Weekly Wrap- Up: The Week We Made Volcanic Lemons and Oozing Pumpkins

We had another rainy/cloudy week and while we didn't get out of the house all that much we did get a lot of schoolwork and housework done.  We had quite a bit of fun with science this week!

We spent Friday with our homeschool group at the aquarium.  It was a rainy day but we still had fun.  Our local aquarium has a new dinosaur exhibit that we were excited to check out with animatronic, roaring dinosaurs!  We watched the penguins for a bit, sat through a sea lion show, and saw a few new sea creatures like the giant Japanese spider crab.  We had a small family party for Evan's belated birthday that night and he finally got to eat his Twix mini cheesecakes.  They were so good!

Ian headed off to work with my husband on Saturday and spent his morning working in the machine shop.  After lunch he spent his whole afternoon running loader and spreading loam.  The younger boys helped me clean up the garden decorations and we all worked together with my husband to clean of the patio and make room for our wood piles that we'll be stacking up down there soon.

Sunday morning Evan set his alarm and got himself all ready to head out with some family members to a soccer game.  Ian worked with my husband most of the day while Alec and I hung around at home.  I made some chocolate chip strawberry bread (recipe coming next weekend!) and did lots and lots of laundry.

The boys and I didn't have anything planned on Monday so they settled down for some schoolwork.  We watched another episode of How the State Got Their Shapes, read two book about being an astronaut, and worked on a fun art project.  The boys each worked on some math and reading too.  We worked together to clean the upstairs and then headed out to the library, apple orchard, and the store to buy some birthday gifts for my husband. Once home they helped wrap gifts and then made their own tags for them.

Alec had karate on Tuesday and all three boys had just about finished their math work by the time we left for class.  Once home they all worked on reading and then together we watched another episode of the the States/Shape, read two books on oceanographers, made some volcanic lemons (tutorial coming soon!), and  cleaned another 4 rooms/areas of the house.  The younger boys had hair cuts in the early evening so I let them play video games and watch TV as soon as our schoolwork was done.  After haircuts and dinner Evan and I finished watching the second Harry Potter.  We're only two short chapters away from finishing up the book!

I had hoped to take the boys on a field trip Wednesday but it was raining (for the third day in a row!) and we decided that we'd rather just stay home.  We got a bit of a late start on our schoolwork since I went grocery shopping in the morning and wanted to get all the dinner prep done first.  We watched the last of the States/Shape episodes from season 1 and set up the beginnings of a germ garden for science.  We read a book about World War II for history and all three boys worked in math and reading. Evan finished up his Lego set and Ian began building a garage with some of his extra Lego pieces.   Alec helped me make a Tollhouse pie for after dinner. We had a very small family party for my husband's birthday and played a rousing game of Tellestrations.

Evan's new set from Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them-- the suitcase 

It open up.. 

And came with several fantastic beasts and characters 

 It was a miserable gray day again on Thursday and while I had pulled out quite a few games for school no one really wanted to play them. The boys each worked on two pages in math, did some reading and we read two picture books for science.  After lunch I offered to work with the boys to make an oozing pumpkin.  My boys don't really enjoy carving pumpkins but I bough a very small one just for this experiment.  We had made elephant toothpaste once before but it was so long ago that the younger two boys barely remembered it.  We thought it would be fun to make the elephant toothpaste inside a pumpkin an watch it ooze out we tried it 2 ways; uncarved and carved.

How was your week?

Linking Up With:

Friday Loves

Live Live Well Pin
Homeschool Coffee Break


  1. You guys do such fun things with your homeschooling!! That Fantastic Beasts Lego set looks amazing! I'm excited for the next movie! I kind of want to make an oozing pumpkin now!

    1. Aw, thanks! My son can not wait for the next movie to come out and has many predictions about what he thinks might happen. The oozing pumpkins were amazing!!

  2. We had a rainy week here and didn't get out much. That aquarium looks amazing! Happy belated birthday to Evan!! The oozing pumpkin looks fun! :)

    1. I am so sick of the rain... it's been two week of rain (it was sunny on the weekend so I can't really complain but I would like to get out more during the week). The aquarium is pretty awesome and we've had lots of fun with their beluga whales; they really love kids and will swim right up to the glass & open their mouths wide.

  3. I can't wait to have to kids! All of this looks like so much fun!! I've never heard of a volcanic lemon! I might have to try it out myself! =) The aquarium looks awesome! =)

    1. It is a lot of fun; I find so many great ideas on Pinterest that are both fun and educational.

  4. What a lovely post this looks like a great way to spend time doing, I love getting crafty!
    Thanks for sharing :)

    Laura xo

  5. My grandsons would love this! Anything with slime, ooze, or yucky stuff is a big hit right now!

    1. I know right?! My kids love anything slimy and oozy too.

  6. Oh how I am loving those oozing pumpkins!!

  7. What a fun zoo trip! And the oozing pumpkin looks really cool! Thanks for sharing!

  8. Oh My! I wish you were my homeschool mom. I need to make elephant toothpaste with my kids and oozing out of a pumpkin...! So cool. I am totally going to do that soon.
    Blessings, Dawn


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