Our Weekend Trip to Vermont

My husband and I went away for the whole weekend last weekend.  We had a sitter for the boys and rather than make plans we wanted to just get in the car and drive.

Unfortunately we had rain in the forecast in all directions around us for pretty much the entire weekend.  After a bit of discussion we settled on Burlington, Vermont.

We had beautiful sunny skies, a few clouds and lots of scenery to enjoy on our long ride.

We arrived, had a bit of a hard time finding a hotel (come to find out the biggest university in the city was having their graduation that weekend and we were told by our hotel staff that it is their busiest weekend of the year!).

After checking in it began raining and we bought some umbrellas to take with us exploring.  We headed to Church street, an long series of shops that are closed off to road traffic and perfect for wandering from store to store.

We drove by that area later at night and they had all the trees lit up

We wandered into Lake Champlain Chocolates and tried a free sample of their chocolate.  We watched them making hand whipped fudge and looked around at all the tasty flavors they made.

Maple, Evergreen Mint, Green Mountain Coffee (another VT business), and Honey Caramel flavors; just to name a few 

We had bought tickets for a three hour diner train ride and when we were done shopping we went to board the train.

Train station 

We stopped to read all about the station

Menu Choices; though I got the salmon special that is not listed.  The food was very good!

The route we were taking and a whole pamphlet about the train, each town we were passing, the history of the area, etc. 

By the time we arrived back at the station it was dark.  We headed to the hotel and got a great night's sleep!  I seriously photographed the tags on the pillows and mattress so I can try and recreate that at home.

We had a wonderful breakfast in our hotel.  They gave us complimentary passes for breakfast at check in when they learned we were celebrating our anniversary!  Wasn't that so sweet?  Speaking of sweet I think I may stay at Doubletree properties from now on; they give amazing, warm, delicious, chocolate chip cookies at the front desk.   All the food we had on sight was fabulous!!

After breakfast we decided to head out and check out the Ben and Jerry's Factory Tour.  It was a really quick 30 minute stop but it is a cute tour... even if there isn't a whole lot to see when they aren't making ice cream.

No photos are allowed on the tour since they don't want their factory "secrets" getting out.  We did get a free sample of some ice cream at the end but since we had just finished breakfast we elected not to buy any additional ice cream from their store.

We ended up spending the rest of the day driving around on a while goose chase to try and find "Vermont's Castle."  An old mansion with turrets and towers-- that turned out to be rather gloomy, run down, and just plain old questionable looking.

We headed to Massachusetts for an amazing colonial style dinner at the Publick House. 

Despite the weather and a whole lot of driving around we had a great time on our weekend away.

Linking Up With:  Wonderful Wednesdays,  Wednesday Around the World, Dream, Create, Inspire


  1. What an awesome weekend. I love the idea of the dinner train ride. Fantastic.
    Blessings, Dawn

    1. It was a lot of fun and something I had been wanting to try.

  2. If you are ever that way again, I highly recommend the Shelburne Museum. https://www.facebook.com/ShelburneMuseum/

    1. Thanks for the recommendation! I'll keep it in mind.

  3. I really like Vermont, seems like it was a good choice for your getaway!

  4. I love Vermont, especially Stowe.

    1. It is a pretty area. We've been a time or two before and hadn't been there in quite some time; in fact we think the last time we were there I was pregnant with my oldest.

  5. Thanks for sharing! The train ride and the food look great!

    1. It was really neat and definitely something I'd be up for doing again.

  6. I loved our autumn vacation in Vermont some years ago. I'd love to go back and do the train ride. If you go again, stay in Manchester at the Reluctant Panther, and do the river canoe trip.

    1. A river canoe trip would be a lot of fun; way to cold on this particular trip but good to keep in mind for future visits.

  7. Sounds like a great weekend! I haven't been to Burlington yet but we have a ski condo in Killington about an hour and a half south of there. I plan to go up and visit one of these days. My 14 year has talked about maybe wanting to go to college there too. I didn't even know about that train ride - sounds fun! Thanks for linking up to Take Me Away this month!

    1. I didn't know about the train ride either until my husband showed me the website.

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