Friday Favorites: The Week We Swapped Out Ian's Flooring

We had another fabulous week filled with lots of hiking, baking, and school work.

The younger boys and I headed out roller skating on Friday.  We met a really nice homeschooling family through some friends of ours.  We came home to a nice bowl of hamburger soup that I had cooking in the crock pot.  Ian and I cleaned out his room in preparation for swapping out his flooring.

Ian headed off to work on Saturday morning while my husband began working on ripping up the carpeting.  Alec was making a double batch of waffles and Evan decided he'd rather bake than have to help his father so he whipped up a double batch of pancakes.  It's great to have so much prepared breakfast food in the freezer now.  I spent the rest of my day helping my husband and Ian (who came home at lunch) install the rest of Ian's flooring.  We finally finished moving all his furniture back in by 7 pm.

This used to be my craftroom so we had some cheap laminate stick on tiles under the carpet

We planned to spend Sunday resting after a marathon flooring session but that didn't happen... it was so nice that after lunch we set out for a hike and ended up hiking over 2 hours!

It was sunny and 70 on Monday so we quickly sped through our schoolwork and headed out to meet up with our hiking group.  We tried out a new hiking area and hiked all three trails. It took us about an hour and then we hung out in the parking area for another hour talking and soaking up the sunshine.

Practicing karate in the parking lot

Ian and I ran a bunch of errands on Tuesday; picking up a new rug for his room, some crafting supplies and a few ingredients for a spring themed snack and our dinner.  Alec was at karate with my mother- in- law and we picked up Evan so we could all meet up for an early lunch at Dunkin Donuts.  Once their schoolwork was done for the day Alec tossed together our spring muddy buddy mix while I made a Weight Watchers pizza casserole for dinner.  Then I sat to put together a new craft for our dining room table.

The completed craft will be on the blog Monday

It was so beautiful our Wednesday we decided to head to Old Furnace Park and hike for an hour just after breakfast.  We arrived home mid- morning and tackled our schoolwork.  Ian headed off to work after lunch and the younger boys played outside and I cleaned out our two board game closets.

We decided to take a break from our schoolwork on Thursday and head out for a day of shopping.  All three boys needed spring & summer clothes and shoes.  I'd say we found about 1/2 the stuff on our list.  My oldest two are pretty hard to shop for; it's nearly impossible to find men's 29x34 pants in stores.  We ended up ordering a few options using Amazon Prime Wardrobe when we got home.

I wore both my new Victoria Emerson bracelets this week; they had a B1G1 sale for the leap year and I took advantage of some pretty spring pastels.  I just love them!

Linking Up With: A Morning Cup of Joe,


  1. Soup, pancakes and waffles, my kind of comfort food! Your floor looks great. And with everything happening in the world I’m so glad you have so many wonderful places to hike outside! Have a sweet weekend and stay healthy!

    1. We are trying to soak in as much fresh air and calming nature as we can.

  2. It is so good to read your posts especially with what is going on in our world. Keep them coming! :)

  3. It must be nice to have such competent cooks and bakers for sons! I love the new flooring, it looks very nice!

    1. It is fabulous to have such wonderful cooks and bakers around. I wasn't so sure about the flooring as we were doing it since it's not really my style (we let my son pick it out since it's his room) but I do love how it looks now.

  4. What a great week! The floor looks great and the hikes are awesome as always!
    Blessings, Dawn

    1. Thank you! We really lucked out weather-wise this week and just had to hike often.

  5. Gosh, that flooring is wonderful!! I love how the boys cook. My hubby is the best sous chef but I should have him start cooking too.

    1. It's pretty rare for my youngest to do anything in the kitchen but my middle son is an aspiring chef so he loves to help out-- or completely take over. I don't mind at all!

  6. Pancakes and waffles + beautiful floors = you scored. Have a great weekend!

  7. The new floor looks spectacular! I think it's so great that y'all get to go on all those amazing hikes, what fun! I love your new VE bracelets, perfect for spring!


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