Sentence a Day in November

What a busy whirlwind of a month we had!  I felt like I spent most of time shuttling everyone to doctor, dentist, and orthodontic appointments but we still managed to squeeze in lots of fun times.

1.  We had a wonderful time exploring the Fire Museum.

2.  My husband and I had a memorial service to attend; it was amazing to see the turnout at this wonderful (98 year old!) woman's service.

3. It was a beautiful day so we scrapped all our plans and headed out on a 2 1/2 hour hike before my husband and I headed out for a date night.

4.  The kids and I met some friends at Purgatory Chasm for a nice hike.

5. I spent the afternoon on the phone getting everything squared away with doctor's appointments and field trips, etc.

6.  The boys and I took a trip to a local park to take in a brisk walk.

7.  Ian had his wisdom teeth removed and I took the morning to swap over to a new blog!

8.  Evan had his annual physical and then we went grocery shopping together where I treated myself to some pretty flowers.

9.  I worked on some Christmas crafts (you can read about how I made it here).

10.  I worked in my craftroom most of the day finishing up my cards, signing them all, addressing them all, and getting them ready to be mailed.

11. The boys tackled just about every single subject today and we still finished by lunch so the younger boys and I could head our for a hike with our friends.

12.  We spent a yucky, rainy, snowy day at home (after Alec's a.m. karate class) and I caught up on some reading and housework.

13.  After tackling some schoolwork the boys, myself, and my mother headed out to Get Fired Up to work on some more glass fusion crafts.

14.  Evan and I had dental check ups and cleanings and we're all clean for another 6 months.

15.  I spent a good portion of my day ordering Christmas gifts on-line and I only have a few left to get!

16.  We took the whole family out to Bass Pro to stock up on winter gear then enjoyed a leisurely dinner together at Olive garden where we had a whole little alcove room to ourselves!

17.  A quiet day spent grocery shopping and tackling household chores.

18.  The boys finished up their schoolwork in record time so we headed out for a "field trip" to the movies to see Playing With Fire.

19.  We met my mother in law for a very late breakfast/early lunch at Dunkin Donuts after Alec's karate class.

20. After a failed attempt to get x-rays, the boys and I went to Outback Steakhouse for lunch and home depot afterwards to pick out some new flooring tiles.

21. We went hiking with our hiking group in the morning and I got a much needed haircut in the afternoon.

22.  I had two doctor's appointments in the morning and then I drove Evan over to Get Fired Up to pick up our glass fusion projects.

23.  We emptied Evan's room, ripped up all the carpeting and installed laminate flooring.

24.  We all worked together to really deep clean the whole house.

25.  The younger boys and I went for a nice long walk to the local park.

26.  It was another beautiful day today so Evan and I went for a walk together.

27.  Alec made some caramel blondies and we cleaned the house one final time to get all ready for Thanksgiving.

28  Happy Thanksgiving!

29.  We decorated the whole house for Christmas (check back tomorrow for my Christmas home tour).

30.  We spent a quiet day at home where I worked on getting a few weeks worth of blog posts prepared. 


  1. Wow you guys installed flooring, out the room back together, deep cleaned and put up on Christmas all in a few days, you are my hero. Also those hikes, so pretty!!!

    1. LOL! It was exhausting but totally worth it... though we did decide next time the flooring will be a two day job and that boy will just have to bunk in with a brother for the night.

  2. You had such a beautiful November pretty lady!

  3. What a great November! Loved this sentence a day post. That new flooring looks so good! Have a great week!

    1. Thank you! I am loving the new flooring so much and can't wait to get around to doing the other two boys' rooms.

  4. Lovely photos. Looks like you all had a great time. Thanks so much for sharing your post with us.

  5. Replies
    1. Thank you! I was so thrilled with how it turned out I made another one.

  6. Sounds like a very busy month. Is the Sentence a Day a part of a meme? It sounds intriguing.

    1. Fellow bloggers Foxy's Domestic Side & Is This Mutton host a monthly link up where bloggers capture their month one sentence (or a few short sentences) each day.

    2. Jeanne, if you are interested in joining us for Sentence a Day, please let me know. I send out the link-up codes each month and would love to have you join us. Thank you!!

  7. I always enjoy the things you do as part of the boys' education. The glass infusion was a great project and the results are lovely. Fun to see how each son created something completely unique and their own.
    You have the best places to hike!! And it seems you guys enjoy blondies quite often. I am always reminded of a childhood friend's mother who baked them for our after school snacks when I was in 3rd and 4th grades.
    Have a question about the flooring. Is your house one story? Is your son's room on the first floor? I would like to pull up our carpet upstairs and put in tile or laminate or wood (when our ship comes in) but we were told that it might be too heavy since our foundation was not poured with that additional weight in mind. Your new flooring is gorgeous. So warm and clean looking!! Love it!!

    1. My middle son loves to bake and I try to hold him off to one sweet treat every 2 weeks... but that doesn't always work. With the basement, it's actually a 3 story house. The laminate flooring we chose actually feels much, much lighter than the carpets we ripped up but we did build our house and knew ahead of time our structural beams would be steel reinforced so our foundation is quite thick. I can not wait to get the other boys' room done now!

  8. How do you fit so much into your months? I'm always amazed at what you fit in. The revamped bedroom looks lovely, I can't believe you managed to do the flooring so fast - when my husband just did the entrance hallway it seemed to take quite a few days!

    1. Haha! I have no idea. We do like to squeeze the most out of every day I guess. I never thought we could possibly get a one room done in a day and truthfully we probably should have spaced it out over two days as it was quite late by the time we finished and boy was my back sore the next day!


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