Friday Favorites: Mother's Day Edition

We had a rather cold and rainy week; it is only the last two days that have been somewhat nice and sunny.  I really hope spring weather is here to stay this time.  I just love seeing everything starting to bloom and it finally warming up enough to wear flip flops outside!

It was rainy and cold on Friday so I decided it was the pefect time to tackle a lot of our science experiments we had been setting aside to enjoy hikes and outdoor activities.  We worked on a delicious Starburst rock cycle lab, made marshmallows sink (and grow!), and had fun making our conversation hearts float (all three of these will get their own post in the coming weeks).

My husband took the boys shopping for Mother's Day and gave me one of my gifts early; a new light for my scrapbooking desk. It sticks right onto the underside of the shelf and the cord has a bunch of holders to keep it out of the way. He figured since it was supposed to be rainy over the weekend I'd get some use out it.  I just LOVE it!  I do have a lot of shadows that get cast on my desk and it's hard to work sometimes.

Saturday dawned bright and sunny and we had a beautiful day weather-wise.  Ian went to work and the younger boys and I worked on cleaning out the house.  I ran a few errands and finished my latest book.   Alec made raspberry truffle brownies from scratch (for mother's day) and some fresh homemade biscuits for dinner.

The boys made breakfast for me on Sunday; waffles with cinnamon butter and bacon.  I think there might have been more arguing than normal but I could ignore it while reading a book in bed.  LOL.  I had a relaxing afternoon of scrapbooking and reading after they showered me with gifts- a few new books I've been dying to read, a new chair and floor mat to go with my "new" scrapbooking area.  It was wonderful!

My mom, step-father, and mother in law came over for dinner.  My mother in law brought me this beautiful plant!  My husband grilled up some steak and chicken and a vegetable medley of summer squash and mushrooms that we served with roasted potatoes and salad and we ended our night with Alec's amazing raspberry truffle brownies.

Though it was quite cloudy and cold on Monday the boys and I spent time outside hiking and testing their homemade airplanes.  We made three different versions of flyers and then tested to see which ones flew the furthest, straightest, and the longest.

It was so cold on Tuesday that after going to karate and Dunkin Donuts with my mother in law we all decided to have a quiet day inside.  I worked on my blog; completing a few more posts and getting them scheduled.

It was only partly cloudy on Wednesday and no rain was in the forecast for the day so we decided to head out hiking.  We went to a local Audubon place and hiked for an hour.  It was a really cute place and we found all sorts of foot paths and rocky bridges over water and swamps.

But first-- we had a perfectly calm morning on the lake and I just could not resist snapping a photo of it.

In the afternoon I went walking around the yard looking for some flowers and signs of spring.  It has been so cold and rainy that spring is quite slow in showing up this year and I just wanted to see some signs that it had to be on it's way.  I did find a few flowers...

It was a beautiful and sunny day on Thursday so I convinced the boys to set aside their schoolwork and come with me to check out a place called Garden in the Woods.  We walked around for an hour checking out the various plants and trails.  It was a perfect day and once home the boys spent all afternoon outside.  I worked on cleaning out the car while Ian worked on a neighbor's beach/yard with him.  The younger two boys played in the woods.

How was your week?


  1. So fun that you got the books you wanted! That garden looks amazing too.

    1. I was so surprised that they found (and bought) them both. I can't wait to dig into them.

  2. Your photos are gorgeous! I especially like the one of the lake with the trees reflected in the water. Dreamy! And the woods look positively magical. I need to get out more and take photos of something besides food! :D

    1. Thank you! I just love taking photos of nature this time of year when everything feels like it's coming back to life.

  3. That brownie looks so good! Also, I love your scrapbooking desk. Do you have a post about it? Your nature pics are inspiring me to get outside!

    1. I don't yet since it was just gifted to me last week and I'm still organizing and tweaking the whole area with all the other stuff this amazing woman gave me but I do have a post planned for next month that will show everything in my scrappin' area with a big feature of the desk.

  4. Such beautiful nature shots! The weather here has been up and down too. We had a few days of warm, sunny temps, now were back to 40s/50s rain. UGH! I just wish it would stay warm. I think that's so wonderful your son cooked you a dessert. NO one in my family cooks but me, I would love someone to cook for me for a change.

    1. My middle son just took up baking these past few years and now he's interested in pursuing a career in culinary arts... though I really can't get him to help out in any other way except baking. My husband will, on very rare occasions, cook for us (usually my birthday or Mother's Day) but he's getting quite good at it. It is so nice to have that little break every now and then.

  5. So many lovely photos. Looks like a great week :) Thanks for sharing at Welcome To The #Weekendbloghop

  6. Thank you for sharing at #OverTheMoon. Pinned and shared.


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