Children's Books About Canada

We're preparing for a trip to Niagara Falls later this year and I thought it might just be the perfect time to learn a bit about Canada.

We found some really fun books to help us learn about the entire country and I think we'd all enjoy learning a bit more about each region on it's own.  It is such a large country with so many wonderful things to see and do!

1.  Carson Crosses Canada

2.  Weird But True Canada: 300 Outrageous Facts About the True North

3.  The Kids Book of Canada

4. Next Stop: Canada

5.  M is for Maple

Do you know of any other books about Canada that we should read?  I was surprised that it was so difficult to find many.

Linking Up With:

JENerally Informed
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  1. As a Canadian I appreciate this post. Sorry that I can't add to your list but I'm sure you can find any information you need on the Internet. Niagara Falls is a great thing to see. You won't be disappointed. #happynowlinkup

    1. I have been to Niagara Falls a few times; both the Canadian and New York sides and just can not wait to share it with my boys. They are quite excited about it.


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