Weigh In Wednesday-- Weeks 8 & 9

Last year, the day after Mother's day, I decided I really needed to just stop thinking about losing weight and actually do something about it.  I started tracking calories, exercising, and watching what I ate. I did manage to shed a few pounds but felt that the weight loss was happening so slowly that I needed extra help so I joined Weight Watchers this past March.

Fast forward to a year later and I have lost 22+ pounds.  I only find myself wishing I had joined WW sooner since over 14 lbs of that are all thanks to my new eating regimen.

Every other "diet" plan I had ever followed cautioned against eating fruits as they were high in sugar... and I am finding that I just LOVE fruit!!  Most days it completely satisfies my craving for sweets and I feel so much healthier eating a whole rainbow of fresh fruits and vegetables every day. It's unusual for me to have a breakfast or lunch that does not include fruit now.

3 point bagel with cherries and grapes

I'm experimenting with all sorts of new recipes lately.  Some of my favorites include these zero point tropical fruit/frozen yogurt bars, eggplant parmesan with zoodles and sauce, and this 5 point lasagna I made.   (I will be sharing recipes for them all soon; I promise)

Our weather has been perfect lately for hiking and we try to get out just about every single day.  We've also enjoyed a kayak ride or two and I've even woken up early a couple of days these past few weeks to squeeze in a DVD workout too.

I ordered a whole bunch of new clothes from Amazon and even in a smaller size most of them are just a tad baggy (not enough to go down another whole size but enough that I'm thinking I might be able to drop down soon).  Make sure to stop by this Sunday and see what I've been Priming.

My husband and I went away this past weekend for our anniversary and I had carried over all the points I could (4 points each day) from when my week starts on WW; which is Wednesdays and just went into our vacation knowing I was going to splurge and try not to stress too much about points or any weight gain.  It's the first time in two months I've let myself go OVER my points-- Like I had negative 12 weekly points left when I arrived home... and you know what?  I lost .2 lbs!!

Serendipity trail at Loon Mountain

Lost river gorge and boulder caves

Lost river gorge

We ate horribly; cinnamon bun pancakes, Belgian waffles with strawberries and whipped cream, burgers and fries, ice cream, etc.  We were hiking and pretty active those few days we were away but I just let myself eat whatever and knew I'd get back on schedule the moment we arrived home.  I was so happy to get back to my yogurt parfait breakfasts and large salad lunches.  But all those splurges over the long weekend sure did taste wonderful.


  1. You're doing great! Your weekend getaway sounds amazing too. On my diet I can't have fruit. It may be what I missed the most because at parties and such there is usually the healthy fruit option and I usually can't have anything!

  2. You're doing so well and all of your food looks delicious. I love fruit too. Especially this time of year! Happy Anniversary!

  3. Good for you losing all that weight!! I am a big fruit girl too!

    1. Thanks; it's been such an easy "diet" plan to follow that I really think I might be able to keep it up this time.

  4. Congrats!! That's great. I totally agree that fruit is a healthy thing to eat. Weight Watchers seems to be a really sensible and healthy way to lose weight.

    1. It does to me too and I think that's part of why I am being so successful with it.

  5. Congrats on your weight loss! That's a great accomplishment. Your outdoors picks are lovely. Thanks for linking up to Thinking Out Loud Thursday!


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