Friday Favorites: The Week We Went to Ikea

We had a busy week this week with something planned for every single day before the week even started.  Luckily we got everything on our list done.  We spent lots of time with family and friends and even completed quite a bit of schoolwork too.

Friday, I made a scrapbook page early in the morning then followed it up with a 30 minute stability ball workout; it was a wonderful way to start the day!  The boys completed their schoolwork quickly and Ian worked on a new chemistry experiment about chromotagraphy.  It was really neat to see the colors spreading out and moving up the paper.  In the afternoon I FINALLY took Alec for some x-rays his Dr. had ordered back in October (no nothing was broken; they just want a look at his spine, so it was OK I dragged my feet).  We had to drive into the city and navigate the hospital campus; with three parking garages, a few other parking lots, and 1/2 a dozen buildings sprinkled around it is not for the faint of heart.  It took us way longer to navigate where we needed to go than the actual procedure which took about 2 minutes.  No line, no waiting and I am so happy to have that behind us. Definitely a favorite to have that weight lifted off my shoulders.

It was such a beautiful day on Saturday that I had the younger two boys join me on a nice 45 min - hour long hike through the woods.  Partly sunny and 60 doesn't happen often in New England in January!  I also got another couple of scrapbooking pages done.

I had the best time on Sunday!  In the morning my husband and I went to his aunt and uncle's house and the next things I knew 3 or 4 hours had gone by.  We had such a wonderful time catching up with one another.  We just don't get to see them often enough.  Then we headed home, had a quick lunch, picked up the house, and got ready to host some company.  My brother and his family came over around 2 and stayed right through dinner (take out pizza!).  We had a wonderful time visiting, laughing, playing, and learning.  My sister in law taught me to "knit" a hat using a loom and I am hooked.. though I haven't completed a hat yet.  Alec taught their daughter to make loom band bracelets using the loom and we gifted all our loom band kits and supplies to her. She was so excited!  We had an older outgrown bike of Evan's that was perfectly sized for their boys so we gifted that off too.  We already have plans in the work for a Phase 10 game night.

The boys and I had planned a shortened day of schoolwork on Monday because we were meeting our hiking group at a new park and it was quite a drive.  We finished up our schoolwork in under two hours and piled in the car.  It was a bit chilly but it was so nice to get out and see so many of our friends. We hiked for an hour and a half and saw lots of cute painted rocks and even a few beaded projects hanging from the trees.

Alec had karate on Tuesday and my mother in law offered to take him so she could watch him. I stayed home with the other two and finished up our schoolwork as well as our latest puzzle.  After class we had plans to meet up with Alec and my MIL at Dunkin Donuts for what always turns into the boys' lunch and then I wanted to get the entire upstairs (including bathrooms) all cleaned up.  We were so productive working together!

Alec had a very early orthodontist appointment on Wednesday and then we were going shopping and out to lunch.  Typically Alec picks a trip to Barnes and Noble and lunch at Panera to celebrate his birthday but this year we are trekking to our "local" Ikea.  We've never been to an Ikea since it's a good hour and a half away but we are looking for a rolling cart for the kitchen so he can store all his baking supplies in one place. Sadly, it was a bust!  We did get some delicious cinnamon buns though so it wasn't a total waste of gas and time.  On the way home we stopped at a Christmas tree shop and had lunch at Outback.  All in all it was still a great day together (and we found a rolling cart on Amazon that is just what we were picturing!).

Thursday we finished up our schoolwork and Alec made some vanilla/chocolate swirled cupcakes.  We're leaving them unfrosted and decorated so the few friends he's having over tomorrow can decorate their own.  We also cleaned the whole downstairs and worked on some schoolwork.

How was your week?


