Christmas Picture Books to Keep Your Kids Laughing

Each Christmas I always picked a new stack of picture book to read with the boys.

We usually tried to read at least one new book each weekday for the whole month of December and while we loved reading moving stories like The Carpenter's Gift my boys favorites were always the silly books that made them laugh out loud.

Today I thought I'd put together a list of some of the silliest picture books we've found that are about Christmas.

The Great Reindeer Rebellion by Lisa Trumbauer

The Day Santa Stopped Believing in Harold by Maureen Furgus

Santa's Eleven Months Off by Mike Riess

Santa's Underwear by Marty Rhodes

How to Catch and Elf by Adam Wallace

Memoirs of an Elf by Devin Scillian

What's your favorite Christmas book?

Linking Up With:

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JENerally Informed

Oh My Heartsie Girls WW 650 x 635


  1. I don't know any of those books! They look really good. I still have a box full of our favorite Christmas kid books that I take out every year!

    1. They are lots of fun! I used to pack our Christmas books away each year too and it was like finding a whole bunch of new/ favorite books each year.


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