Friday Favorites-- A Typical Week in Feburary

We spent a quiet week  at home for the most part.  It was a fairly typical week in February around here.  We went from freezing cold to rainy to sunny and even had a light dusting of snow before turning back to rain.  We're trying to tackle more of our schoolwork each day so those beautiful spring days will be filled with field trips and fun.

The boys and I tackled quite a bit of school work on Friday.  Ian is really enjoying his science kit! We've been looking back at our overall plan for the year to see how well we're on track and I think we are just about 1/2 way through most subjects which is great considering we didn't start school until late Sept.!

My husband and I enjoyed a quick little date night on Saturday.  After doing groceries I cooked up a quick meal for the kids and then we headed out to eat dinner ourselves.  We decided to try a new restaurant we hadn't been to before but other than the live music it was kind of a dud.  The food was not very good at all.  Then we headed home to watch Once Upon a Time In Hollywood; where I proceeded to fall asleep and still have no idea (or desire to know) how it ends.

My date night outfit

It was a raw and cold day on Sunday so I started a nice fire in the fireplace and spent most of my day curled up on the couch reading Verity.  I finished the whole book I one day but I honestly can decide if I liked it or not!  It's certainly a book that has left me thinking about it though.

We had zero plans on Monday so we tackled lots of schoolwork.  We began our day watching a movie about the legislative branch of the government and then the boys all worked in their other subjects.  I finally finished a nice deep cleaning of the house and got ALL the laundry washed, folded, and put away.  I had a delicious butternut squash beef stew cooking in the crock pot most of the day and the house smelled so good!

My mother in law offered to take Alec to karate on Tuesday so I could stay home.  It was nice to get a few things done around the house (and two more scrapbooking pages!) before we all met up at Dunkin Donuts after Alec's class.

Alec spent his afternoon finishing up his schoolwork while whipping up some flatbreads so we could make flatbread pizzas for dinner.  I don't have great photos of them... but WOW! They were delicious!

Wednesday we were finally supposed to have some sun after 5 days of clouds and rain so I knew I wanted to squeeze in a small hike somewhere but we also needed to stop in at a store and buy ingredients for the cake Alec wanted to make for Valentine's day (white chocolate raspberry!).  We set aside some of our schoolwork (but not before Evan asked if he could type up his writing project!) and headed to Purgatory Chasm and hit up the grocery store on the way home.  Alec then set to work making some jewelry for one of his friends.

We tackled lots of schoolwork on Thursday watching another video on the government, doing another chemistry experiment, and baking up a delicious looking white chocolate cake. We had Alec's karate graduation during our normal dinnertime so we ate a little snack, went to graduation and then ate a very late dinner. But we now have a red belt in the family!


  1. I am in awe of your scrapbooking. Your kids will have a beautifully documented childhood.

  2. Looks like a good week. The scrapbook pages are great!

  3. It looks like you had a very productive week. I'm glad you had some sunny days.

  4. So much fun stuff!!! xo I love the scrapbooking... I used to love doing it and really want to get back to it. It would be special to have something to give Ella as she gets older. Your date night outfit was super cute! Happy V Day Momma!!!

    1. Aw, thank you! I took a good 3 or 4 years off from scrapbooking when the boys were younger and have only recently started getting back into it.

  5. My 2 middle sons hate when we go out on dates. And we are going out twice this month lol!

    1. We have plans for another date night this weekend too!

  6. Now I want pizza, cake, and handmade jewelry! Alec is so crafty! I love spending a day curled up on the couch reading, even better with a fire!

  7. Great scrapbooking, you know I used to judge it, that gets a blue ribbon!! Love curling up by the fire with a book. Hapoy Valentine’s Day! xo

    1. You did? I did not know that. Thanks for the blue ribbon.

  8. Such a good feeling to be on track - or ahead! - in your schooling so you can look forward to some days off when you need a break! I love seeing how your boys are so creative with crafts, cooking, and baking!

  9. Sounds like lots of yummy food for Valentine's week! That science kit looks pretty cool!

  10. You always have the cutest scrapbook pages. I'm surprised to hear you didn't like "Once Upon A time in Hollywood". I've heard nothing but wonderful things about it, but I haven't seen it. I generally don't like Oscar nominated movies because they are either boring or preach a world view that I do not share. I did see two of the nominated movies this year, but only because they were "free" on Netflix: The Marriage Story and The Irishman. I didn't care for The Marriage Story, but I thought Scarlett Johansson's acting was incredible. The Irishman was long and boring at times (It could have used a good editor) but again, the acting was great and the overall message was good.

    1. I just didn't feel like there was a point to the movie.. it just seemed to drone on. I was a bit leery of watching it because it was an Oscar nominated movie and I find that I typically don't enjoy them either. I can't say it was awful it just didn't grab my attention. I only got part way through the Marriage Story and didn't finish it... I know my husband watched Joker and told me I made a good call in not watching I since it was just downright strange and not the sort of story plot line I would have liked.

  11. Yo had a busy week! Sorry to hear the food on your date night wasn't very good. I have a hard time staying up for movie nights as well! Homemade flatbreads sound delicious!

    1. I always thought it was odd that my mom feel asleep when we were watching movies at home and now that I'm a mom-- I totally get it!

  12. Sounds like a great week! But how disappointing that your date night dinner was a dud! I made homemade pizza for Valentine's day and pizza is just a hard meal to photograph! And white chocolate raspberry cake sounds delicious!

    1. We had a re-do of our date night today and hit up Texas Roadhouse where I had a fabulous steak dinner!


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