Fall Bucket List-- How We Did

So, I know fall is not over yet and that technically winter doesn't start until Dec. 22nd but since my thoughts are turning more to holiday fun and I've already shared my Christmas bucket list I thought it was time to wrap this one up!

1.  Decorate the house for fall-- check!  I even wrote a post about it.

2.  Go apple picking-- Check!  We went to the orchard a few times and even bought some yummy caramel apples.

3.  Make homemade candy/ chocolate/ caramel apples- Check!

4.  Go hiking!!-- Check! We went so often I lost count of how many trips we took.  We tried out a few new places to hike as well as some old family favorites.

5.  Have a mini movie marathon one day-- Nope! We did however spent part of an afternoon binge watching the new Nailed It! Holiday edition that just came out on Netflix so I'm happy with that.

6.  Enjoy a fire in the fireplace-- Check!  The day we spent stacking wood near our basement door we got a fire going in the fireplace that very night and with all the fall décor around I could only think it was the perfect fall evening.

7.  Make a gratitude list (for each day of November)-- Check!  In fact my blog post about it will be published tomorrow so be sure to come back and check it out.

8.  Host Thanksgiving dinner-- Check!  We had a nice small gathering with just my mother and step-father so it was a nice and relaxing day and Alec really wanted to be in the kitchen helping out; which was so nice!

9.  Make pumpkin and apple desserts-- Check?!  We did make our apple pies, but since I am the only one that likes pumpkin we elected to make a different dessert instead so I'm still putting this in the check column.

10.  Go to the movies-- Check! The boys and  just went to see Playing with Fire together and it was so funny.

11.  Go on a nature scavenger hunt-- Nope! We just ran out of time for this one (and honestly? the boys were less than thrilled with this idea).

12.  Put together a puzzle-- Check?!  We started our puzzle but found that it was quite difficult with so many odd shaped pieces.  We worked on it a bit here and there until we had to clean it up to eat Thanksgiving dinner. We'll try again with a different puzzle next month.

13.  Find some more letterboxes-- Nope!  Sadly the ground froze before we got around to this; I was so bummed too as we found a few letterboxing clues that led us through our favorite Purgatory Chasm.  Guess we'll save them for the spring.

14. Take a painting class together-- Check?!  Sadly, we didn't like any of the painting class pictures they were doing this season so we talked about it and decided to try out another glass fusion session together instead.

15.  Have a family game night-- Check?!  The boys all gathered together one afternoon with some family members to play the game of Life.  It wasn't exactly what I had in mind when I added this to the list but I can not deny that they had a wonderful time making memories with other family members.

16.  Take annual photo of the boys-- Check!  We also squeezed in a much needed family photo session with a new to us photographer too.

17.  Go to the shore; we love visiting the ocean in the off season when it's less crowded and not so hot-- Check!  

18.  Go on a drive and enjoy the colors of fall!-- Check! 

19.  Listen to a fall/Halloween themed book on CD together-- Check!  We began listening to The Witch of Blackbird Pond but the boys really did not like it so we switched over to the Trials of Apollo instead... not really a fall/Halloween themed book but I'm still counting it.

20. Try out a new bike trail now that we know how to mount the bike rack-- Nope! Not even close.  I never once thought about this.  

All in all we didn't do an awful job.  We had so many more doctor's visits and appointments (and teeth removed) than we had planned on when we wrote up the list so I'm not that upset... we did manage to have lots of fun together and enjoy the season which is my whole reason for making these lists so I'm giving myself grace with not completing so many.  


  1. You accomplished so much!
    Blessings, Dawn

    1. It certainly felt that way. I do love to keep us busy.

  2. You did GREAT!!!! I would move the movie marathon to your winter bucket list! It's more fun to do that this time of year anyway, I think. :) Hope you had a great Thanksgiving!! P.S. You take beautiful photos.

    1. That is a great idea! I could definitely see us enjoying a movie marathon on a cold snowy day. And thank you! I've been working on my photography skills a lot this year.

  3. Love your family! You guys end every season with a full bucket!

    1. We sure do try to. I hope my boys learn that life is short and you just need to make the most of it whenever you can.

  4. You did great! I had take a nature walk on my fall list and never got to do it.

    1. I think we took a couple a week; trying to soak in all that nature before the snow and cold weather (which hit this weekend!).

  5. Nice work! What a productive Fall! I can't wait to see your Winter bucket list! I set one every year, and barely even scratch the surface of it.

    1. I have a much harder time with winter as I often pick "stay inside where its warm and dry" over going anywhere and doing anything!

  6. Thank you for visiting my Panoply blog post on our trip to Utah. It was such a great trip, and I hope you get to do it sometime soon. It would be a great adventure - leisure or educationally. Keep it on your bucket list! I can see from this month's accomplishments that you definitely set intentions and make them happen! Happy December and Happy Holidays!

  7. You did well overall! I like your glass fusion pieces!! Thanks so much for linking up at the #UnlimitedMonthlyLinkParty 7. Shared.


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