TBB Asks-- Giving Thanks

Ahh, it's my favorite time of year!  I just love fall and thanksgiving and could not wait to link up with The Blended Blog today for their monthly Q&A post!

I try most days to look on the positive side of life and count my blessings.  There are so many good things to be thankful for and I just love a season that reminds me of just how lucky I am!

1. Have you ever kept a Gratitude Journal? Yes or No? I have never kept a gratitude journal but I have (for quite a few years in a row now) posted a gratitude post each day on Facebook complete with photos of what I'm grateful for.  It never hurts to count and remember our blessings. 

gratitude journal prompts
Last year I used this prompt by Text My Journal

2. Hosting Thanksgiving at your house? Yes or No? I hosted Thanksgiving (and every single other holiday) each year when my kids were young and took a break from hosting the past few years. This is the first year I'm thinking I am ready to host once more.

3. Favorite Food from The Thanksgiving Meal? I'm not going to lie my favorite food is always the rolls or fresh bread; warmed with melted butter-- that or my mom's mashed potatoes

4. What one thing in Nature are you most grateful for? Beautiful sunsets and sunrises over the lake (is that two things?  If so I'm cheating and counting it as one!)

5. Pumpkin Pie: Yes or No? Nope, not a fan.  I do try it each year but I really just don't like the taste or texture.  I much prefer my chocolate chip pecan pie or traditional apple pie

6. Traditional Cookbook: Yes or No? Yep!  Though at this point I  no longer use a cookbook for Thanksgiving dinner as I tend to just make up my own recipes on the spot by adding a bit of this and a bit of that. 

7. Oven Baked or Deep-Fried Turkey? Neither; I have a counter-top roasting pan that I use to keep my oven free for side dishes and since the domed lid automatically bastes the turkey it's always juicy and delicious!

8. Thanksgiving Leftovers: Yes or No? Oh yes! I actually have been cooking a Thanksgiving dinner even when we haven't been hosting just so we can have leftovers.  It's just not Thanksgiving until I make my leftover pie.  I prefer that to the food on Thanksgiving day!

9. What is one household product your most grateful for? My crock pot.  I use it all the time especially for preparing warm foods in the cold fall and winter months. 

10. Are you most grateful for home cooked meals or restaurant meals? I love going out to eat and taking a break from cooking occasionally but I am most grateful for home cooked meals.  There is just something so cozy about gathering around the family table and sharing a meal that just can not be found in a restaurant.  

How would you answer these questions?


  1. Same here, first year of me hosting in many! I would like a slice of each of your delicious pies this morning!! YUM!!!

  2. Great pics. I'm salivating all over my computer. Have a great week.

  3. I prefer apple pie too. I love the prompt idea for keeping track of gratitude, I always have a hard time thinking of new things to be thankful for!

    1. I have a few of those prompts saved on their own Pinterest group so I can swap them up each year. Last year I think I did just a photo post with prompt; that was fun too.

  4. A lot of our answers are the same. :) Mmm... rolls with melted butter! Yes! And traditional cookbooks are the best, IMO. Apple pie all the way... you have me interested in the c.c. pecan pie... WOW! YUM!!!

    1. I noticed that too; we had a lot of the same answers! I always loved pecan pie but adding chocolate chips just brought that love to a whole new level!

  5. Yes - mashed potatoes and rolls! I make pioneer woman’s recipe of mashed now! So you make Derby pie? I love pumpkin pie and Costco’s is hard to beat. I can’t wait til thanksgiving!

    1. I have never heard of Derby pie but after googling it I would have to say yes. :)

  6. This is fun :) My son this year tasted pecan for the first time, and it is totally his favorite now!

  7. Those gratitude prompts are fabulous! What a great idea. Fresh bread or rolls...yes, ma'am, I'm down for those + the mashed potatoes. Have a great week!

    1. I love those prompts; I know I have a lot to be thankful for but put on the spot I only ever think to mention the obvious ones like family and friends.

  8. Hey I have that on the counter oven. I've never used it though. I got it when my parents down sized their house...it has sit in our garage for the last 5 years! I should break it out this year when I cook a second thanksgiving so we can have left overs :)

    1. Thanksgiving is pretty much the only time I ever use it. So handy to keep the oven free for other things and I love that I don't have to baste the turkey at all.

  9. Oh I love that 30 days of gratitude!!! And I mean can you ever go wrong with a bread basket??? Happy November!

    1. Exactly! I just love fresh bread/rolls with butter.

  10. Great post! I have kept gratitude journals - and I try to think of three things I'm grateful for each day. Your sunset picture is spectacular!

    1. Thanks! Funny enough just as I posted this yesterday morning we had another spectacular sunrise.

  11. Rolls with melted butter...that's definitely a favorite. Thanksgiving is one huge carb overload (and I love it!)


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