. So far I'm really liking it.

    1. I definitely find I have to read a series from the beginning too.

  3. All these sound so good! I'm adding them all to my Good Reads list. Night Road sounds especially good. Thanks for sharing!

  4. They sound like interesting reads, even if some would be a bit heavy! i tend to like lighter reads - the "where'd you go Bernadette" one sounds like my kind of thing! i don't get a lot of reading done with two young boys but I'm trying to make more of an effort to read, the neighbours and I have a virtual book club so I'm working my way through our first book!

    Hope that you are having a lovely weekend :)

    Away From Blue

    1. Yeah, some of them are a bit heavy. I tend to mix up light and heavy reads.

  5. The only one I've read was Night Road. I'm already dreading writing my review post because I read even more this month than last!

    1. Oh my goodness! I actually am not very motivated to read lately.

  6. Great reviews! I have The Last Bathing Beauty downloaded. I'm so glad you liked it. I'm going to push that one up to the top. Stay healthy!!

    1. Thanks! I think you'll like it too; it was a great story about the choices we make in life and how they change us in the long run.

  7. Yay for some really great books and your reviews of them. I got stuck on The German Girl and didn't finish it. Maybe I should go back and try again. I checked it out of the library in March...or February? But the library has been closed since. I keep renewing it online until I can return it. Pinning some of these suggestions.

    1. Our library also shut down and told us to just keep our books until they reopen (with no fines accruing).. kind of makes me wish I had known that was going to happen. I would have stocked up! I have been downloading books to my Kindle. I figure that bit of money I'm spending on books is nothing compared to what we'd be spending if life were normal.

  8. Thank you for pinning, sharing, and hosting.

  9. The German Girl sounds really good. I'll have to look that one up.

    1. It was a really cute story and I learned a lot about the role of Cuba and other countries in welcoming (or not welcoming) those fleeing Jewish families.

  10. I definitely enjoyed Where'd You Go Bernadette and still need to check out the movie! I'm sure it is well done!

  11. Where'd You Go Bernadette sounds like just what I need now. All the Bright Places is already on my library hold list once it comes available. Thanks for sharing!

  12. I really liked Night Road and All the Bright Places. I wasn't a fan of the book Where'd You Go Bernadette, but the movie wasn't bad. One of those rare instances where I liked the show/movie better than the book. I just added In An Instant and The German Girl to my to read list.

    1. I wasn't sure I liked the book or the movie better; I felt pretty blah about them both.

  13. Night Road and In an Instant sounds really good. Definitely adding them to my TBR. And I absolutely know what you mean when sometimes you just don't want a book to end and need some time before you can move onto the next one.

  14. Looks like you read some nice books this past month!! I am curious about Bernadette.


  15. I enjoyed Where’d You Go Bernadette, except the ending seemed a bit unbelievable with one of the supporting character’s poor choice. I haven’t seen the movie, but I definitely want to!

    Here are my April reads:

    1. I did think certain parts of the movie/book were a bit far fetched for sure.

  16. I loved the first two, liked the third, and considered reading the fourth. I ended up not, but who knows.

    1. LOL. I often download books to my Kindle and then they just sit there...

  17. I have In An Instant and The Last Bathing Beauty downloaded. I will move them to the top of my list thanks to your fabulous reviews. Stay healthy!

  18. All the Bright Places made me ugly cry. And I loved Bernadette.

    1. Aw, I love a good book that makes me cry (sometimes).

  19. All the Bright Places got a lot of credit for talking about serious issues, but I didn't think it was handled well...interesting they made a show out of it.

    1. I didn't think it was handled well either; and in the movie they don't even hint at any sort of diagnosis or mental health issues (though they are clearly there).

  20. I've had that Kristin Hannah on my list for awhile but haven't gotten to it yet. My bf said that Bright Places made her bawl so I'm keeping that for after the pandemic. lol!

    1. LOL. I must be heartless because I didn't cry at all; but it was sad.

  21. All the Bright Places was a great movie! I didn't realize it was a book and usually my rule is to read before watching because then I sit there trying to make it all flow.

    1. I do the same thing! I almost always read the book first unless I didn't know it was a book.

  22. yeah, i didn't really find bernadette funny either lol. all the bright places is on my list!

    1. I guess I just don't get that kind of humor; that whole rivalry with other moms kind of thing just isn't me and I always wonder why they can't just be more mature than that.

  23. I read Night Road many years ago and it was such a sad book in parts. I enjoy her books but haven't read one in a while.

    1. She is a fabulous writer but I do find her books are often sad.


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