Sentence A Day- November

We had a fun November even if it was unusually cold and rainy and we spent more time inside than I would have liked.  We tackled our schoolwork with a vengeance and tried out a few new crafts, recipes, and hiking spots.  We hosted a fabulous family Thanksgiving and we're all ready for Christmas.  How was your November?

1.  We had a very busy day with a physical appointment, errands, schooling, and housework but we managed to start the month off with a cool new science project-- leaf chromatography.

2.  The boys and I made homemade pretzels; boy were they yummy!

3.  Spent the morning running scrap, the afternoon helping to rake the grates at the hydro, and we took a walk in the woods before dinner.

4.  We went to check out Clyde's Cider Mill in Mystic (you can read all about our day here) and had lunch at the Steak Loft.

5.  We spent a cozy day at home and the younger boys and I tried painting with baking soda, liquid watercolors and vinegar.

6.  I took Evan for his annual physical appointment and spent the rest of the afternoon feeling like I was questioning all my parenting decisions.

7.  We went hiking and tried out a new trail!

8.  In between dentist appointments and a much needed hair/ perm appointment for me, I managed to squeeze in a bit of painting time with Alec.

9.  I took the boys letterboxing but we realized as we found the first clue that we had forgotten our stamp pad; we continued to find the other letterboxes on the list but it just wasn't the same. 

10.  Almost 1/2 of the 800 or so pictures I ordered through the mail came in with big pink streaks down the middle so I spent a good portion of my day going through ALL the photos, setting aside those I needed to re-order and then sat at my computer combing through pictures to find those ones that needed re-ordering.  

11.  I began working on some Christmas gifts using my Cricut; I sure hope I can get them all done in time!

12. It was such a beautiful day that after Alec's orthodontists appointment the boys and I went on a nice hour long walk on the airline trails.

13.  It poured all day so I took a bit of time in the afternoon to work on wrapping gifts, addressing Christmas cards, and getting a jump start on the holidays.

14.  We made it outside for one last walk even though it was freezing cold!

15.  Evan and I ran to the apple orchard and the library while Alec worked on some clay figures (here are his completed animals).

16.  We woke to a snow covered world; it's the first time we've had snow this early in the fall in a long time and just my luck that I had a dentist appointment so I could not stay home.

Luckily we only got a few inches of snow
17.  I worked on some more Cricut Christmas gifts and then we went to my mother in law's house for a little visit and to help her with her water heater.

Evan just loves that her cat really wanted to snuggle!

18. The boys cleaned the whole basement while my husband and I went to the woodworking shop to work on some cabinets for our basement.

19.  We spent a quiet day at home doing our schoolwork and reading and Alec showed me all the pictures he's been coloring while listening to his book on CD.

20.  Ian finished up this model car so I was able to start getting our Thanksgiving table set.

21.  We spent the day cleaning, making food, and getting all ready for turkey day!

22.  We celebrated Thanksgiving with my younger sister and her family and my mom and stepfather then we all gathered in the living room to watch Elf by the warmth of the fire.

23.  While the boys stacked wood on the patio I worked on decorating the whole house for Christmas; though I made sure to save the tree for us all to decorate together.

24. I spent most of the day painting up Christmas gifts and changing the colors of some of our Christmas decor.

25.  After working on Cricut crafts all morning I went shopping in the afternoon and finished up the day taking the kids to Amarante's Christmas Lights.

26.  We made some adorable little bird feeders to hang outside.

27.  After a busy morning of errands we were content to spend the afternoon around the house.

28.  We tackled a few science experiments!

29.  We made popcorn and cranberry strings to decorate outside.

30.  After hiking with some friends in the morning we enjoyed hot cocoa, popcorn and a fun movie day!

We've had so much rain; the waters were really moving!
How was your month?

Linking Up With:  Sentence a day, Thinking Out Loud Thursday, 


  1. Love all the artistic, crafty things you have been doing - you definitely packed a lot into your month!

  2. You guys always do the most fun things, and I bet it's so great for creativity!! I've made pretzels once...and loved them. Although it was a lot of work...

    1. It was a lot of work; but yes, they were delicious.

  3. Wow, what a fun month! So much to do. And your home is so beautiful. I have been dragging my feet to decorate this year for some reason! Mostly time...I need more hours in the day! What circut crafts are you working on? Curious minds want to know! Thanks for linking up with us!

    1. So far I have made a few different types of Cricut ornaments, some mugs decorated with vinyl, a few framed/ glass pictures, a wooden Santa that I used iron on vinyl to add Ho Ho HO and the family name, I made stencils with vinyl and decorated some Kitchen towels, this weekend I hope to finish up my last gift an make a lighted 2-D glass block craft with lights and a Christmas theme.

  4. Such a fun and busy month! Love all the lessons and craft you do with your boys.


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