How I Did on My March Goals and Setting New Goals for April

I had no idea what March was going to actually be like when I set my goals and I honestly did a horrible job on almost all of them but I am giving myself a total pass since life has been just beyond crazy.

Health/ Wellness:

  • Track my food everyday-- Nope! I completely failed at this.
  • Workout 3 times a week-- I think I did mange to do this most weeks. 
  • Drink 70 ounces water daily- Yes! 
  • Try using essential oils- Yes!


  • Clean the car-- Check! Though it has been so muddy you can hardly tell I cleaned it inside and out. 
  • Organize the laundry room- Check! 
  • Swap out Ian's flooring-- Check! 

  • Sort through both game cabinets and the bookshelves; getting rid of those things we've outgrown-- Check! We got rid of so much but we were/ will be able to re-gift a lot of it to new homes.

  • Continue updating old posts each day making sure link works and there are pinnable images-- Check! 

  • Call school and set up a day for Alec to shadow-- Check!  (then the school shut down and we're not sure if this will ever happen but I did call!)
  • Host a family game night-- Check! My mother and niece were over one afternoon and 5 of us all played Clue.  It wasn't what I meant when I set the goal but I'm counting it.  
  • Have a date night (or day date) that does not include dinner and a movie! Nope! We never managed a date this month before everything went haywire. 
  • Get together with our friends; just for fun-- Nope! But this really isn't on me. 

I really struggled with setting goals for April too since it life will still not feel normal-ish.  But I did give it a try and made sure to keep my goals pretty open ended; focusing mainly on our physical and mental health.

  • Try to go for walks/hikes around our property or nearby whenever the weather allows
  • Drink lots of water
  • Focus on mindful breathing and trying to keep stress to a minimum
  • Finish up our schoolwork for the year
  • Plan next year's curriculum (for all 3 boys?-- not sure what's going on with Alec but I feel like I should have a plan just as a backup).
  • Get the patio/ deck ready for spring & summer
  • Plant seeds
  • Figure out what to do about our postponed trip to Disney (postpone it again? cancel it completely?)
Linking Up With:


  1. I would also give you a pass because most of the goals you couldn't complete were due to the coronavirus! I have also been trying to plan for next year, and I think I've got it! Your boy's room is so neat and tidy! You should see my boys!

    1. I definitely have Ian's all planned and I have a good idea on Evan but I hadn't given Alec's plan any thought at all up until now. With everything so up in the air with all the local schools I think I want a plan for him too.. and he's always the one I struggle with the most. He's hard to keep challenged because he just reads and absorbs so much so fast.

      That room looks so neat and tidy because he still had boxes upon boxes he hadn't moved back in yet! LOL. Though I have to admit all three of my boys are good about keeping their rooms picked up; they just tend to have a lot of clutter (especially on their floors).

  2. I think you did great! I know I haven't been tracking my food on my app at all since this started but I have been exercising more than before because I just need to get out of the house. It is definitely a balance.

    1. I have been exercising a lot more too with all our hiking and even with the excess eating (and eating junk at that!) I've actually lost a bit of weight so I am giving myself a pass until all this craziness ends.

  3. It is so hard to plan when you have no idea what will happen! I was going to order a planner because mine ends in the summer but I wouldn't even know what to put in it.

  4. March was a sort of a hahaha for all of us. I think by the end of April I'm going to be ready to scream. oh what am I saying? I have already screamed. Sometimes this quarantine is fun, and sometimes it is not, but I'm thankful for all the flowering trees outside and the weather getting warmer to make this bearable. God has a good sense of humor. Oh, and the floor you did looks AWESOME.

    1. I too am thankful for the budding trees and our weather getting warmer. It is a sanity saver for sure to be able to get outside.

  5. Way to go on drinking all that water. I love that idea soooo much. I need to be better about it. I am having a hard time not planning things since we don't know when we can do anything.

    1. I carry my Yeti tumbler around all day and try to fill it three times.. but I don't typically finish the third one. I am such a planner and not being able to plan things has felt pretty weird to me.

  6. Sounds like you are doing well on most of your goals! :)

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  8. love the idea of making monthly goals! I need to do this rather than just think of goals as a yearly thing. sounds like you got a lot done even with all the craziness going on!

    1. I just started making monthly goals recently and it has made a huge difference on helping me actually achieve them.

  9. Looks like you did pretty good considering March also included COVID-19. Thanks so much for linking up with me at my #UnlimitedMonthlyLinkParty 11, open April 1 to 26. All entries shared on social media if share buttons installed. I’d like to invite you to check out my other current link parties too!

    1. Yeah, I thought I did pretty well all things considered.

  10. You did awesome! I had a few goals that included going to to certain places with people, or making appointments, that I couldn’t do, and don’t know when I will be able to do unfortunately. This month is a lot of reading, and creativity goals.

    1. Definitely a lot of reading and crafting goals.

  11. It was hard to make goals for April, huh? You blew your March goals out of the water. Well done. I keep saying I am going to start tracking my points and then forget!! Weighed myself very tentatively today and was surprised that I am at my lifetime goal weight....just barely...but I will take it. Would like to lose about 2 pounds to give me some wiggle room.

    Forgot to mention how pretty you looked in your dress in another recent post. The dress was dark blue with white embroidery or print on the sleeves and hem. So pretty!! You really look great.

    1. I haven't tracked my points in months but even with all this extra eating we're doing my weight is holding steady so I'm not going to complain. Thank you; I love that dress but pretty much since that one day it hasn't been warm enough to wear it again. Soon though, I'm hoping!

  12. You did great considering March was such a weird month for everyone. I'm so proud of you for drinking 70 oz of water every day! That's awesome! I feel like I've fallen off the wagon since the kids have been home because I'm so busy homeschooling both of them. Hats off to you mommas who homeschool all the time! Y'all are rock stars!


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