TBB Asks All About LOVE

I'm once again joining up with The Blended Blog this Monday to answer their fun monthly questions.  This month the questions are all about love and Valentine's day!

If you know me at all you know I am a hopeless romantic.  Valentine's day is my second favorite holiday behind Thanksgiving.  I love having a day to really shower my family with all the love; even more so than the other 364 days a year.

So let's get to it!

1.  Kisses or Hugs? BOTH!  I love giving and receiving hugs and kisses but I am much more likely to share a hug than a kiss.

2.  Candy or Flowers?  Again... both! I  don't necessarily care about getting flowers on or for Valentine's day but I do love getting a bouquet of flowers every now and then.  I still remember my husband surprising me with a HUGE bouquet at work for our anniversary over 7 years ago.

3.  Baking or Cooking? Well, this is getting downright repetitive!  BOTH!  LOL.  I love to cook and while I have not always enjoyed baking I have found a new love for it the past year when sharing the kitchen with my middle son who has pushed me to create lots of recipes from scratch with him.

4.  Do you remember your first kiss?  Nope, but I do remember my first kiss with my husband and since we were only 16 it wasn't like there were 100's before him.

5.  Favorite color of roses?  Oh boy, I l don't know that I have a favorite color.  Red, White, Yellow, Pink or even Lilac are all beautiful.

6.  Conversation hearts, yes or no? Nope!  But my kids love them; Alec made us all these conversation heart cupcakes last year and even then I picked them off without eating them.

7.  Do you leave love notes? I used to but not so much anymore.  I tend to show my love with baking up special treats or getting little gifts for no reason.  I used to spend the month of February filling up my boys' bedroom doors with little personalized love messages but they're not at an age that they appreciate that anymore.

8. Do you decorate for Valentine's day? I did try to come up with a fun Valentine's themed mantle this year and while I don't like the look of the whole thing I did find some great pieces and decor and I'll keep adding to it until I come up with something I just love.

9. Red or Pink?  It depends on what it's for but I really like both colors.  I used to lean more towards red but lately I am really loving the soft pink tones.

10. Milk, white or dark chocolate? I enjoy ALL chocolate but my favorites are definitely dark chocolate.  The darker the better!  And I prefer my milk chocolate with peanut butter; like my favorite Do Si Do Brownies!

11. Do you believe in love at first sight? Not really.  I do believe in feeling like you are falling in love at first sight but long lasting sustainable love takes time to grow.

12. Do you give humorous or serious Valentine's? I make my Valentine's day cards and it tends to depend on how I feel.  Most years I make a more serious Valentine for my husband and the boys get humorous ones; though this year they're a bit more loving than usual.

13. Favorite chick flick or romantic movie?  I can't pick just one! I told you I am a hopeless romantic; I love just about every chick flick!  Some of my favorites are:  Raising Helen, How to Loose a Guy in 10 Days, Sweet Home Alabama, 50 First Dates, Failure to Launch, 10 Things I hate About You, The Proposal, Just Go With It, Two Weeks Notice, Sabrina, Blended, and Notting Hill.

14.  Stay in or go out? Ever since we had kids we just find it easier and nicer to stay in.  We tend to celebrate as a family and enjoy a nice meal together, watch a family movie, and have a special fresh baked dessert too.

What about you?  Care to join us?  Here's the graphic with all the questions:

by Angie Ouellette-Tower for http://www.godsgrowinggarden.com/ photo YoureTheStarHopLarge_zpsjbrldhcx.jpg

The Dedicated House


  1. Now you make me want to go watch all those awesome movies again!!! Yep, I knew you loved both baking and cooking, it was impossible to say which one as I do so much of both! LOVE when you join us pretty lady! Happy Monday!

    1. Thanks for stopping by! I have so much fun linking up with you all.

  2. So fun that you married the guy you knew at age 16! Two of my sons have married, and both to girls they met and loved in high school.

    1. Thank you! We often joke that we've not been together more than 1/2 our lives.

  3. That Do Si Do brownie has me drooling! Have a wonderful week.

  4. I love that you've been with your husband since you were 16! Those brownies look scrumptious! I love your decorations too! Wishing you and yours a sweet Valentine's Day! - Brenda // ChattingOverChocolate.com

  5. I met my husband at 18 so I can relate! I love how all your beginning answers were both!

    1. There were so many that could have been both or all but I felt like that was cheating. really I do not have a problem making a decision normally...

  6. So much fun getting to know you a bit more! I love all your answers!

  7. Sweet Home Alabama is one of my absolute favorite movies!

    1. It's so sweet and I do just love Reese Witherspoon.

  8. Oh you and I had the very same thought about love at first sight! I agree you may feel a spark but lasting love takes time. I love that your son likes to bake, how fun! Neither of mine do but I love it. Why can't conversation hearts be yummy? They're so stinkin' cute!
    Hope you are having a wonderful day!!!

    1. Yeah he just started baking a year or so ago and really pushes me to try new things all the time. At one point he was cooking a new cupcake every week! We had to slow him down for health sake; I just could not pack on any more pounds and his recipes were way to tempting to resist. I do love the look of conversation hearts but don't like the chalky taste and texture. I've started buying them just to decorate with.

  9. Loved reading your answers! Your pictures are fun, too! I agree that love takes time to grow and conversation hearts are not my candy choice and I pick them off, too!

    1. Thank you! I do try them every now and then thinking I might like them but I never do.

  10. Your Valentine's decor is so cute! And those flowers are lovely! Once, my husband randomly had a bouquet of flowers sent to me at work and I felt like I was walking on clouds for days afterwards, it was the cutest thing!

    1. It is so wonderful to be surprised every now and then isn't it? He used to send them to me in high school and I'd get called to the principals office so he thought it would be funny to do that again since I was working at a school.

  11. Replies
    1. They are! I assure you they were gone in no time. :)


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