Weekly Wrap- Up-- The One With all the Food & Party Prep

We are hosting a birthday party this weekend and spent most of our week planning and getting ready.  Thankfully the boys have been quite helpful and we don't have much left to do over the next 4 hours except decorate.  I think I spent 99% of my week in the kitchen but I didn't mind since I seemed to always have some company.

We had no plans for Friday and while I was kind of bummed that we wouldn't be going anywhere we really did have a great day at home.  The boys all worked on some schoolwork, we talked about our fall schedule a bit, and I found them playing so many games.  Evan and Alec played Harry Potter Scene It.  Ian and Alec played Guess who?  Then Evan and Alec played Guess Who? They also played Tic Tac Toe on Evan's dry erase board.  Ian asked me to play cards with him and we played several rounds of rummy.  I spent a portion of our day baking up cookies and zucchini bread; trying out two new recipes that used a bit of instant coffee (both recipes will be up on the blog in the next few weeks).  The younger two boys ended their night with a sleepover and Ian watched Infinity Wars with his dad while I tried to finally finish up season 2 of This Is Us.

Ian headed off to work on Saturday morning and it was another cloudy, rainy weekend day.  The younger boys played games (mostly video) in Evan's room while I worked on the blog and finally finished This Is Us.  I can not wait for season 3 to begin!  I also finished up my book Silver Girl and whipped up a quick pasta salad.

It felt like fall on Sunday and my husband and I decided to take Ian to check out a local car show.  They worked on the loader for a bit in the morning trying to fix the brakes and then we headed out after lunch.  Once we arrived home Ian and my husband left to go four wheeling and then as soon as Ian arrived home he headed out with his friends to go kayaking and fishing.  Alec headed out with his grandmother to help her prepare her bookcase for a coat of paint and Evan spent time outside playing in the woods.

Monday the boys worked on some schoolwork and our day got a bit derailed when we went to clean Ian's turtle tank.  We noticed that one of the turtle's was loosing bits and pieces of his shell and has what is known as shell rot.  After reading a good half- dozen articles on shell rot and watching a few YouTube videos on treating it we headed out to pick up the supplies we needed and spent our afternoon cleaning and treating both turtles since shell rot is highly contagious and we did see signs of it starting in the second turtle too.  We also decided to  re- configure his tank to make it easier to clean.  After dinner we spent the evening working in the yard, weeding, mowing and burning all the piles of wood near the fire pit.  We spent a few hours by the fire relaxing and I realized we hadn't had a fire all summer long!  We're having a party this weekend and I wanted all the outside projects finished.

First we cleaned with the soap and then treated the shell with the Betadine

Ian headed off to work bright an early on Tuesday so I had Evan tag along to Alec's karate class.  We dropped Alec off and Evan and I went for a good hour walk along the river trail; where Evan rescued a worm from being trampled on the trail.  We arrived home at lunch and Ian and I did another treatment for his turtles before eating.  All three boys completed some math and reading (and in Evan's case spelling) before we broke out all the supplies to make coffee Oreo ice cream.  Ian also asked me to make some BBQ macaroni salad for dinner to go with our BBQ chicken so I did.  We got another load of sand after dinner Tuesday night to fill in all the spots on our beach that have washed away with all the rain this month and then we called it a night.

I wasn't all that surprised to wake to rain Wednesday and spent most of my morning hoping that the sand would remain... thankfully it did!  I managed to get the groceries done and bought myself a really lovely bouquet.  After the groceries were put away, the boys settled down to a late breakfast and to work on some schoolwork.  We cleaned our basement, made some shark fins out of grey chocolate to top our cupcakes, and wrote up some catchy cute labels for the party food.  Ian and I spent most of the afternoon treating his turtles, cleaning their tank (again),  and replacing his old filter with a brand new one.  The tank should be much easier to keep clean now and hopefully the turtles are well on their way to mending.   We played a few games of cards and spent some time outside too.

They may not be the pretties fins but they'll taste delicious on our cupcakes
We had some more rain on Thursday and the boys and I spent another day at home.  We did some schoolwork, lots of laundry, and washed all the patio furniture.  Alec offered to cook up Evan's chocolate cupcakes and we set them aside to cool before adding in the peanut butter filling.  In the afternoon the boys and I all sat down to play Scat and then Evan and I went for a walk.  The younger two boys had hair appointments immediately after dinner so we ate a bit early and got them all ready to go.

Linking Up With:

Homeschool Coffee Break


  1. What a lovely week. I hope you all have a wonderful party this weekend and that the weather is lovely. I love having flowers in the house. Yours are great.
    Blessings, Dawn

    1. Thank you. It was a great week and my flowers make me smile each time I look at them. We had perfect weather for our party and the birthday boy had a great time.

  2. Hope all goes well with the birthday party this weekend!

    1. It went swimmingly! Everyone had a great time and we had perfect weather too.

  3. Sounds a fab week!!! That pasta salad of yours looks yum. My mission this weekend is to finish season 2 of This is Us !! Love this show so much #blogcrush

    1. I was actually trying to drag season two out until the new season started in September since I was sad that I wouldn't have anything nearly as good to watch while waiting but I just could not do it. I had to finish it up... and now I'm anxiously awaiting season 3.

  4. I really enjoyed seeing your lovely week! I hope your turtle treatment works! You will really appreciate how carefully you have documented your children's days once they get older!

    1. He seems to be on the mend.. I don't know enough about turtles to really know if it's working but he seems peppier and is back to eating so we'll just keep on doing what we're doing.

  5. Yummy, your food looks so tasty :) Those cars are so cool. Thanks for stopping by during the holidays, I am just catching up. Have a lovely weekend.


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