Encouraging Hearts and Home-- Happy Valentine's Day!

I know Valentine's can be a bit of a cheesy holiday but I just love it!  I love having an excuse to shower my boys and husband with love and attention.  I planned to start our day with some homemade cinnamon buns and have a turkey dinner all set for tonight.  They each were greeted with a little token gift this morning (just a small box of chocolates) and we have a few fun activities planned for our day.

How will you celebrate?

Welcome to Encouraging

Hearts & Home!

The Encouraging Hearts & Home Bloggers

Join your Encouraging Hearts & Home Co-Hosts each week for encouragement and support for your heart & your home. We hope to provide a space that builds each other up and lends a helping hand along the way. With all the negativity in the world, let's shine a positive light!
***Each week, our co-hosts will each choose our favorite links, along with the most clicked link, and pin them to our Encouraging Hearts & Home Pinterest board. 

The most clicked post from last week's Blog Hop:

Was my very own Middle School Mid- Year Review!  

In honor of Valentine's day here are some of my favorite Valentine's day ideas that were shared last week:

How to Link Up

  • Use the form below to share your posts this week, and maybe you'll discover some new ideas from all the fabulous links!
  • Please share only your family friendly posts with us!
  • Please only link up images that you have the rights to use.
  • By linking up, you agree that if your blog post is selected to be featured on any of our hosts' blogs, we can use an image from your post with a link back to your post.

Other nice things you can do

  • Follow and/or subscribe to your host's blog.
  • Visit a few other bloggers and show them your support. We all love getting comments, and who knows what inspiration you may find? Be sure to share the love--that's what a blog hop is all about!
  • If you are interested in co-hosting, contact anne@mylearningtable.com


  1. We used to do a lot more for Valentine's Day when the children were younger. Now I'm not sure we really "celebrate". I like the idea of a special dinner.

    1. Thanks! I'm not sure they always appreciate it as it's impossible to come up with a meal that pleases everyone but I do try.

  2. Great post! We always did a big thing when the girls were smaller. This year we are just starting a new tradition and all 4 of us are going out to eat together with my sister and her family and mom. Happy Valentine's Day!

    1. That sounds wonderful!! Hope you all have a great meal.

  3. Thanks for the link up. I'll add you to my list.
    x, Julie | ThisMainLineLife.com

    1. Thanks for adding the party to your list and for linking up with us.

  4. Yay for a new link up!!! Happy Valentine's Day!

  5. We didn't really do anything this year to celebrate. (Thanks for the link up!)


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