Friday Favorites: The Week We Made All Those Harry Potter Recipes

We had a full week of schooling; even if we did shorten most of our lessons each day.  We squeezed in some exercise and some outdoor time as well as lots and lots of baking.

I had a hair appointment in the afternoon on Friday so I spent part of my morning preparing a casserole for dinner (Alec's favorite chicken, broccoli, and rice casserole) while the boys worked on their schoolwork at the kitchen table.  I also found time to work on a few birthday cards and got all the bills paid.  I felt so productive! I did call the doctor's office about a few questions I had concerning my post-op recovery but they assured me what I'm going through is normal but I did decide not to do any exercising for a few days.

Saturday Alec helped me tackle our pantry re-do.  I'll have a full blog post up soon but I am loving how it's turning out so far (I did run out of bins and had to order more).  We also got rid of a lot of stuff we've been storing in the pantry and I'm planning to move some items out of our cabinets and into the pantry to free up space there... seems like one organization project always leads to another.

The rest of my bins cam in on Sunday so I finished up my pantry and I LOVE it so much.  Seriously, it just makes me smile each time I see it.  I finished reading my latest book and started another; I took on a 52 book challenge for 2020 and I'm trying to branch out with my reading style just a bit.  I tackled the laundry and helped Alec start on his next Harry Potter recipe.

We had a shortened day of school planned for Monday since I had my two week re-check.  I knew I was going to be cleared for all activities since I was feeling so good.  I even braved a short Pilates workout in the morning.  My re-check went great and we ended up meeting up with some friends an hour later to go hiking.  We spent a good 45 minutes to an hour hiking.  We had some flurries off and on all morning but it was great to get out of the house and get moving!

My new Victoria Emerson wrap bracelets came in (thanks for sharing the 2 for 1 sale Shaeffer!) and I couldn't wait to wear them on Tuesday.  I took Alec to karate and then we ran quite a few errands.  We ended our afternoon with the house smelling heavenly as Alec baked up some jam tarts from the Harry Potter Cookbook.  I don't even like jam and I could not wait to try one!  They were delicious.

We woke to snow on Wednesday; just a light dusting that covered the ground and made everything look pretty.  Alec started his morning baking up one last recipe from the Harry Potter cookbook making come crème filled cookies. I worked on a few scrapbook pages in the afternoon after the boys were all done with their schoolwork.

We had another short day of school planned for Thursday; I've been trying to strategically pick different subjects to work on each day this week so hopefully by Friday we've at least covered every single subject once.  Alec was heading out for an early birthday lunch and shopping trip with his grandmother and the other two boys were coming out to lunch with me and my mom for her birthday.  My mom settled on Uno for her birthday lunch and we enjoyed a delicious lunch of pizza, salads and decadent desserts.


  1. Everything looks incredible! From your organized pantry to your beautiful new VE bracelets to those yummy little pies! Have a super sweet weekend

  2. I love all those HP recipes, and am glad you're feeling better. Your pantry!!! It looks awesome!

    1. Thank you. It is such a relief to like my old self again.

  3. Fun baking and the pantry looks amazing! Love the bracelet too!

    1. I am in love with my pantry so much and even better that it seems to be working for everyone so it's staying nice and neat too!

  4. Wow, your pantry looks great! That is tops on my list for 2020...And this pies. Yum!

    1. Thanks!! Mine had been driving me nuts for awhile and I am just loving it now. Those pies were amazing; and I don't much like fruit pies at all.

  5. Your life is so cozy and lovely. It makes me smile.

    Also, your son covering his face from the sun is making me laugh. :)

    1. Even funnier, he asked to switch with my mom (who was originally sitting there!). He was cold and said he'd rather block the sun from his eyes and enjoy it's warmth.

  6. Your pantry looks amazing! I feel inspired to go clean mine out! :) What Harry Potter cook book are you using? There's so many options!

    1. It's called "The Unofficial Harry Potter Cookbook" (It was bright purple with a gold cauldron on the front).

  7. I am decluttering if it kills me this year. And the first room is probably the least cluttered...the kitchen. I arrange my cans and boxes pretty well in the pantry but have to admit, your bins look fabulous. How did you group what went into each bin? And do the little tags tell you what is in each one? I see you are doing the same decluttering and organizational challenge I am doing. We had a new baby this week, so I haven't gotten very far on my kitchen but look out next week.

    1. The tags are labels. It took me a few tries to get the bins grouped but mostly I kept like with like. One bin for pasts, one for rice/grains, one for crackers, etc. I have a much more detailed post on the 21st that talks about how I did it all (in one day!).

  8. Your pantry looks amazing and so do those jam tarts! I'll have to see if I can find that Harry Potter cookbook at the library. It would be be fun!

    1. Thank you! The reason we made two recipes from the cookbook this week was that it was due back at our library. We try to get almost all of our books from our local library.

  9. Your beautifully organized pantry makes me smile too!! I haven't read any of the HP books, but I bet I could eat those jam tarts all day long. They look so yummy!

    1. They were so yummy! We only made 6 but they didn't even make it 24 hours in the house.

  10. Awesome. I am glad your two week re-check went well and that you are on the mend. Great pies. They look so good. Your pantry is a delight.
    Blessings, Dawn

  11. Your cards are so cute, and those pies look so yummy! You are so lucky to have someone else in the family who likes to cook.

    1. Thank you! I sure am. I love that he's even been asking to help with dinner.

  12. I kind of need you to organize my pantry and life..... cooking would be nice too :) Happy you had a lovely week and look at all of that snow! We are sunny and in the 60's here. Which is cold for Southern Az!

    1. LOL! I love organizing and cooking. :)

      I actually had to look back because I was thinking all of what snow? Normally we'd have at least a few feet by now. It's weirdly warm and sunny here today-- 60 and sunny! Ha. We aren't even wearing coats or anything. I won't complain though because I much prefer this to snowstorm after snowstorm.

  13. WOW!! It sounds like you were definitely a woman on a mission...My Word for this month is Productivity and I intend to be very productive this month!! Thanks so much for stopping by!!

    1. I am really focused on productivity lately too. Good luck with your month!

  14. What a lovely week you all had. I love your pantry! I am also in the middle of organising my kitchen cupboards. I've bought some storage today to sort them out! :) #MMBC

    1. Luckily I only need to organize a few of the cabinets and not all of them as I do tend to keep on top of things-- mostly it's the Tupperware/ plastic cabinet that always seems to be out of control.

  15. I love love love little pies and your pantry made me drool! #MMBC

  16. I love your pantry - reorganising a space always makes me feel happier somehow so I totally get what you mean. It sounds like you've all had a busy week too! #MMBC

  17. Oh my goodness! You're pantry is amazing! It looks so organised.
    The snow looks so pretty.
    It sounds like you had a great week x


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