TBB Asks-- Entertainment Q & A

It's the first Monday of the month and I'm joining, once again, with The Blended Blog (TBB) to answer their questions.  This month's topic is all about entertainment.

I had such a hard time with all of these as you'll see by the fact that I have very few straightforward answers.  

1.  Comedy or Drama?  I enjoy them both and it depends on my mood as to which one I prefer to watch but mostly I enjoy comedies because I love to laugh.

bradley cooper hangover GIF
The Hangover; one of my favorites 

2.  Fiction or Non- Fiction?  Again it depends on my mood but I am most likely to pick fictional stories to lose myself in.  I'm currently reading Only the Rain

3.  Movies in Theater or at Home?  At home! I love watching movies in my comfy clothes and knowing I can pause it for bathroom breaks or interruptions is nice.

4.  Musical or Play?  Another tough one; I love them both but there is nothing quite like seeing a live performance so I'd have to lean towards play.

5. Which Meal of the Day is Your Favorite to Eat Out?  I'd have to say dinner.  I'm not a huge fan of most breakfasts foods and prefer dinner out since it feels more special to me.

6.  Favorite Book Ever Read?  Oh my! There is no way I can respond with just one book!  I read a good 1/2 dozen books each month and have racked up quite a list of favorites over the years.  I compiled a list to share on the blog two years ago and would probably add anything by Nancy Thayer, Elin Hilderbrand, and Diane Chamberlain.  I would also add Between Shades of Gray by Ruta Sepetys; a moving and compelling story about Russian work camps during World War II and Before We Were Yours by Lisa Wingate.

7.  Game Night:  Yes or No?  YES!  We have game night quite often and it's so much more enjoyable not that the boys are old enough not to tantrum over wins or losses.  We played lots of board games growing up and it was just something I HAD to pass on to my kids.  I have written many posts about our favorite family games.

8.  Favorite Outside Game to Play?  Hm... that's a tough one.. I guess I'd have to say cornhole.  It's a game I only started playing last summer but I did find it to be a lot of fun; especially when I get to play with my guys.

9.  Favorite TV Series ever? Again, there is no way I can pick one!!  I watch a lot of TV and have so many shows I enjoy.  I mostly enjoy sit- coms and shows centered around families or friends who act like family... so my favorites include Parenthood, The Goldbergs, Full/Fuller House, Gilmore Girls, Friends, The Big Bang Theory, Fresh Off the Boat, etc.

10.  Sitcoms Growing Up or Sitcoms of Today?  I enjoy them both so it's hard to say.  I liked that the sitcoms growing up were much more wholesome than the shows of today but I do find the shows of today a bit more relate-able.  Even as a child I knew settling any argument or problem in 30 minutes with everyone happy together was not very realistic.

11. Miniature Golf or Bowling?  Another tough one! I'm not any good at either but I do enjoy them both.  If I had to choose I'd go with mini golf mostly because every course is so unique.

We had a great time mini golfing here in Myrtle Beach 

12.  Favorite Movie Theater Candy?  Pretty much anything with chocolate or chocolate and peanut butter-- peanut butter cups, Reese's Pieces, Kit Kats.

13.  How Do You Like Your Popcorn?  Air popped with melted butter and salt.

14.  3-D Movies with Glasses; Yes or No?  NO!  I will go watch them with my family but I can not stand wearing the glasses and get pretty grossed out by the thought of catching pink eye or something from them.

15.  Favorite Genre of Books to Read?  Romance novels or novels about families and relationships.  

You can grab the following graphic if you'd like to join us!

Linking Up With: The Blended Blog, 

 photo TWTpictures_zpslz1mzxyh.jpg
JENerally Informed


  1. So many of the same answers for me...love chocolate and peanut butter for sure.And dinner and Elin Hilderbrand are my faves as well!

  2. What a wide range of questions. While I longed to get out and do ANYTHING as a young one, there are some things I appreciate more at home as an adult and movies are one of them. The quality may not be as great, but being able to choose my own comfort, noise level, and the ability to pause at will is priceless.

    1. I used to love going to the movies and now I'm like.. "I'd rather wear my pjs!" LOL.

  3. The book that you are reading looks right up my alley. I'm off to order it now. Enjoy your week.

    1. I hope you like it; I was a bit disappointed in the ending but it did compel me to keep on reading.

  4. I agree on Friends and Gilmore Girls! And oh no, now I will worry about pink eye on 3D glasses!

    1. I haven't actually gotten pink eye from the glasses but I do think of that... I also think of how dirty the seats must be because c'mon how often do they actually wash out the theater?? LOL. I guess I'm just a germ phobe.

  5. I love your pictures to tie-in all the questions! Cornhole is new fairly new to us, too, but it is the only game I think I play that would be an outdoorsy game :) I totally agree with you on those 3D glasses.

    1. Thank you! I was surprised that I enjoyed cornhole so much but it was a lot of fun.

  6. I was so indecisive on many of these too. Loved reading your answers. Forgot about corn hole, so fun and your photos were perfect!

  7. I too love a good game night! We really enjoy strategy games like Catan and Ticket to Ride. Oh and I didn't even think about getting pink eye from those glasses! Now I'm definitely staying away! lol


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