10 Things I Want to Try or Do

I had a hard time coming up with a list of things I want to try or do because typically if there's something I want to try-- I do.  I like to seize the day whenever possible and try not to put off until tomorrow what I can do right now.  That said there are some things I keep thinking I'd like to do that I do put off... thing I either don't feel the pressing need to jump in and do or things I just can't afford to do right now.

Things like:

1.  I'd love to start learning (or even re-learning) a foreign language.  My boys have started using Duolingo and it looks so fun plus I feel so worldly when I know at least a few words in other languages.

2.  When my grandmother died I got all her old paints and I have been wanting to start painting on canvas again but I have this immense fear that I've forgotten everything and won't know what or how to paint but I really, really want to try.

3.  Go to a hot air balloon festival.  I'm not one to participate in may fairs and festivals because I don't enjoy being around crowds of people but I do love hot air balloons and the thought of seeing fields of them come alive sounds like something to good to resist.

4.  White water rafting or tubing down a long lazy river in the summer. I am not normally one for thrill seeking adventure but white water rafting often looks so fun that I think I'd be ok giving it a try as long as the water wasn't freezing cold.

5.  Visit all 50 states I have started keeping a list of all the places I've been and hope to at least step foot in all 50 before I die... I have started working on this goal a bit more intentionally and have enlisted my husband's help.

6.   Get a "real" camera and take a few photography courses.  I love taking pictures and while I am pretty good I know I could be really great if I just applied myself and sucked up the cost to get some real equipment.

7.  Learn how to do stained glass. I have tried so many different crafts through the years and stained glass is one that has always fascinated me but I have no idea where to start.

8. Try my hand at writing a book.  I have always read a lot and used to love creative writing when I was in school.  I have started a few books but never really made the time to sit and work on one all the way through.

9. Horseback riding down the beach.  This is sort of a funny thing on my list since I don't really like horses or horseback riding but somehow on the beach it always looks like so much fun!

10.  Hike part of the Appalachian trail.  I am a fair weather hiker and I do not do backpacking type of hikes but I would like to take a day and hike part of the Appalachian trail.

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  1. I loved this post!! Since I am no longer working, I have been thinking of putting together a Bucket List!! After working mostly full time for over 40 years, there are a lot of things that i really want to do and a few places that I want to visit. I loved that you put some of the things that you want to do in a post and that has given me an idea!! Thanks for the inspiration and thanks for stopping by and visiting!!

  2. Great post and list.
    Blessings, Dawn

  3. Hopefully you would fulfill what you have listed, all the best..

    1. Thanks; I'm sure I'll get around to most of it eventually.

  4. I think the following slogan works best: "Just Do It!" All kidding aside, you have an amazing list of things to try! It's a great feeling to actually cross off things you've always wanted to do or see! I took a stain glass course many, many years ago when I was in my thirties and I wasn't into crafting back then like I am now. I don't know if that or age makes a difference but I still feel that creating stain glass items is not for me. Too many glass slivers involved and other ways to hurt yourself. The instructors (a husband and wife team) constantly and accidentally stuck themselves with glass slivers more often than not and I realized that was not for me. Good luck on your fulfillment!

    1. I think that is one reason I have put off learning that; I am a bit accident prone and the thought of working with glass and solder intimidates me.

  5. I have a couple of these on my list as well - visit all 50 states and go to a hot air balloon show! I love all of these ideas!

  6. Great list! We crossed one off our list yesterday: going up into a lighthouse!

    1. Oh fun! I have wanted to do that too. Many of the lighthouses around here to allow you to go up in them but only on certain days and we never seem to hit it just right.

  7. I have go to all 50 states on my list too and I have two more to go!

    1. That's awesome! After our trip out west I'll finally be at 25 of the 50.

  8. Great list! I want to do several of these too!!

  9. I'm kind of like you, if I want to do something I usually just do it. I would love to ride a horse on the beach. I've had horses in the past but never where I would take them into the surf. - Margy

    1. I'm not entirely sure I've ever ridden a horse at all (other than when I was a kid at county fairs) but they make it look pretty fun in the movies.

  10. Very cool list! I am not sure I could come up with 10. I generally embrace opportunities life throws at me. I might be able to 10 things I don’t want to do. LOL!

    1. I had such a hard time!! 10 Things I don't want to do would have been a piece of cake!

  11. What a great list! There are several things on your list I am going to add to my list!

  12. LOVE your list! We went to a hot air balloon festival a few years ago & it was incredible!! Thanks so much for linking up!!

  13. Thanks for linking up at the #UnlimitedMonthlyLinkParty 2! Shared ♥

  14. Thank you for sharing at #OverTheMoon. Pinned and shared.

  15. We have several ideas in common. I think the first one that I will hit up is White Water Rafting

    1. We have plans to give that one a try within the next few weeks; weather permitting!


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