July Pinterest Challenge-- Weight Watcher Pizza Recipe

My husband and I both began Weight Watchers back at the very end of March and have had a lot of fun trying out various recipes we've found around the web.  So many of the ones we've tried have been a huge hit with the WHOLE family!  

I just love when I can one make recipe and it satisfies everyone.  This 2 ingredient pizza dough that is Weight Watchers Friendly at only 3 or so points a serving (for the crust) it was a huge hit. 

Let's meet this month's Pinterest Challenge hosts!

Pinterest Challenge Blog Hop

My Pinterventures •  Cookies Coffee and CraftsSew Crafty Crochet   Eye Love Knots  My Sweet ThingsAcross the Boulevard Suzerspace •  Purple Hues and Me   Decorate and More with Tip  Mom Home GuideOur Unschooling Journey •  Intelligent DomesticationsCraftify My Love  •  Life Beyond the Kitchen •  K's Olympic NestTeadoddles  •  Farm Girl Reformed •  Simple Nature Décor  •  Stone Cottage Adventures

To join next month's #pinterestchallenge, click here to sign-up ⇒ August Pinterest Challenge

I mostly followed the instructions but had to adjust the recipe a tad for the ingredients we could find at our local stores and to make 6 personal sized pizzas.  

For the Dough:
1 1/2 cups plain, non-fat, Greek yogurt
1 1/2 cups self rising flour + extra for rolling out

1 can pizza sauce
1 package part skim shredded pizza cheese
1 package fat free mozzarella cheese
assorted toppings: we used turkey pepperoni, broccoli, and meatballs

In a medium bowl I combined the yogurt and flour until I had a nice smooth crust. 

Then I used a knife to cut the dough into 6 approximately equal portions.

I took out each triangle and rolled it out on a floured surface with my rolling pin; it makes a fairly thin crust and can be hard to get back up off the sheet onto the pan but in the end I thought the effort was completely worth the work.

I made sure I had parchment paper down on all my pans and put two pizzas each on a cookie sheet. When I had them all rolled out and on the pan I baked them in a preheated 450 degree oven for 5 minutes like the recipe stated.  I didn't notice them browning but could tell they had baked as the crusts shrank a bit and puffed up a little also.

I topped each pizza with 1/4 cup pizza sauce

Then I sprinkled 1/4 cup fat free cheese on each, added the toppings that each person requested and then finished each pizza off with 1/4 cup of the pizza cheese.

Then put them back in the oven for 10 more minutes.

A plain cheese pizza is just 7 points for the entire pizza and since most vegetables are zero points my broccoli and chicken pizza is also just 7 points!

The only one of these pizzas that was over 8 points was my oldest son's as he just LOVES his meatballs.  I didn't mind him eating a bit more than usual knowing the rest of the pizza was so much healthier than traditional homemade or restaurant style pizza.

I can't wait to try her recipe for one point cheesecake!

 Now, let's see what the other hosts have created ⇓⇓


  1. My post mentions Weight Watchers, too! I joined a few months ago and so far have lost 19 pounds! 'Definitely trying your recipe! pinning. -Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures

    1. I saw that! Good for you on the weight loss; I think I've lost about 22 or 23 so far.

  2. My favorite food is pizza and I am doing Weight Watchers Point Plus. Thank you so much for sharing this. you made my day!

  3. This pizza crust is really good and so easy to make. I used to do Weight Watchers and it's a great pizza recipe.

    1. It really is; I love this dough and use it for so much.

  4. This looks so delicious, easy to make and quite healthy! It's a must try for me! Thanks! Pinned!

  5. This looks good! I am pinning it. I joined WW online last week and I am having a great time finding easy recipes. These pizzas look delicious! I have been having such a hard time finding fat free mozzarella though - the hunt is on!

    1. I did too; I ended up having luck finding fat free shredded cheese at my local Walmart. So far I've only found the craft brand's mozzarella and cheddar... but I've learned to make do! :) Good luck!

  6. Sounds like a great recipe! I've never made homemade pizza, but I want to try soon!

    1. Oh we make homemade pizzas at least once a month. I like them better than take out since they're not so greasy.

  7. It's great that everyone in your family loves it! Looks tasty! Pinned.

    1. I'm always thankful to find any recipe everyone enjoys.

  8. Google Skinny Pizza Dough....so much better then 2 ingredient dough. It’s life changing! I’m a lifetime WW’er. Joined January 2017 ....made goal in sept 2017. Lost 75 lb and have maintained my weight loss for almost 2 years. Best of luck!

  9. Replies
    1. I just love that 2- ingredient dough and I have you to thank for mentioning it! :)

  10. This sounds delicious, and it doesn't sound like you're sacrificing any taste, either!

    1. We're really not; I have been trying to find tasty solutions to all our favorite recipes so I don't feel like I'm being denied all the foods I enjoy.

  11. This sounds really good - Thank you for sharing at Party In Your PJ's!

  12. I've seen this yogurt crust before, but haven't tried it yet. Is it crispy? I'm so curious :-)

    1. It is crispy when rolled out for the crust; it gets crispy on the outside and is like sour dough bread on the inside for bagels, I've even used it to top pot pie before.

  13. The dough also makes a great flatbread but I would NEVER turn down pizza!

    1. Oh I bet it would! I have not thought of using it for flatbread. I'll have to try that this week with our sandwiches!

  14. I've never heard of yogurt crust before but it looks delicious

    1. I was really surprised at how well it works; it's such a versatile dough.

  15. I'm so curious how the dough tasted. My husband and I have very different opinions on what makes a good pizza. I love thin dough so this one intrigues me. What happens to the points if it's a white sauce? I'm thinking basil, chicken, tomatoes and garlic. Gosh...I'm so hungry for some pizza now, LOL.

    1. I don't know how many points white sauce is but I'm guessing quite a few since cheese and most dairy are definitely points. However, I have found that just about anything can be made at home for much lower points than going out!

  16. I cannot get over how amazing these pizzas look!

    1. I knew when my boys didn't bat an eye that I had revamped our weekly (now every other week) pizza tradition that I had a winner. They taste just like the "real" thing!


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