Friday Favorites: The Week I Went to Loon Mountain

The boys finished up their schoolwork officially this week!!  We are on summer break (even though it's pretty darn cold and cloudy).  My husband and I took off for 3 days on a mini vacation together and had a wonderful time.  The weather was so nice and sunny and warm those 3 days too.  The boys even went swimming and boating while we were gone and had a fabulous time of their own.

Ian headed off to work on Friday but the younger two boys and I met some friends at Green Falls pond for a very pretty hike.  The trail goes around the lake and over the falls.  We did take a trail down behind the falls and walked along the stream below it for just a bit too.

The boys and I spent the rest of the afternoon running errands and picking up "kid" groceries so they'd  be all set while I was away.

Saturday morning my husband and I left for a trip to Loon Mountain.  We checked into our hotel (the RiverWalk at Loon Mountain) in the early afternoon and then headed to the Loon Mountain Bagel company for some freshly made sandwiches we took with us hiking.  We went to The Lost River Gorge and spent a good hour and a half exploring the gorge and it's caves.   We ended our night with a delicious steak dinner at Gordi's Fish and Steak House

We woke early Sunday morning and headed for the local pancake house Flapjacks to fuel up for a day of hiking.  I got a delicious cinnamon bun pancake.  After breakfast we headed to the Flume Gorge and bought a combo ticket that included a ride up Cannon mountain.  We spent over an hour hiking and then drove through Franconia Notch to Cannon mountain.  Sadly we were not able to hike at Cannon since all the trails still had ice and snow on them and were shut down.  It was a beautiful view from the top though and we could see all the way to Canada.  After a quick rest at the hotel we headed out for another hour hike near Loon Mountain with beautiful views of the rive.  We headed back to our hotel, showered, and ate an early dinner at Black Mountain Burger company.  After our early dinner we walked main street for a bit of shopping and went miniature golfing.  On the way back to the hotel we grabbed an ice cream cone at Udderly Delicious.

It may not look like much but I had one of the best burgers of my life here; voted #1 in NH

We were heading home on Monday but after checking out of the hotel decided to make one last stop in New Hampshire at the Polar Caves.

Alec had karate on Tuesday morning and I convinced my other two boys to come with us and go for a hike before the rains came.  We hiked for almost an hour using a different trail than usual at Old Furnace State park.  We hadn't yet been there this spring and so much of the forest looks so different with everything in bloom and lush and green.  We watched Apollo 11 in the afternoon and got caught up on housework and laundry from the long weekend.

It was still pretty cold on Wednesday but it wasn't raining so after officially finishing up our school work for the season and starting our summer vacation we headed out for a quick hike around Quaddick park.

Evan, Ian and I all had dentist appointments on Thursday; we all got away with just a cleaning!  Ian headed off to work after that and the younger two boys and I hung out at home for the day.  I tried to catch up on some blogging stuff but got sucked into a great book... The Huntress.


  1. Happy Summer! It looks like yours is off to a good start.

    1. It sure is! Now if we can just get those temps to stay in, above, or near 70 it would be perfect.

  2. Oh my gosh, so beautiful. That looks like the hikes Paul and I used to do up in Maine. His parents are originally from there (and Paul is too) and used to have a summer house on a lake up there. We used to go every summer, but they finally sold it.

    1. It was so beautiful! I LOVED it! We've been to a few areas in Maine in New Hampshire but there are just so many cute little towns to check out.

  3. You and your great pictures have me wanting to go to Loon Mountain one day soon!

    1. We had such an amazing time and did not eat one bad meal in that whole town.

  4. I've been to the Flume, Lost River gorge & Cannon Mtn before. I live in NH, but am from MA.

    1. My husband was trying to convince me to move there the whole time but I think that's just a bit too much winter for me.

  5. Happy Summer!! So many beautiful trails and views - wow!!!

    1. There were some pretty amazing views this week!

  6. Wow! Those views! It looks so amazing. lucky you!

    1. It really was amazing; we totally lucked out with the weather too.

  7. What a beautiful place. Thanks for sharing it. Very nice.

  8. Congratulations! Your post will be featured this week at the Weekend Blog Hop at My Flagstaff Home. Stop by from Thursday to Sunday to have a look. --Jennifer


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