Friday Favorites-- The Week We Finally Used our Bike Rack

I bought our bike rack at least 2 years ago and have never used it.  I had no idea how to put it on my car or even where to go biking.  I had stopped putting "use the bike rack and go for a ride" on my bucket lists because I figured we never would.  But looking for some family fun last weekend Evan suggested a bike ride and my husband was home and happy to get everything all geared up for us.  We had a great time; even if it did take longer to load the bikes and get ready than to bike the rail we picked out.

We had company over on Friday.  Ian met this boy in 1st grade and his mom and I soon became friends too.  It's wonderful to see these two boys still hanging out together after all these years living such different lives.  It was great having them over for a cookout and all of us catching up.

I put together three more scrapbooking pages on Saturday.  I had to take breaks here and there to watch the kids swim, work on laundry, and do other assorted household tasks but now I only have 3 more pages left and I'm all caught up to January of this year.

We had a fun family outing planned for Sunday.  We loaded up the bikes and took a little ride.  It wasn't all that long so we ended up squeezing in a hike too.  We had a great time and enjoyed the views tremendously (until we got a little lost!).  I am so glad I wore such comfy clothes since it was HOT and we hiked for a long time.  (I did pack sneakers and socks for biking and hiking).

The younger boys and I made tie dyed t-shirts on Monday and we were so excited to rinse them out on Tuesday to see how they turned out.  We got to work rinsing and rinsing after Alec's karate class and lunch at Dunkin Donuts with my mother in law.

I was getting my ring inspected at Kay's this week and talked to the lady about having it resized;  it's included free with our coverage and I decided to send it out since I'm not wearing it at all anymore.  It has to be sized down more than one full size and I was always so afraid I was going to lose it.

Thursday the boys and I tackled 4 more science experiments! I am determined to finish up our 100 days of science challenge before we start school again this fall.   We had lots of fun learning all about DNA and then we made some yummy homemade butter.

Strawberry DNA strands suspended in an alcohol solution

edible DNA

Butter and buttermilk
We've been cooling off most days with yummy yogurt pops by Yasso and Enlightened.  I just LOVE these and my boys are content to eat them in place of ice cream.

How was your week?


  1. It’s so pretty where you live and how nice to swim in the water. Making tie died shirts are a fun summer project. Thanks for the visit to my blog.

    1. Thank you! It is a fun summer project and I love that we get to keep all the mess outside.

  2. You look soooo good in blue!! What fun, we never use our bike rack but now I want to, lol. Happy Weekend

    1. Aw, thank you; it is one of my very favorite colors.

  3. I'll take some of that edible DNA! You live is such a beautiful's a treat to see the pictures.

    1. They loved making and testing out the DNA. I think they ate more twizzlers than they used!

  4. Biking is something I would really love to do with my husband but finding the time is so difficult. Love your outfit. That tee is so cute!

    1. Finding the time is tough; but I am so glad we finally got around to it.

  5. Bike racks are great, aren't they. I would love one so we could explore other places but we have a tiny car to fit them all on. Thanks so much for sharing your post with us at The Weekend Blog Hop. Hope you can join us today :)

    1. We can fit most of our bikes on the rack but not all; which is OK since my oldest son doesn't have a bike currently. He grew so fast we don't have a bike to fit him!


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