Wellness Weekend: Spring Forward

While I just love that changing the clocks means spring is on it's way I am always thrown by the clock change.  It was all I could do to get out of bed this week and more than once dinner was pretty late to the table since I didn't think it was as late as it was and forgot to start it!

However, spring means warmer temperatures and lingering light after dinner which in turns leads to more time spent outside.  We'll start walking after dinner and hiking most any day where it's not raining.

I truly believe that fresh air helps to keep us healthy and we like to spend a lot of time outside... unfortunately the pollen will have us reaching for our seasonal allergy medicine soon but that's Ok.  It's a small price to pay for budding trees and flowers and warm temperatures.

This past week we had a real teasing of spring and managed to get out hiking three times!

With everything going on with the Coronavirus I am finding much solace in nature.  With schools and many places of work shutting down for a minimum of 2 weeks (and many with no return date in mind) here in Connecticut things feel a bit chaotic and fearful.  Trying to navigate stores and carry on with life as normally as possible actually feels quite impossible.

So I am trying to get out and hike even more, breathe deeply and remind myself that while things may not be OK now they will be OK again.  I'm also finding myself withdrawing more and more from social media and society in general.

I pick up on those feelings of panic and hopelessness that others project and it sends me spiraling.  Being a very empathetic and yet introverted person I have long learned that while I don't necessarily want or need to bury my head in the sand I do need to shield myself from information overload and actually am not watching the news, I have not been reading up on the latest, and am content to quietly wait and see what awaits us trying to just live each day to the fullest.

The human race is amazingly resilient and has withstood so much through the course of history and I know objectively we'll come out OK on the other side of all this too.

I'm still struggling to get back to logging in my food on the Weight Watchers App but am trying to get back to only letting myself eat sugary foods once in a while and making healthier choices.

My weight isn't really fluctuating (and in fact I am every so slowly still shedding pounds) so I'm glad of that but I can feel myself falling back into some bad habits that I want to nip in the bud now before they become problematic.

I started reading up on essentials oils and their various uses and thought I'd try and see if they could help manage my pain so I'm not taking Motrin quite so often.  It's to early to tell if they're working since I just got everything in on Thursday but I have hopes!

I also thought I'd try diffusing a few stress relieving mixtures; I figure it can't hurt.

If you have any favorite essential oil combinations or "recipes" I'd love for you to share them with me!

Linking Up With: Motivational Monday,


  1. I like to mix an evergreen scent with orange and sometimes peppermint!

    1. That sounds like it would smell wonderful!

  2. You are so lucky to have such beauty close to you. We have houses, water towers, and Home Depot! LOL Need to explore a little farther with this quarantine.

    1. We do have lots of land around; one nice thing about living out in the sticks.

  3. Thank you for linking up with me on this Wellness Weekend. I think it's a good idea to be in nature and take breaks from social media at this uncertain time. Good for you to get out hiking. The next link up is on April 19. Optional prompt Water sport. I hope to see you then. #WW2020

    1. Definitely! We live on a lake so water sports are right up our alley.

  4. Everything is greening up here and spring is in the air! Such an exciting time of year. I am also thrown off by the time change. Now that I am retired, I can sleep later if I want to.

    1. Luckily I can sleep later if I want to too but I find making myself get out of bed at our normal time helps me adjust faster.

  5. You live in an amazing area with such beautiful places to hike. I need to find some near me, as I'll need to get out into nature more regularly while dealing with "social distancing." This situation is terrifying, and I admit to being overly stressed about it, so I'll need some outlet. Luckily spring is coming so the outdoors awaits.

    1. We homeschoolers like to joke that we've been practicing "social distancing" for years. I honestly don't see much changing with our routines at all but I am definitely enjoying getting outside more and more as the weather warms up.

  6. I personally would like the govt to choose a time and stick to it all year. I'd choose staying with Daylight Savings and being an hour early. I am tired and spring forward and falling back. #MMBC

    1. Yes, I would love to be able to stop switching the clocks back and forth!

  7. Will be interested to know how you find the essential oils in treating your headaches. I really, really like wearing essential oils as cologne or perfume, and I have sachets and spray them on the linens. Mmmm. Decided to incorporate aromatherapy in my quiet time but then went out of town so haven't given it much of a fair shot yet.

    Today I had hoped to follow your good lead and get outside but the winds were dreadful. Gusts over 50 mph. Hoping tomorrow will be still and I can go tiptoe among the poppies. The photos of your adventures are lovely.

    Thanks for linking up with us, sweet friend!

    1. We had snow and rain yesterday so we were stuck inside too but hopefully today will be nice enough that we can get out; even if it's only for an hour it makes such a difference.


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