Fairy Houses on Display

We had no idea when we decided to visit the botanical gardens that it was, once again, time for their annual fairy garden days.  We are always blown away by the creativity of these intricate houses.  

I only snapped a couple of photos of my favorite ones but they had so many tucked in here and there on the garden paths and even out on the water!  

a fairy castle!

This 3 story house was all about the arts with a kiln and glass making on the ground floor, instruments and music on the second floor and the whole top floor was all about painting and sewing.

I was really taken with this guitar turned fairy house! So unique!

It's a bit hard to see with the lighting but this fairy house came with a two story garden!

Evan pointed out this Hobbit house complete with Gandalf's hat near the front door. 

We thought these triple bunks made of shells were just adorable
Have you ever tried making a fairy house?

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  1. Oh wow! These are absolutely amazing! I can't wait to make a fairy garden with my granddaughter.

    1. They really are incredible with so many details.

  2. They did this at our botanical gardens too and I have to find out if they do it every year because it's so fun to see!

    1. It really is a lot of fun; I know these gardens do it every year as a fundraiser.

  3. Wow, very impressive! Love the creativity that went into those.

    1. They really do such a nice job. I am always amazed at what they come up with.

  4. Thank you for sharing at #OverTheMoon. Pinned and shared.


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