Holiday Wrapping; How I Keep Everything Organized

I wish I had a wrapping station. I used to have a big, beautiful craft room and I had all my wrapping supplies for all season close at hand with a big table set up in the room on which to do all my wrapping.

Sadly, a few years ago I had to give up that room so we could re-work our heating system and it is now our utility room.   I do have a few shelves in there where I can keep my all my wrapping but I no longer have the space to actually wrap.

I keep all my Christmas gift bags, ribbon, and tissue paper in one large tote; this makes it easy to transport, saves it in case of water damage, and keeps all the things I use together on hand.

I have a separate tote with some of the more unusual shaped boxes, my gift tags, premade bows, and lots and lots of tape stored right next to it.

All the long rolls of wrapping paper are stored in the corner of the room in a (new and clean!) garbage can.

When the end of November rolls around I tend to stack the two totes and two or three rolls of paper in my bedroom so I have everything on hand to wrap as gifts arrive.  I like to wrap while watching TV so I often set up a nice sturdy card table in the room and use that to actually wrap gifts on.

How do you keep all your holiday gift wrapping supplies organized? 


  1. I don't keep it organized and it drives me nuts! Well I do the supplies somewhat buy they are all stores in various place where we have space, I really need to do better with that. I love the garbage can idea for the rolls, brilliant!!!!! Also, I think I would like Logan and I to watch a xmas movie and wrap. Like a date night ☺️

    1. I tried wrapping with my husband one year but soon found our ideas of wrapping are not at all the same! I much prefer to do it myself but I enjoy wrapping and it gives me time to relax during this hectic season.

  2. Usually, I am done with my wrapping right now but I’m panicking as I have not wrapped one thing! Super good tips you use my friend!

    1. I have everything that has arrived wrapped so far but I am waiting on a lot of gifts to come in-- hopefully soon! My goal is to have it all done by the 20th.

  3. My goal is to have a wrapping station at some point! It was a pretty big step for me to stop wrapping things on the floor, and move to a table, where I'm not hunched over with an aching back.

    Last year I bought a ton of paper at the end of the season for 60% off, and I actually put them all in one centralized place so that I would remember them this year. I ordered a storage box off of Amazon, it's a tall cloth-like container that has dividers to hold 12 rolls. Once we get everything out of the garage, and get the office done, I'm thinking we'll keep it in there. Though I"m not entirely sure yet. I've never had a garage, so I'm not sure how we'll utilize the space once everything is cleaned out.

    1. It took me years (and a suggestion from my husband) before I moved away from wrapping things on the floor... it's so much easier to use a table! I always buy my wrapping paper at the end of each season (and typically ribbons, bows, and tape an all that stuff too). I just can't see paying full price for something that is almost immediately going into the trash pile.

  4. You are way more organized that we are. We keep all of our wrapping supplies in the basement and they are in desperate need of some organization. I need to throw out all the random scraps I ahve saved over the years. Maybe after the holidays this year!

    1. I was just sitting here thinking that after the holidays I need to go through not just my Christmas but also my birthday wrapping supplies and get rid of old gift bags, scraps, and mushed/broken boxes that we're not using anymore.

  5. it's a great solution. I have a big beautiful craft room as well, but no wrapping station. Although now that I think of it, I might know where I could put a station in my craft room.

    1. Oh I would have a wrapping station set up for sure if I had the space... Lindsay of Lindsay's Sweet World has an amazing wrapping station with everything organized just so for all the occasions.


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