Sentence a Day- October

While our weather was just crazy weird this October with temperatures all over the place and more rain than we've had in years that made it hard to plan outings and activities we still managed to have lots of fall fun! 

1.  The boys and I made some leaf prints!

2.  We made volcanic lemons and learned about the chemical reaction between lemon juice and baking soda.

3.  We had a small birthday party for my husband with all his favorite foods; pot roast, Tollhouse pie (recipe here), etc. and a super fun game of Tellestrations.

4.  The boys and I spent a quiet day at home and we made some oozing pumpkins.

5.  We finally had a sunny day and went for a hike with our hiking group.

6.  I finally made up a packing list and began packing my suitcase for my much awaited trip with my mom!

7.  We had a family game afternoon; playing Scattergories together.

8.  Evan had a friend over in the afternoon and the kids all made some Harry Potter wands using sticks, hot glue, paint and glitter.

9. The boys and I looked at our germ farm under the microscope.

10.  My mom and I flew down to North Carolina before the sun was even up to surprise my sister for her birthday!

11.  My mom, my aunt, my sister and I checked out this amazing interactive art exhibit together.

12.  My mom and I visited two different beaches in one day and spent lots of time with our family members before packing up to head back home.

13.  We flew home; leaving North Carolina before the sun was even up.

14.  I made some maple apple butter muffins and did some laundry.

15.  The boys and I went for a hike in the crisp fall air; luckily the rain held out until we were in the car on the way home.

16.  We had a beautiful sunny day and I managed to get the boys fall photos and Halloween pictures done.

Another one of the rejected photos.. 

Ring tailed lemur and red panda costumes

17.  The boys and I spent our day shopping and exploring Old Mistick Village.

18. We spent a day at home reading, playing games, and working on schoolwork and crafts.

19.  We went hiking at Purgatory Chasm with our friends and checked out a few new trails.

20.  I spent the day crafting up some holiday ornaments!

21.  I began making my Christmas cards in the morning and spent a wonderful date night out with the hubby watching A Star Is Born and eating at Longhorn.

22.  The boys and I made pumpkin donuts (using this recipe)- YUM!

23.  We made cookie butter puppy chow (using this recipe); it soon became a family favorite recipe!

24.  I had a busy day from start to finish with grocery shopping, doing school with the boys, a physical appointment for one of the boys and even more school work; we ended our day with a quick game of Ion.

25.  We went hiking and found 8 letterboxes!!

26.  Zoo boo days at Southwick's zoo with my boys and their friends!

27.  After a quick breakfast out and finding Alec a new winter the coat the boys and I settled down in the kitchen to whip up some harvest caramel corn and some zesty ranch Chex mix (recipe coming soon).

28. We went for a family hike in the woods before dinner.

29. We met up with a new homeschool hiking group for tweens and teens and walked for an hour along the airline trail getting to know the one family that braved the weather forecast for some fresh air like us.

30. Just another day of school.

31.  Time to Trick or Treat!

How was your month?

Linking Up With: Thinking Out Loud Thursday, Sentence a Day,


  1. Replies
    1. It really was! We have had such a wonderful time.

  2. What a great post!! Filled with so many wonderful photos!!Thanks so much for stopping by!!

  3. What fun!! The pumpkins are a hoot!!

  4. I know I say this every month, but you do the funnest things with the boys. It makes me want to be one of your kids....those oozing pumpkins?? How fabulous!!
    And I love that you travel with your's nice to have those memories!

    1. This was the first time my mom and I went on a trip together and we just had a fabulous time!!

  5. You guys really know how to have some fun! You seem like such a great mom... I bet your boys are going to have the greatest memories when they are grown.

  6. Those pumpkin donuts . . . yum! We have warm apple donuts for the first time, and they were sooo good, so I can only imagine how lovely and fragrant fresh pumpkin donuts would be. :-)

    1. I was hoping to get around to making apple donuts or cider donuts but I just can't seem to keep apples or cider in the house long enough. The pumpkin ones were delicious!

  7. Such a fun month you had with your family, and the hiking trails look nice.

    1. We have found lots of new and lovely hiking trails this past month.

  8. Wow, wow, wow, you are such an impressive teacher and mom! Love all of the educational activities you do with your boys. Everything can be a hands-on learning experience with the right teacher. You are amazing in my book.

    I used to make the puppy chow and serve it in the library from a dog food bowl after reading puppy stories to my students. Loved seeing their reactions when I would take the first bite of puppy chow before offering it to the kids.

    Need the Nestle pie, pumpkin doughnuts and Chex mix, and harvest corn recipes. Delicious!!

    1. Aw, thank you! That is so nice to hear. I sure do try very hard to make most learning experiences hands on as that's how my boys learn best.

      The Tollhouse pie recipe & the zesty ranch mix recipe are coming to the blog soon but I did go back and make sure there was a link to all the other recipes listed in this post. Hope that helps!


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