Friday Favorites: Happy New Year!

It has felt like such a weird week and I think I spent most of it not really knowing what day it even was!  As much fun as I've had these past few weeks I think a small part of me is very happy to get our normal routine going again.  I hope you all had a wonderful holiday and I wish you and your families a happy and healthy new year.

I had every intention of taking it nice and easy on Friday... but ended up cleaning out my closet, the utility room, and FINALLY finished putting all the Christmas gifts away.  I did sit at my crafting desk for a few hours and worked on some scrapbook pages, cards, and Cricut projects. I figured if I was busy I might actually sit pretty still and rest! I managed to make it almost the whole day without taking any Motrin and I took that as a real good sign that I was healing nicely. After dinner my husband and the boys brought up all the Christmas totes and began packing away the tree and ornaments.  It's always so sad to see it go; I just love the lights but as we have to move furniture out of the room for the whole month to make room for the tree it is nice to have seating for everyone once again.

This photo is part of a two page spread on Evan's Birthday.. but I didn't finish the other page yet

Saturday and Sunday we packed away all the rest of the Christmas decorations and cleaned the whole house.  I helped with a room or two and then rested while the guys did all the rest of the work.  A girl could get used to this!  We got the grocery shopping done and I spent a lot of time reading, resting, and relaxing.  The boys and I started watching Instant Hotel on Netflix; we were hooked after just a few episodes.

It was a cold, rainy, & icy Monday and other than a quick trip to the library we had a pretty quiet day at home.  I worked on the blog and began reading my latest book-- The Perfect Dress.

My mother in law took the older two boys out to breakfast on Tuesday while I worked on getting a lasagna going in the crock pot.  I also made some homemade bread in my new bread maker and started a new family puzzle. With such large pieces and only 300 of them at that I'm sure we'll be finished up in no time.

Evan has been dying to use his Barnes and Noble gift card so he convinced me to take him shopping on Wednesday.  We had a great time; just the two of us.  We even ended our shopping trip with a little slice of cheesecake!  YUM!  We popped into Target and Kohl's too but were home by lunchtime.  Good thing too as I was in a lot of pain the rest of the day; so I took some Motrin and rested on the couch with a heating pad until dinner.   My doctor had told me to expect to feel better within 24 hours and a week at the most but here we are 9 days later and I'm still not quite there yet.

We had our first day back at school on Thursday.  I don't think either myself or the boys were all thrilled to pull those books back out but I tried to keep our work load a bit lighter and just ease into our routine.  I started my day with a light yoga workout and finished up the puzzle.  We had a great day of school and even went for a walk in the afternoon. We talked a bit about our Disney trip and what they each hope to see/do so I know where to focus most of my planning.  We pulled out some of our old Disney trip albums so I could refresh their memories since they really don't remember all that much from 6 years ago.

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  1. Yes, I'm always a bit sad to haul the tree out and start putting away the decorations, but then the reward is a cleaner and more spacious look. It's time....

    1. That is a great reward isn't it? It always prompts me to start cleaning and decluttering other areas of the house too.

  2. Looking forward to getting back to a routine next week. I have enjoyed the break though and done a great job on my closet this week. Weeding out things out.

    1. I really enjoyed our break and somehow putting away our tree and Christmas décor always spurns me on to clean out all the closets and drawers! I just love how clean and organized everything looks... until the next year.

  3. I can so relate to not know what day it is! I've been off work since the Friday before Christmas and this week the days all started running together. Your scrapbook pages look amazing! Happy weekend! Hope you get lots of rest and feel better soon.

  4. We are going to take down the tree this weekend. It’s been so nice having the house full of decorations but I’m ready to get it back in order. We had 12 people here for a week and as you can imagine, the house is in rough shape. I am determined to get this place to the point where I’m not spending as much time cleaning on the weekends in 2020.

    I’m glad to hear you are on the mend, and hope you aren’t in pain much longer! I’m glad the boys are taking care of things!

    1. Wow! !2 people for a week? That sounds like a lot.. I bet the house feels nice and spacious now.

    2. It was amazing having the house full, but yes all of a sudden this house feels huge!

    3. How wonderful to be surrounded with so much family for the holidays.

  5. I love the scrapbook pages that you worked on. And that is a great puzzle. I need to get back into puzzles again. Happy New Year!

    1. Thank you! I enjoy puzzles so I mostly put them out for myself but the boys are encouraged to help if they want.

  6. Our tree came down today. I hate putting it away (the actual work of undecorating, not that's it gone).

    Love your scrapbook pages, I need to focus on more decorative pages and not cramming so many photos on each page.

    1. I don't like the actual work of packing away any of the holiday decorations... funny but I never really seem to mind dragging them out nearly as much as putting them away. I have a hard time narrowing down the photos for my scrapbooking pages but I did realize a few years ago that I do like how much less cluttered they look when I can manage it.

  7. I hope you feel all better soon! Love the one on one Barnes and Noble trip!

  8. How fabulous that Evan was excited to go to a bookstore!! Precious. You are parenting right!!

    Yay for spending a little time scrapbooking. I just Skyped with my sister and got a page done and another laid out. Working on my daughter's wedding from 2012. Yikes!!

    Great job on the jigsaw. I have always dreamed (and tried a couple of times) to leave a puzzle out and work on it when I have a few free moments. But we have tap-dancing kitties who choose to chase the puzzle pieces all over the house. Maybe someday.


    1. Thank you! It warms my heart to see any of my boys reading since I just love reading so much.

      How fun to skype and scrapbook together!

      Our puzzle days didn't work so well with our kitty around either until he was finally old enough that he just didn't seem to care.


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