A Day In the Life Post

Once summer comes we don't really have a typical day!  Half the fun of summer is relaxing and letting our days unfold as they will.  This "typical" day is based on Wednesday July 3rd.

5:00 I woke up and talked to my husband for a bit as he got ready for work then laid in bed reading my latest novel: Magic Hour by Kristen Hannah.

6:00 I finally headed downstairs to work on the blog a bit and was so surprised that I had the house to myself until 7! My kids don't really sleep later in the summer but they all love to laze around in their rooms watching TV or playing video games.

Around 7 I made my breakfast and decided to take it outside and eat in the sunshine as-- I try to do this often in the summer.

After eating I headed upstairs to shower and get dressed and ready for the day.  I made our bed and cleaned up the house.  At 8:30 I reminded the boys to eat breakfast.

By 9:30, once we were all dressed and ready for the day, I asked the boys to go outside and clean all the accumulated dirt off the patio.  We've been pressure washing the whole patio and had one area left to do but leaves and dirt were in our way.  They used the broom, rake, shovels and wheelbarrow to cart away an entire load of gunk.

Next thing I knew they were all in their bathing suits.  Ian and Evan jumped right in and began swimming while Alec sat to eat a snack and read his book.

I too settled in to read after quickly watering the flowering hanging plants and pulling a few weeds from between our patio blocks.

11:30 Evan asked me to make him lunch and finally settled on re-heating some leftovers from the night before.  As Evan was eating, my mother in law called to see if the boys wanted to go swimming with her at the cottage.  They all scrambled to get ready and headed over to see her.

11:45 I walked over to the cottage to visit with the boys and the family.  They swam, ate junk food, rode the jet ski, and played cards.

3:15 We headed home.  Evan and I walked up to the mailbox to pick up our mail while Ian headed out tubing with my mother in law.  Alec elected to play video games in the air conditioning.

3:40 Once home I settled down to book our flight and house rental for a Florida/Disney trip and lost all track of time. Ian and Evan headed out swimming in a friend's pool and I worked on the blog for just a little bit.  The boys eventually came back home and headed to their rooms until I called them to do their chores.

5:00 Ian helped me make homemade pizzas for dinner while Evan set the table.

5:30 We sat down to eat and then the boys cleaned up and did their evening chores- dishes, taking out the trash, washing up the table and counters and sweeping the kitchen floor.

6:00 My husband came home and we ran to drop off a part for some friends of ours and stopped to get ice cream.  All the boys stayed home so it was like a mini date night!

Once we got home Ian headed out tubing and then stayed on the boat to watch some fireworks.  Living on the lake we get a good week's worth of fireworks the entire week all around the 4th of July!

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  1. I love going out on the porch to eat my breakfast. What a great day. You have such a mix of all the best of summer! Your pizzas look delicious and yay for a mini date night!

    1. The last few days it's been so chilly that I haven't been able to sit outside but it is a great way to start the day.

  2. What a fun summer day! It's great you live so near the water :)

    Hope that your week is off to a good start :)

    Away From Blue

  3. I think it's so fun that you live on the lake!

  4. I love Kristin Hannah and have read several of her books.
    Your summer looks so magical so far.

  5. I don't think I'd ever leave that porch - a perfect breakfast spot! Must be so lovely to live on a lake. Sounds like a great day!

    1. Usually by mid day the sun is so bright shining off the deck that we don't have much choice. But it is the perfect spot for breakfast.

  6. What an awesome way to spend a summer day! I enjoyed reading this post very much and the pizzas look delicious! Have a blessed rest of the week! <3

  7. So fun to live on the lake! I always find it interesting to read about others days! A lot of it sounds like our house minus the lake but I do think I need to get the boys to help out more with chores!

    1. We do love living right on the lake. There's always something to see and do. My kids do a lot of chores; today they helped clean the entire downstairs and their own rooms too. It is such a huge help.

  8. Thanks for linking up at the #UnlimitedMonthlyLinkParty 2!


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