Visting Mount Rushmore

After our two drives through Custer State park we decided to head over to Mount Rushmore.  Mount Rushmore was the one thing that started our whole trip idea and we could not wait to see it in person! 

As you pass under the arched entrance the monument is straight ahead and tucked into the two sides are this state of Borglum and a memorial to all the workers.

Sadly, so much of what we had planned for our day on Mount Rushmore had to be scrapped because it was under construction.  I had looked so forward to seeing the avenue of flags and was so bummed that we could not go further than the gift shop.

This sign show everything that was closed.  After consulting the map we decided to get some ice cream from the shop and head over to the Sculptor's Studio.

At least I got to see most of the flags on display inside while waiting for our ice cream and I thought the lamps that looked like workers on the side of a mountain were so cute!

Once back outside we headed to the studio and talked about hiking the presidential trail... we ultimately decided not to since it was in the 90's and we read that there were a LOT of stairs to climb.

I had fun zooming in with my camera; we were told that occasionally you can see pronghorn or other animals walking along the presidents heads.

Between the 6 of us, we got all 4 flavors of ice cream to try.  Apparently you just HAVE to try Thomas Jefferson's recipe for vanilla ice cream since Mount Rushmore is the only place that uses his original recipe from 1780.   It was good but I'm honest enough to admit I need more flavor in my ice cream so all three of the other flavors were more my taste. 

Inside the Sculptor's Studio we saw what the original plan was for the monument (and ever since my 12 years old has been complaining that we paid full price to see a 1/2 finished sculpture).  We were just in time for a daily talk about the making of Mt. Rushmore.

I don't think I could imagine hanging off the side of a mountain using this!

While listening to the talk, we could still see Mt. Rushmore through the window.

Displays of the tools used to drill the holes for the dynamite.

After the talk, we headed back to the car and decided to drive into Keystone to tour a gold mine. 

Other posts from this trip include:

Driving from Denver to Cheyenne
Where we stayed in the Black Hills
Custer State Park Wildlife Loop Trail
Driving the Needles Highway through Custer State Park
Visiting the Reptile Gardens
Visiting Omaha's Henry Doorly Zoo


  1. I always wanted to go there. I’m so sorry you didn’t get to fully experience it due to construction but WOW, you got some great pictures!

    1. We really did get some great photos! There are just no bad views of such a massive carving.

  2. That's a bummer that so much of it was closed. I love that your 12 year old complained about paying full price for something that wasn't finished. So amazing!

    Were you surprised by the site of it all? I have talked to a few people who went to Rushmore and said that it was such a weird experience to see it 'in context.'

    1. I think having the avenue of flags shut down took a bit away from that awe just because you aren't as surrounded by those flags and reminders of the sheer size of our country. That said it was an amazing sight to behold.

  3. That's so annoying that it was under construction. I like your zoomed in photos!

    1. Thanks! I really wish I had zoomed in more on other features as well; once I saw how great they looked after we arrived home.

  4. Incredible close ups! I'm so sorry that part of it was under construction!

    1. It is a huge part of vacationing in the off season and we've learned to adjust our expectations and go with the flow.

  5. This is on my bucket list! That stinks that you weren't able to do everything there, though.

    1. I was so happy to cross this one off. It had been moved up to the top of our list a few years ago when my husband was sent to North Dakota (only about 4 hours away) for work and I was trying to finagle a way we could join him and take a weekend trip to Rushmore.

  6. I so want to go there some day. It looks like you all had an awesome experience even with all the construction.
    Blessings, Dawn

  7. A fun and interesting place to visit!! Thanks so much for linking up at the #UnlimitedMonthlyLinkParty 5. Shared.

  8. How disappointing that the monument/park was closed off. Still, you saw so much! We visited several years ago, and still it is a vacation my kids remember quite vividly. I'm glad you were able to make the trip - we did NOT get to try the ice cream, my kids will be so jealous!

    1. We sure did! The line for ice cream was so long since it was such a hot day and honestly I thought it just tasted like every other ice cream we've ever eaten.

  9. This is one location that's on our bucket list. My parents have gone and said it's a must do. They also loved Crazy Horse Mountain. Looks like you guys had a fun trip!

    1. We didn't get around to seeing Crazy Horse but it had been on the list of things to do in the area.

  10. How unfortunate about the construction, but it still looks like a fun trip. It's on my list of places to go someday.

  11. What a bummer that so much was closed when you were there, especially the Avenue of Flags. That's such a moving experience. But you got to see things I didn't, because when I was there I never got to the Artist Studio and I didn't know about the ice cream. There was one trail closed when we there, it was a lower trail. I'm not sure if we took the Presidential trail because I don't remember a lot of stores. It was just a path that took you closer to the monument and you looked up at them.

    1. I really wanted to see the avenue of flags but it was pretty cool to see the monument anyway.

  12. Congrats! Your post is FEATURED at the #UnlimitedMonthlyLinkParty 6.


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