Weekly Wrap- Up: The Week We Went to the Cider Mill

We had another fabulous week!  Sure it rained (a lot!), but we managed to get lots of school work done and had a great time taking advantage of those times when the sun did come out.  We crossed one final thing off our fall bucket list with a trip to the cider mill and went hiking a few times too.

Our hiking group canceled our plans for Friday when we saw the rainy forecast.  The boys and I planned a quiet day at home to work on schoolwork.  Ian ended up leaving as soon as his schoolwork was done and spent most of the day working on the turbines with my husband.  The rain cleared enough so the younger boys and I were able to go for a walk.  We saw a hornet's nest on the ground and stopped to inspect it.  We made some homemade pretzels and once Ian returned home we finished up our science experiment, read the book Sergeant Reckless, and played a game of Trivia Crack.  After dinner we went and loaded up the truck with a load of scrap.

Saturday morning Ian headed off to work with his grandfather and the rest of us piled into the truck to do a few scrap runs.  The younger boys spent most of their rainy afternoon playing video game, listening to books on CD and playing.  I went with my husband to the hydro plant and helped him rake the grates; this time of year they fill up so fast with leaves and sticks.  Just before dinner we all headed out for a quick walk in the woods.  I figured it was the last time we'd be able to do that with the clocks turning back.  I hate knowing it will be dark now by dinnertime each night.

The sun was shining when we woke on Sunday and though I knew Ian was heading to work with his grandfather I had a fun family outing planned.  After another stop to rake the hydro grates again my husband and I took the younger boys to see Clyde's cider mill in Mystic.  It was PACKED!  But we got there just in time to see their cider making demonstration.  It was really neat.  We bought some cider donuts and then went down the street to the Steak Loft for lunch.  It was a perfect crisp fall day!

We had a bit more rain on Monday so the younger boys and I elected to wear comfy clothes and stick close to home.  We got quite a bit of schoolwork done including a new and fun exploratory art project using paint, baking soda, and vinegar.  Ian was gone to work for a good part of the day but still got all of his schoolwork done too.  We read about the Redwoods and finished up our chapter on biology in their science books.  Each of the boys worked on some writing, spelling/foreign language, reading, and math too.

We had a busy day on Tuesday.  Alec had karate and Evan had an appointment for a physical at nearly the same time.  Luckily my mother in law took Alec to karate and I was able to take Evan to the doctor.  Ian spent most of his morning laying sod and working out in the rain.  We managed to get lots of school work done and then after lunch we went to the bank and the library. We had an early dinner and the younger two boys went to get their hair cut.

It was such a bright and beautiful day on Wednesday that I rushed the boys through their morning work so we could get outside and get hiking.  I got our groceries done and the boys and I worked on math, reading, writing/cursive, and spelling/ foreign language.  We were going to work on a quick science experiment too but I accidentally bought calcium instead of vitamin C tablets.  We headed out to hike after lunch and really enjoy the views!

We had a busy day planned on Thursday with dentist appointments for two of the boys and a looong overdue hair appointment for a trim and perm for me.  We didn't plan much schoolwork at all so that we wouldn't feel rushed through our day.  I did, however, want to make sure we finally tackled that science experiment.  We also covered a bit more math and reading.   I had a couple of hours at home between appointments and Alec asked if we could take our paints and supplies outside for a bit of painting.  We didn't get to finish our paintings but we did get a good start on them.

How was your week?

Linking Up With:

Flowers On Friday: #WeekendLinkUp

Pretty Pintastic Party
Homeschool Coffee Break


  1. I just love your weeks. They are filled with so much fun and learning.
    Blessings, Dawn

    1. Thank you! I sure do try to fill our days as best I can.

  2. A cider mill would be a wonderful field trip - I would love to do that! Such beautiful views and fun days. :-)

    1. It was so neat to see! I just could not get over how packed the place was. Everyone else had the same idea we did.

  3. The Cider Mill looks like a lot of fun - I love cider doughnuts! Those hiking views are amazing! Thanks for linking up at Best Of The Weekend!

    1. This is the first year I've actually treated myself to cider donuts and they are quite tasty!


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