  1. Oh those cupcakes- yum! Have a great weekend!

  2. IKEA is far for us too and I never really find anything. Those swirl cupcakes look so good. I hope you have a great weekend xo

    1. I was pretty bummed but did think it would have been great when we were building or just starting out.

  3. So IKEA is one of my happy place stores but it didn't used to be. We are really fortunate to have THREE IKEA's within an hour of where we live. I used to dread going to one of the stores because of where it was located (traffic, crowds etc) but then they built one closer to us and it is heavenly. Not crowded, one floor, and the restaurant area is very calming and peaceful. I head up there for a "field trip" with Ellie occasionally or with friends or family as well. I can also walk out of there spending less than $50 and redo an entire room HA!

    1. That's awesome; there are two Ikeas that are both an hour and a half away from us. I had heard so much about them but had no idea what they were like. Those cinnamon buns were well worth the drive though.

  4. My family was loving that warm New England weekend too! :) We love Ikea and I actually have had my eye on that little kitchen cart featured in your photo! A great store with great prices.
    Have a wonderful weekend!

    1. We ultimately decided it was just too small for his needs, but I did think it was so cute.

  5. IKEA is one of my son's choices for his 18th birthday out of town trip. He loves that store and we are thinking of having a lighting shopping spree. Your week looks marvelous.
    Blessing, Dawn

  6. Can't believe you've never been to Ikea! Did you go to the one in NJ?

    1. No there is one on the shore in Ct that we went to.

  7. I'm glad the xray looked ok. Too bad about not finding the cart at Ikea, but Amazon for the win! Have a wonderful weekend!

    1. We just assembled it last night and he LOVES it! Good old Amazon.

  8. How on earth do you lose weight with such an accomplished baker in the house? The cupcakes look yummy! I've never been to Ikea...(hangs head shamefully).

  9. I have never been to an Ikea...The closest one is in Phila and I do not want to drive into the city just to go there...Looks like you had quite a lovely week!! Even if it did involve sitting in waiting rooms which is something that I truly hate...Thanks so much for stopping by!!! I am getting used to my new camera...I stuck to the same brand as I had before so hopefully, it would be easier getting used to....I still use my old camera in a hurry as it is smaller and quicker to use....I hope you have a great weekend ...we are supposed to get 5-6 inches of snow tomorrow!!

    1. That's how I felt; I am not a fan of city driving and both of the ones near-ish us are right in the middle of rather large cities. We're supposed to be getting quite a bit of snow this weekend too.

  10. I love going to Ikea, but we don't have one near us, so we don't go often. Those cupcakes look really good. And so does that dessert your son had. I love a good hike and we haven't been on one in a long time.

    1. It's been amazing that we are still able to hike almost weekly this far into our winter.

  11. What a fun week! I need to start working on my scrapbooks. Those cupcakes look super yummy and I like the idea of letting friends decorate them.


    1. They had so much fun decorating their cupcakes. We had three different kinds of sprinkles and 4 colors of frosting for them to choose from.

  12. Ikea drives me nuts! It's just too overwhelming for me and always so darn crowded. Gimme Target any day! Have a super weekend!

    1. We were really lucky that it was not at all crowded in the middle of the week but I did find it overwhelming for sure.

  13. I love Ikea. Your baking looks so yummy and such fun walks : ) Thanks so much for sharing your post with us at Welcome To The Weekend Blog Hop. Have a great weekend and I hope to see you on Monday.

  14. What a lovely week! Those cupcakes look amazing and such a lovely idea to let Alec and his friends decorate them together.
    Oh, Ikea! I LOVE that place. I think I am due a visit! ;) x #MMBC

  15. I love to go to Ikea to view all the showrooms and get ideas, but I never buy anything big there. I usually buy food items and small decor items. I also love their restaurant.

    1. We definitely bought some food items; funny enough that's all we ended up buying at the Christmas Tree shops that day too! I guess we were hungry and in a snacking mood.

  16. Looks like a great week. Love that you all went on a 45 minute hike. Have a great weekend, and I hope that birthday party gets to happen.

  17. What a busy and fun week! How fun that the kids are having such great learning experiences. Yes, I would have gotten out in that kind of weather too.
    So nice to meet you and good luck with the giveaway! I can't wait to see who wins - very, very lucky!


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