Spending Sunday at the Boston Science Museum

We had the best time at the Boston Science Museum.  My husband surprised us with a day trip there and with our Yale Peabody Museum passes we got in free!  It is a huge museum with so much to see and do.  We spent hours at the museum and I'm still not sure we saw everything.

We learned a bit about outer space.

We decided to spring for tickets to see an Omni movie Pandas and the boys were in awe of the giant screen.  It felt like we were in the movie and could reach out and touch their furry faces.

There were live animals in quite a few places.

Neat sculptures and works of art; this one moved and was supposed to remind the viewer of the waves on the Charles river.

There were all sorts of interactive displays too.

These giant screens on the ceiling kept changing throughout the day and we saw some pretty neat things walking above us.

A living wall of plants.

We learned about fossils, bones, dinosaurs, and even petrified trees.

We spent some time exploring gems, rocks, and crystals.

We learned more about how our senses work.

 Read up on mathematics and how it applies to everything in our world.

Then we watched the lightning show; I just loved that it was different from our last trip.

We learned about wind, solar power, and weather patterns.

We had fun playing with optical illusions.

 We explored models of every type and size.

Best of all we had so much fun together.

It was a wonderful day and felt like it went by in the blink of an eye.

Have you ever been to Boston?  


  1. What a great museum experience. I love the scarf on the T-Rex. We wouldn't want him to get chilly ~ Ha!
    Blessings, Dawn

    1. It was such a fun day and we just could not manage to see it all.

  2. We are planning to visit Boston in August. This looks like a great place to bring the grandkids!

    1. Boston is such a fun city! There is so much to see and do.

  3. You guys look awesome in moose antlers!

  4. Oh how fun! We love exploring museums! Our kids would be all over this! I have always wanted to go to Boston.

  5. Congratulations! Your post was my feature pick at #OverTheMoon this week. Each Hostess displays their own features so be sure to visit me on Sunday evening and to see your feature! I invite you to leave more links to be shared and commented upon. Please don’t forget to add your link numbers or post title so we can be sure to visit!

  6. That looks like a great science museum! I especially like your moose photos!

  7. I love science museums, this one looks fantastic.

    1. It really is amazing and so big that it's nearly impossible to cover it all in one day.


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