Weekly Wrap- Up: The Week it Rained Every Single Day

We had a fun week even if we did spend pretty much the whole thing at home and indoors every day.

The boys and I were expecting company on Friday so we spent the morning picking up the house and cleaning off the patio tables.  We were also expecting a second load of loam so Ian moved the excavator and worked on smoothing out the hill a bit more.  We had three moms, 8 kids, and lots of fun all afternoon.  The kids swam, fished, gabbed, and played all afternoon with a few minor skirmishes and tears now and then but for the most part we had a really great time.

Saturday Ian headed off to work nice and early to screen loam and the younger two boys played in and around the house.  We finally got the rest of the loam spread out and began planting grass seed.  Here's hoping it all begins to grow nice and fast and we don't have any major storms washing away all our hard work.

Taking a much needed break 

We did wake to rain on Sunday but thankfully it did not wash away any of the seeds.  We finished up our game of Phase 10 and my husband won.  Ian and my husband played cribbage while the younger boys and I got all ready to go.  Evan and my husband were going to see Antman and The Wasp while Alec and I were heading to Barnes and Noble for some new books and yummy snacks.  We went around the plaza and into various stores picking up some things for dinner, looking for birthday gifts for my mother in laws and other odds and ends we need around the house.  After dinner the older boys played cribbage with their father and I and then we played a game of pitch too.  We finished off the nigh with a family movie re-watching Antman.

It poured off and on all day Monday and that pretty much kept us indoors all day. I did sneak out to get some grocery shopping done and spent a good portion of my day in the kitchen cooking up dishes to put in the freezer and use up all the fresh zucchini we've been getting.  The boys did a bit of schoolwork, played outside for a bit here and there, and all played together building on Minecraft.  Alec worked on making a few new clay critters and Ian began sorting through the Lego bins and sets in his room as he's decided to get rid of most of them.

Alec had karate again on Tuesday and even though the skies kept threatening rain I managed to get in my 30 minute walk and a few errands before picking him back up.  After lunch and checking through the boys' morning work we had a relaxing afternoon at home.  We all worked to clean the house a bit, make some homemade ice cream (for science!), and kept ourselves busy indoors.  Alec made a loom band charm, Ian sorted through more Legos, and Evan basically went stir crazy trying to find something to do.

On Wednesday, Alec had an orthodontic appointment right in the middle of the day.  The boys and I tackled some schoolwork and housework in the morning.  I offered to bring lunch home after the appointment and we all enjoyed some Subway grinders and chips.  The boys, once again. played altogether on Minecraft trying to complete their houses and aquarium.  Ian and I worked together to make some more ice cream; this time we made coffee ice cream with dark chocolate chips.  It was sooo good!

We woke to torrential downpours in the wee hours of the morning on Thursday.  Unfortunately this time we got enough rain to wash away little rivers of loam and seed from our hill and we had more torrential downpours in the afternoon.  I'm just hoping we have enough grass beginning to grow that we don't end up having it all washed away.  Stuck indoors for most of the day again, we worked on some schoolwork, finished cleaning the house, made some Popsicles and did a fun science experiment with leaves.  Then we ended our day with a rousing game of Clue.

Strawberry/ yogurt pops

I'll explain what we did in detail in another post soon. 

Alec read this whole book in one day! 

This one just loves playing out in the rain

How was your week?  Any exciting plans for the weekend?

Linking Up With:  Friday Loves,

Homeschool Coffee Break


  1. Darn ole rain. That coffee ice cream looks so good! I hope the sun shines on your pretty face this weekend!

    1. It was so good! The sun is shining now so it's a good day!

  2. Sorry the rain is threatening to wash your loam and fledgling grass away - hopefully it stays intact! We love 'Cluedo' too - I wonder if your characters are the same as yours? Mrs White, Colonel Mustard etc? Ours is probably an older fashioned version of yours! It is great that your boys have such a fun outdoor life - doing jobs as well! Have a great weekend - Joanne x

    1. We lost a few little rivers of dirt here and there but so far the majority of it is OK! We do have Mrs. White, Colonel Mustard, etc. We have a Harry Potter version of Clue too but it's a bit more complicated to play.

  3. We had a pretty rainy week here, too. Pouring now as I type this. Sorry your seed washed away! Yum, that ice cream looks good!

    1. It was soo good! I've been told that we're making mint Oreo next week. :)


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