October Pinterest Challenge-- Amish Friendship Starter & Bread

We were talking a lot about sourdough and Amish starter bread on our family trip last month and I just knew Alec was going to want to give this "new" recipe a try.  Truth be told, while I had heard so much about it I had never made any myself either.

Looking for a recipe I headed to Pinterest and using this pin we followed the directions to make our own Amish Friendship Bread Starter Recipe.

The premise is simple enough; you begin by mixing yeast, flour, water, sugar and milk together and then store it in a Ziploc bag, making sure to knead it every day and adding new ingredients every 5 or so days according to the directions.  At day 10 you divide the dough into more starters and bake up a batch of bread.

We gathered our ingredients.

Alec was putting the starter in a plastic bag when he was done mixing it and wanted all the directions at the ready so he printed them right on the bag.

He mixed up our dough and once it was done bubbling poured it all into his zippered bag.  He then followed the directions on the bag for the next 9 days.

On day #10 he poured the mixture back into a glass bowl and added the rest of the ingredients called for on the bag.  He then measured out three 1-cup servings of the dough starter and put them in Ziploc bags to give to a few friends and family members (this is their day #1 and the cycle starts all over again).  We used the remaining cup of dough to mix up some bread for us.

Mixing up our Amish Friendship Bread.

It smelled unbelievably good as it was cooking!  I just love cinnamon and this loaf is loaded with a sugary cinnamon sweetness that can not be beat.

I sliced a piece off before it was even done cooling off.

The bread was AMAZING! We just followed a link on the starter bread recipe to make the actual starter bread and baked up two loaves of cinnamon sweet bread.


For more Pinterest inspired projects from this month's Pinterest Challenge hosts, check out the links below ↓
Pinterest Challenge Blog Hop 

 Now, let's see what the other hosts have created ⇓⇓


  1. I've often seen friendship breads but never given them a try. Yours does look good and you say it's delicious. I'm tempted !

    1. It sure wasn't what I was expecting but I did love it (so much so that I made myself freeze the second loaf so I'd stop eating it!).

  2. Yum! This bread looks amazing. I wish I had some now with my coffee. That cinnamon on top looks so good. Your son did a wonderful job.

    1. He really did! He takes such joy in trying new recipes.

  3. It's so great when a recipe try turns out to be delicious. This looks great.

    1. It's always a relief when a new recipe is a good one.

  4. I grew up living very close to a huge Amish community in Ohio and they just have THE best recipes.
    I have seen this recipe before and have probably even eaten it but I am getting old and my memory is starting to get cloudy LMAO.

    1. I can remember visiting the Amish community in Pennsylvania many many times throughout my childhood but I am not sure if I ever had their bread. I probably did but didn't really remember it.

  5. YUMMY!! I can just smell the freshness baking in the kitchen. I am going to be making some of this for sure. Thanks for sharing.

    1. You're welcome! I hope you like it as much as we do.

  6. I love anything with cinnamon... this looks delicious! And I'm pretty sure my mom has made something similar to this.

  7. This looks like a quick bread, I wasn't expecting that big of a process for it. Do you know why it takes so long for this recipe to set? Is it because the sourdough element?

    1. We were both really surprised to realize we were basically going to end up with a quick bread too as we assumed it was going to be more like a a true sourdough bread. I really am not sure why it takes so long for the recipe to set; I know you can use it to make bread sooner and one of the main reasons to keep it going to day 10 is to get enough starter to share with friends and still have some left for yourself to start the whole process over again.

  8. Way to go Alec! My son loves to cook too. This bread looks yummy, we are certainly going to try this! Thanks for sharing :-)

    1. He is killing it in the kitchen lately! Now if only I could get him to do some cooking along with all the baking I'd be all set.

  9. Years ago, my coworkers and I were passing these around. It was a lot of fun while were were doing it, and I kind of miss it. We might have to try it again!

    1. It might just be time to start it all up again.

  10. Wow that looks amazingly moist and delicious! I wonder if this would work with gluten free flour mix??

    1. I bet it would; the recipe said it worked even with soy or almond milk in place of the milk too. It seems like a pretty forgiving process.

  11. I remember my mom making this when I was growing up! Looks delicious !

    Melissa | Little Frugal Homestead

  12. I use to make this eons and eons ago and had forgotten about it. The sourdough starter gives it a unique delicious flavour. Please tell you son it looks great and well done. Pinning.

    1. I will certainly pass your message along and thanks so much for pinning it!

  13. What a delicious bread! I love recipes like this.

    1. It really is! I can't wait to try a few other mix-in's and variations too.

  14. Pinning this so I can give it a try. Thanks for sharing!

  15. Your bread looks so tasty! I made this years ago, and I remember it being so good. For the past 17 years I’ve made bread from a starter from the Civil War.

  16. Sounds like a fun thing for kids to make, may have to give it a try myself!! Thanks so much for linking up at the #UnlimitedMonthlyLinkParty 5. Shared.

    1. He really had fun with it and from what we could tell you can add just about anything to the final loaf in place of cinnamon/sugar to get a variety of tastes.

  17. Looks yummy and I think I can almost smell the cinnamon in the air from your description! Your son might be a future chef in the making! He looks quite relaxed making this! Like a pro!

  18. I've seen this before and would love to try it. Looks like it makes a very moist bread.

  19. Looks delicious! I've done these in the past, but I don't think I've had a cinnamon one. I'll have to give it a try!

    1. I just LOVED all the cinnamon. It was such a delicious bread and a yummy way to start my day.

  20. All you had to say is "cinnamon." It looks delicious!

  21. I used to make this all the time, love it!

    1. I can see how it would get habit forming; it is so good.


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