Prime Purchases from Christmas

There is no way on Earth I could link up everything I bought on Amazon in November & December!  I did pretty much ALL of my Christmas shopping through Amazon (even most of the stocking stuffers and food stuff too!).  Instead I thought I'd share a few of my personal favorites and some of the gifts that went over really well.

It's a little bit scary to think just how much I spend on Amazon... whenever I click over to see my orders and see "86 orders placed in the last 6 months" my heart jumps a bit.  But I can not deny that I hop on there to order small little thing all the time-- like soap, paper for the printer, or even tape.  It saves me so much time driving to the store that I just can no longer imagine not being a prime member!

Anyhow... back to my original post!  I'm trying to give a quick re-cap of some of our favorite items I bought around Christmas time & figured I would just pick up where my last Prime Purchases post left off.

I bought a few of these shadow box frames to make some fun Christmas crafts and I just loved how they turned out; the frames were nice and sturdy and well made too.

You can read about how I made them here
I bought some large storage bins with lids so I could clean out both my & my husband's closets.  We have so many outgrown clothes it was hard to see what we had that did fit.  These fit perfectly on the top shelf of our closets; out of the way and yet accessible if we ever need them again.

I bought a Boho Bandeau on another bloggers recommendation for my niece and I am pretty sure I'll be breaking down to buy one for myself!  These things are so versatile!

Most of my nephews are gamers (like my guys!) and we found them some cute gamer socks (like this pair) and some cute gamer tee's too-- Like this one & this one.

Another fun gift for another nephew (I have 8 of them all under 16!) was the Hookey game.  Another blogger had this on their teen boy gift list and I just thought this was a perfect game!  Kind of like darts but less dangerous and moms & dads wont have to worry about holes in the wall!

I bought this pretty necklace for one of my nieces (I have 3 under the age of 13).  I was really impressed with the packaging and the quality of it too.  It really would make a good gift for any age and not just a teen/tween and it comes in every letter of the alphabet.

I bought the boys and myself some snowshoes; Alec/ Evan/ & I have these but I needed something a bit heavier duty for Ian so I bought him these.  I can not wait to get out in the snow and try them out!  I hope they hold up well.  I debated for so long about which ones to buy and what features we wanted.

I bought a few things with Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals online too-- like these glass food storage containers.  We're trying to cut back on plastic in our house and especially with storing leftovers we're going to pop in the microwave.  I wanted some glass containers and these are perfect sized for all our leftovers.  So much so I have plans to buy another couple of sets!

I also bought us a new set of salt and pepper shakers; I love that these fit into their own little caddy and that the bottoms are see-through so I know when they need to be refilled before they run out (and they refill from the top so I don't end up with salt and pepper everywhere!).

I saw an amazing deal on this Canon camera and my husband told me to buy it! It came with a free year of Adobe too and I have been wanting a "real" camera.  Plus my old one is broken and the batteries keep popping out at the worst times.  I also splurged on buying a book to go with it and a fun crystal glass sphere.

Ian adores his new chair.  He wanted an office type chair for his room and I found this high backed one on Black Friday that sounded nice and soft with padded arm rests too. He put it together first thing Christmas morning and just LOVES it!  

I bought a lot more other little things here and there too but these were some of the highlights.  Did you do much Amazon shopping last month?

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  1. Great buys! I am slowly getting rid of more plastic too, I never heat in it, but also just want it gone!

    1. I feel like it is just everywhere! But I'll just keep plugging away slowly... sort of how I am approaching the swap out of all our cleaning products for more clean/ plant based options too.

  2. I have been looking at the Boho Bandeaus, there are so many choices!

    1. I had such a hard time picking a pattern; they're all so pretty.

  3. I don't know what I'd do without my Amazon purchases, especially when you can things the same day. I may not agree with all of Amazon's policies but when you are stuck in the house, they can be a lifesaver.

  4. I have the same glass containers and I love them. They can go right from the oven to the table to the refrigerator. When I bought them I bought the glass and the plastic versions, since the kiddos are still young and will most definitely drop and break them. I just returned the office chair I bought from Amazon because the wheels didn’t sit right in the frame. Also, I restocked all of my journaling pens and markers for 2020 from Amazon. Seriously, what did we do before Amazon?

    1. I was worried about breakage in our house since we have concrete countertops but so far so good... I won't be at all surprised if I'm the first one to break one. I tend to be a bit klutzy. I was just saying this morning that we needed to get some more pens (on Amazon of course) since we all like the same brand and we're running low.

    2. Those containers are the worst when they break, the glass chunks are huge! Which seems like a good thing since you don’t have to hunt around for little shards, but there are also little shards! The big shards lull you into a sense of security that you’ve cleaned it all. Or maybe that’s just me, lol.

    3. Good to know... I find no matter what size chunks of glass we have we are finding pieces for weeks after.

  5. ...I hope that you have fun using your crystal glass sphere, I enjoy mine.

    1. I've only used it once so far and it was a lot of fun!

  6. I have that camera and love it. Great finds this month. And I have that glass storage set too. It seems easier to keep up with the lids to the glass set than to all the random plastic containers I have. Thanks for linking up with Hello Monday and Prime Purchases! Tanya - The Other Side of the Road

    1. I think it's easier to keep track of those lids too (and know which container they go to)!

  7. Glad to be reminded to use my glass food storage rather than the plastic. I just grab the grubby ole Rubbermaid every time. Going to check out your link.

    1. I still reach for the plastic 1/2 the time but I am getting better... I need more sizes of containers still though if we truly want to switch out most of our plastic.

  8. I did most of my shopping from Amazon this year too. It's just so much easier, and usually cheaper too. I also gave out a couple of Amazon gift cards. :) You got lots of great things! I'm sure everyone was happy with their gifts.

    1. I gave a few Amazon gift cards and received quite a few too!

  9. You scored big shopping Christmas on Amazon! I have been looking at the glass storage containers and ended up buying a set similar that were not glass. I've loved how they fit in our drawer so well so I'm thinking next time I'm going with the glass. Thanks for linking up with Style Six!


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