All the Feels in March

It's the last Monday of the month and time to link up with X-tremely V at The Feels.  Each month the same questions are asked and the catch is that all our questions have to be answered based on the current month!

I don't have to tell you that this has been a crazy month and has felt like it was 10 times longer than a regular month.  So much so that I found it nearly impossible to even remember the beginning of March!

Favorite meal this month-- Our traditional corned beef and cabbage dinner that I only ever make for St. Patrick's day.

Favorite Movie/ TV Show/ Book--

Movie: Forever My Girl-- It was like a chick lit romance novel come to life that I found on Amazon.

Tv Show: Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist; I wasn't so sure about this show at first since people around her just randomly burst into song but I really do love it!

Book: I read 11 pretty good books this month (see my full list here!) and while it's always hard to pick a favorite I'd have to say Regretting You by Colleen Hoover was my favorite.

Favorite activity-- Swapping out Ian's Flooring. While I did not enjoy the actual act of doing this job I love how it looks and seeing the huge grin on his face when it was done made it all worth it.

I didn't get a before picture with his carpeting but this old laminate flooring was underneath

Favorite moment-- Watching my boys cooking up a storm in the kitchen! 

Goal for April-- Keep hiking and walking and getting fresh air as often as we can. 

Anything else that made March "feel" good-- I'm not sure about feeling GOOD but hiking made these last few weeks bearable!

Linking Up With: Morning Cup of Joe, High Five for Friday,


  1. I saw Zoey's.....on Spotify as a soundtrack idea. I am not sure how I will like people singing in a show but I think I might try it because I need distractions. :)

    Corned beef, cabbage, and potatoes are my favorite meal.

    1. I thought it was pretty lame the first episode but as they developed the story line around it I found I really began to enjoy it a lot. The songs they pick are pretty good too so that helps.

  2. I'm going to check out that romance on Prime Video. It looks like a good distraction. Hope you are doing well and staying healthy. :)

    1. I saw it listed on Hulu last night too. I love that they are all bringing out more free stuff for us to watch.

  3. The new floor looks so nice! Good work. #MMBC

    1. Thank you! It's so nice and easy to keep clean too.

  4. Oh, I love Zoey's!! I'm a big fan of musicals and shows that incorporate that, so it's kind of perfect for me. I think it does it really well though.


    1. I wasn't so sure at first but it is definitely my new favorite show. I love everything about it.

  5. Replies
    1. Thanks! I really like it; I love focusing on the positive and the good.

  6. My boys all loved to cook when they were at home too. I enjoyed seeing photos of your guys in the kitchen. By the way,. my sons are still the main cooks in each of their respective households! :)

    1. It will be interesting to see if they continue cooking or not.. I'm pretty sure Alec will but I don't think the other two enjoy it so much as tolerate it so they can eat.

  7. That flooring in your son's room looks AMAZING!!!!!!

  8. I watched that same movie earlier this month - I thought it was so cute! This was a long month!! xo, Biana

  9. I just started Regretting you and after seeing your thoughts, I am excited about it! That floor came out great :)

  10. That floor looks amazing! And I have to agree with you on the hiking, it clears my head and gives me the energy to deal with these difficult times.

  11. Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist looks so cute! I remember seeing previews for it back in the fall. I may have to start watching that!


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