June Pinterest Challenge-- Homemade Croissants

My middle son has been spending one week a day for the past few months taking on new baking challenges.  He finds all of his recipes on Pinterest and I thought it would be perfect to document one of his baking attempts for the Pinterest Challenge.

Let's meet this month's Pinterest Challenge hosts!Pinterest Challenge Blog Hop

To join next month's #pinterestchallenge, click here to sign-up ⇒ July Pinterest Challenge

He chose to make homemade croissants using this pin.  He even made his own board on my Pinterest page to save all the recipes he's tried out.  (You can follow his board here if you'd like).  They turned out so fantastically flaky and buttery!  But I do have to warn you... making croissants is time consuming.

I'm not including a recipe or much in the way of instructions since we followed the recipe on the William Sonoma page to a T (well, we used 2% milk instead of whole since that's what we had on hand but other than that we followed them exactly).

He made his dough and set it in the fridge to cool while he prepared his butter package.  He followed all the directions very carefully as we had heard pastries can be very tricky to make.

It took the better part of one day to prepare the dough, get the butter package incorporated and do all the rolling/ folding/ refrigerating over and over and over again.

The next morning he rolled out the dough for the final time; cut it into 8 squares and then 16 triangles.  He then rolled them nice and flat (double the size of the triangles you see here).

From those flattened triangles he made his croissants and then set them in a warm spot (our oven set on warm) for an hour to an hour and a half until the dough almost doubled in size.

He preheated the oven while glazing the croissants with an egg wash and then we baked them for 18 minutes.

They were a nice golden brown color and smelled divine!

I could not wait to break one open and see how the layers turned out.

We agreed that next time we'd roll them even thinner but really just loved the texture and taste!

 Now, let's see what the other hosts have created ⇓⇓


  1. What a great skill he's learning! The croissants look delicious!

  2. Those look delicious! I love making dough of all kinds! The process of turning simple ingredients into flaky pastries is just soothing to me. :)

    1. That's how my son feels; I don't really have the patience for it so I am more than happy to let him take over (and I do so love to sample what he's baking).

  3. Those look great! And what a great thing for him to start learning cooking skills at this young age. I need to get my teenager to start learning those skills!

    1. He started watching a few baking shows like Cupcake wars a year or two ago and really wanted to learn to make cupcakes. After making strictly cupcakes and a few cakes he's decided to start branching out into all different kinds of baking projects. It's been so fun watching him just take off with something he's so passionate about.

  4. These look delicious! I have never even thought about making homemade croissants, now I have to give it a try.

    1. They were so good! I had never thought of making them either as I had heard they were a bit tricky and time consuming.

  5. Looks like a lot of work! Glad they turned out good!

    1. OH yes, they were definitely a lot of work but he's already talking about "next time" so he wasn't daunted by it.

  6. I am impressed! I know any type of bread takes lots of time and patience, so great job! It's so nice to see kids in the kitchen :-)

    1. I was so impressed too! I had warned him that not every baking attempt is successful but he proved me wrong.

  7. I admire your son's adventures in the kitchen. Croissants can be so intimidating, but fun at the same time. I followed Julia Child's recipe from YouTube. I feel I could master them if they took less time to assemble! So I'm content to make a scant dozen once or twice a year. They always taste great even though I struggle to get them shaped properly. Great job!

    1. I was completely intimidated by the recipe but he really wasn't at all; just took it one step at a time. However, I agree that they are quite time consuming and would be tough to master because of that.

  8. Absolutely scrumptious looking. My mouth is watering.

  9. Love this recipe! Found you at the Tuesdays with a Twist 18

  10. Bravo! Love that your son is passionate about baking/cooking. I bet these taste so much better than the canned version.

  11. I love that you are teaching your boys to be good cooks. I have a weakness for crescent rolls but have never tried to make them. Pinned this recipe so I can try. YUMMY!!

    1. It's a lot of work but the pastry is so buttery and flaky when you make them fresh yourself.

  12. Wowza, these look amazing.
    I've heard croissants are time consuming, it really bugged me in the film "It's Complicated" that Meryl Streep made them apparently so quickly and easily!!

    1. They certainly were time consuming. All that resting of the dough adds up fast.

  13. I love a good croissant! These look so yummy!

  14. What a great recipe! I cannot wait to try it! There are few things I love more than a warm, buttery croissant! This looks incredible!

    1. Me too! I got addicted to them in France in high school and there is just nothing that quite compares.

  15. These sound so yummy! I'm impressed that your son made them! Thanks so much for sharing at our Party in Your PJs link party!

    1. I was so impressed too! He's turning into quite the baker.

  16. That is one of the good things about HS, it gives you time to explore new things and passions. Those look delicious, I only tried once in summer and it was a total fail because the butter was melting just looking at it. Pinning for the future

    1. Oh yes, I could see how temperature would have a big effect on results. We actually had the opposite problem where it was a bit to cold in our house and the rolls weren't rising so we heated the oven, turned it off, and put them in there.

  17. Oh goodness! Those do look so fluffy and delicious! But I don't think I have the patience for all the time needed. I think I will be sticking to the croissants in the can. So awesome to see him into baking! It's so much fun to experiment in the kitchen.


    1. I never would; that's for sure. When he told me he was making homemade croissants I replied "good luck with that.. they take forever."

  18. What a labour of love! I bet you all loved them...I sure would have loved to join in on the Croissant eating fun!

    1. We love sharing what we make with everyone (less for us to eat!).


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