Weekly Wrap- Up: The Week We Went to the Botanical Gardens

We had hardly anything at all on our agenda for the week and I tried to find time to relax before the last bit holiday rush!  We tried to squeeze in some holiday fun and managed a movie day, a party, a field trip, and a live show!

We had our schoolwork all picked out for the day on Friday but by the time we would have gotten around to it I no longer felt up to it so I declared it a non- school day!  I asked the boys for some suggestions for holiday fun instead. We settled on watching The Santa Clause together and we made peppermint milkshakes.  It was wonderful to snuggle up on the couch with my youngest and a soft blanket and enjoy a holiday favorite together.

We had a family party at my in-laws on Saturday.  My husband and I ran to check on the hydroelectric plant and there was such an incredible view with the fog and mist rising off the river.  We headed to the party around 11 for brunch.  The boys each got a few gifts and we spent lots of time visiting with family.  After the party my husband took the younger two boys to the movies to see the new Spider man Into the Spider- verse movie.   Once home I read my new book-- Candlelight Christmas and relaxed on the couch.

Candlelight Christmas (The Lakeshore Chronicles Book 10) by [Wiggs, Susan]

Sunday we had tickets to go see a local production of A Christmas Story.  Ian elected not to go but Alec and Evan were excited.  They had not been to this little theater before but they both enjoyed the movie and we hoped we'd be in for a real treat.  The play did not disappoint! We had a wonderful afternoon filled with laughter and fun... and popcorn.  Ian just about had dinner all ready when we got home too which was a rather nice surprise!

We had nothing planned on Monday so I offered to make our annual Christmas pancake breakfast.  After breaking a few glass bowls, cutting my hand (in a few small places), and cleaning the whole corner of the kitchen...  I finally cooked up some pancakes with assorted holiday sprinkles and served them with whipped cream and fruit.  Then we settled in for a bit of schoolwork.  Thankfully the boys had worked on some of their schoolwork while I was cleaning and cooking so we managed to finish up everything by lunch.  We spent a quiet afternoon at home after that.

Alec had his last karate class of the year on Tuesday and the boys all settled down to eat breakfast and work on their schoolwork early.  They all  had their work done by the time we had to leave! I just love days like that!!  I ran a few errand while Alec was at class and then decided to just stay home-- it was SO cold outside and the wind was really whipping.  I helped Ian clean his turtle tank and we worked a bit more on our new family puzzle.  Once all the boys took off to go play video games I began reading my book.

We decided to take a little road trip Wednesday for some final Christmas fun.  We went to check out the decorations at the Tower Hill Botanical Center after lunch.  The boys had worked on math and reading in the morning and they were thrilled to have a light day of school work.  We spent about an hour at the botanical center looking all around (come back tomorrow for a full post filled with pictures!).  It really was such a neat place!

We had our last official school day of 2018 on Thursday.  We woke to a pretty sunrise.  The boys worked quickly and we had lots of free time all afternoon.  It was warmish outside so the younger two spent most of the day outside while Ian and I worked on the puzzle some more.  I also made some time to sit and make each of the boys a Christmas card.  I usually make one for my husband too but I just fell in love with one I found at the card store so I bought him one this year instead.

How was your week?

Linking Up With:  The Blended Blog

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Homeschool Coffee Break


  1. You pancakes look great but dear lady I am so sorry about your hand, oh the cuts I'v had in the kitchen, lol! Merry Christmas to you and your amazing family!! xo

    1. Thank you! They were yummy but not quite yummy enough to make up for all the mess that went before them. I can be quite a disaster in the kitchen at times.

  2. I went through a rough kitchen year - every time I did practically anything I got cut! I have visiting our botanical gardens on my Christmas list for next year! Merry Christmas!

    1. Ouch! I find I just don't pay close enough attention and try to do too many things at once in the kitchen so I can be a bit accident prone. I find I really like visiting botanical gardens in the winter; makes it feel like spring isn't quite so far away.

  3. The trees are all so beautiful! And the pancakes look yummy!

    1. They were all so pretty! I just love seeing all the different colors, themes, and styles.

  4. So fun! The pancakes look delicious, and the trees are beautiful! I love the Christmas time fun you have with your family.

    1. Thank you! We try real hard to make the most of every day.


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