All About My Shopping Habits

It's the first Monday of the month and time to link up with The Blended Blog for another fun TBB Asks.  This month we're talking all about our shopping habits.  Do you enjoy shopping?  I used to love to shop and often would shop until I was literally ready to drop.  I'd skip meals and spend the WHOLE day shopping... it's a skill/trait I inherited from my grandmother.  She could out shop anyone I know!

As I've gotten older and have to pay for more than just my shopping habit I'm not such a shopper anymore.  In fact, more often than not I dread shopping.  My body has changed so much through the years and more often than not I'm in between sizes so clothes don't fit the same.  I'm constantly trying to rid the house of clutter which means I try not to buy too many nick knacks or household things I don't truly need.

Anyway... onto today's questions:

1.  Top 3 Shops?  That would have to be Target, Amazon, and JcPenney.

2. Where is the majority of your shopping done-- in store or online? That's easy! On-line!!

3.  What's your favorite thing to shop for?  Shoes and accessories; especially costume jewelry!

I have my eye on this set right now... 
I love this Vera Bradley pattern and am trying to convince myself I don't need this wallet and matching purse

4.  What do you just HATE shopping for? Pants/ clothes

5.  What's your most favorite thing you've ever bought? Um.. my house?  I guess technically we built that.. so maybe... my Cricut?  I love how easy it is to make my own scrapbooking embellishments.

6.  Do you prefer shopping alone or with others? It usually depends on my mood.  Each year for my birthday my mom and I head out for a day of shopping and go to lunch together. It's lots of fun!

7.  Best Bargain? I often find amazing bargains but I think the best bargain I ever found was a pair of jeans for only 3.95!  My birthday is in the middle of summer and each year as my mom and I shop for clothes we scour the sales racks but those jeans were just so amazingly cheap and fit so well!

8.  Thrift Store Shopping: Yes or No? Nope.  I have nothing against it; but I find it takes me waaay to long to find that needle in the haystack.  I used to work in a consignment shop in college and spent most of my paycheck each week before leaving so I know good deals are out there but it's just more work than I care to expend.

9.  Best cities for shopping? I really am not a big city person so I don't know... I often head to Providence for shopping mostly because it's not crazy far from my house.  I do remember finding some really cute shops in Paris (but I haven't been there since I was in high school!)

10.  Who's your style or fashion icon?  I find myself loving all the outfits Grace (Jane Fonda) wears on Grace and Frankie.  She has such a classic clean lined style that I only wish I could one day pull off.

Here's the graphic if you'd like to join in:


  1. Online has just made life so much easier especially if return shipping is free or the store is convenient to return to. I am the same way with thrift much to search through. Have a great day!

    1. It really has; I often wish online shopping had been around more when my boys were younger.

  2. Online is the best! A day of shopping with your mama sounds wonderful!

    1. We have such a great time! It's just about the only time of the year that we get to spend so much one on one time without anyone else around.

  3. OMG you and I are the same person.
    Also, I love that you still love JCP. I hate that the stores of my childhood are vanishing but I love a good JCP as well.
    Also, I hate the needle in the haystack that thrift stores present too. Now, I do love TJ Maxx because it is a lot cleaner needle in a haystack.

    1. I can always find pants that fit at JC Penney and I just can't say that about anywhere else. I really hope they don't disappear too… I miss so many of my old favorite stores.

  4. I think my favorite purchase is my house too. And it totally counts, even if you built it. It was just a custom-made purchase.

    1. :) Thanks! I like that-- custom made purchase. It really was.

  5. Paris was really fun to shop at. I hate buying pants too as they never seem to fit.

    1. Yeah I find pants are just weird; they're tight in the thighs but gap at the waist or the length just isn't right.

  6. I have a love-hate relationship with shopping. I love finding a good bargain, but don't like how shopping leads to more and more clutter around the house! Thanks for linking up with Hello Monday! Tanya - The Other Side of the Road

    1. Exactly! I feel bad when every January I'm cleaning through tossing clutter but then turn right around and buy whatever latest gadget I just have to have.


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