The Books I Read in July

I have been having such great lately picking out wonderful books to read!  Often I have at least one book each month that I just can not stand to finish reading but this summer I have not had that problem at all!

1.  Everything We Keep by Kerry Lonsdale-- I read this book before but wanted to re-read it as the author came out with two more books in the series.  Aimee's burying her fiancĂ© on their wedding day after a tragic accident in Mexico.  As she tries to pick up the pieces and move on with her life she can't shake the feeling that James is still alive and little messages from a psychic telling her James is alive isn't helping.

2.  Everything We Left Behind by Kerry Lonsdale-- The story continues being told in a dual timeline between two other main characters from the first book.  I don't want to say much and end up giving away something but if you like the first book you'll like this one too.

3.  Everything We Give by Kerry Lonsdale-- Ian, another character in the first two books is intent on finding his mother who went missing when he was younger.  Told both in the present day with flashbacks to his childhood it's an intense story about a boy being raised by a mother with multiple personality disorder.

4.  Magic Hour by Kristen Hannah-- Julia has always been a top notch child phycologist but a recent trial has left her faith shaken.  When her sister calls asking for her professional help Julia head home and encounters a child that even she is not sure she can help.  Girl has been living in the woods, in a cave, and does not know how to communicate or act in the outside world.  Julia and her sister know that the only way to get answers to any of their questions is through building a relationship with this lost girl... but at what price?

5.  The Friends We Keep by Holly Chamberlin-- Three friends from college who have lost contact with one another through the years re-connect.  Sophie is newly divorced and has just moved back to Boston where both John and Eva live and she reaches out to them trying to re-kindle their friendship.  Time has changed them though and both old and new secrets threaten to tear these three apart for good.

6. A Curve in the Road by Julianne MacLean-- When Abbie is in a car accident her entire world changes in an instant.  Perfectly happy with her life as a surgeon, married to a cardiologist she met in medical school, watching her teenage son as he prepares to leave for college she is unprepared for the aftermath of her accident. Long covered family secrets are revealed and Abbie works hard to find a new version of "normal" for herself and her family. When she begins to be plagued with nightmares so intense she believes they're real she starts to question her own sanity and wonders what else life has in store for her.  

7.  Lost Roses by Martha Hall Kelly-- I loved Lilac girls so much that when I saw the Lost Roses book I just knew I had to read it.  Set a generation and a war previous to Lilac Girls we learn about Eliza Ferriday and her Russian friends during World War I.  I had no idea that Russia was basically fighting two wars at the same time-- one against Germany alongside the allies and one within.  It was a great book.

8.  Surfside Sisters by Nancy Thayer-- Keely and her best friend Isabelle grew up together and were as inseparable as sisters.  But time, life choices, and pride tore them apart.  Now Keely is looking to return to Nantucket but knows she's going to have to face Isabelle once again. Keely misses Isabelle and can't help but wonder if they can pick up where they once left off..

9.  The Summer House by Hannah McKinnon-- With Flossy's plans to sell the family summer house she is looking forward to one last summer vacation week with all her grown children and their families under one roof.  But all three of her children are going through tough times in their lives-- Clementine, her youngest, is adjusting to being a single mom, her son Samuel and his life partner Evan are trying to recover from a failed adoption attempt, and her oldest daughter Paige seems to be struggling to hold onto her marriage.  Set in the town of Westerly Rhode Island I just loved this book for all the nostalgia it brought up for me having spent so many of my summer days in Westerly too!


  1. I read the first two by Kerry Lonsdale and I'm interested in reading the third. I also read The Magic Hour but I had to check to be sure I remembered correctly - I did read it!

    1. Lol! I'm like that too; so often they change the book covers and I'm not sure if I read it or not...

  2. I just ordered Surfside Sisters. I've been looking for another good summer read. Thanks

  3. I've been rolling through some books this last month so I'm always looking for recommendations. Thank you!

  4. Great summer reading! I've been leading a book club which has given me a bit of fiction this summer PLUS the fun of talking about it with friends!

    1. That is one of things I like best about having friends who read. We often recommend books to one another so we can talk abut them after reading.

  5. Thank you for sharing at #OverTheMoon. Pinned and shared.

  6. Nothing like a relaxing with a great book in the summer! Thanks for linking up to Best of the Weekend! You were one of my features! I will be pinning and adding to IG stories this weekend. Thanks again for joining us and have a great weekend!


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