Weekly Wrap- Up: The Week We Painted Snowflakes

We had a great week! The weather warmed up a bit and we actually got to spend a bit of time outside.  We also spent some time with family and friends; aren't those always the best weeks?!

Ian headed off to work with his father on Friday.  He spent the day plowing and moving snow around after the huge storm we got last Thursday.  The younger two boys worked on a bit of schoolwork and then tried to go out and play in the snow... unfortunately temperatures were still quite cold and they never lasted outside for very long.  Evan and I finally ended up playing games, we tried out our new Jenga Quake set and had a lot of fun watching it crash.

Playing Jenga Quake 
My husband took all three boys with him to his work on Saturday. He needed help organizing and cleaning out the tool/ bolt bins.  Since the younger boys knew they were getting paid to work they were more than willing to participate.  This meant I had the WHOLE house to myself for the WHOLE day!  I had no idea what to do!  I made dinner, prepared a salad, worked on my blog a lot but mostly I just binged watch all the episodes of Life in Pieces on Netflix.

We had a birthday party for my mom to attend on Sunday.  We spent the afternoon visiting with our whole family and chowing down on snacks and the wonderful cake my sister made.  My mom loved her canvas art I made using my Circut.

We jumped back into our full day of school on Monday.  After almost three full weeks of little to no school we all seemed quite eager to get back to our regular routine.  The boys worked on math, reading, grammar, and spelling.  We got back to cleaning one room of the house each and started with our bedrooms.  With all our "work" out of the way we turned to some fun.  We painted some oil pastel resist snowflakes with our liquid watercolors.  We bundled up and headed outside to play in the snow.  We brought some colored water squirters outside with us to play in the snow and spent a good half an hour creating all sorts of snow volcanoes, bejeweled thrones, and tunnels... unfortunately I managed to delete all the snow pictures from my camera before uploading them to my computer!  Once inside Ian began working on a new metal model and all three boys spent some time working up a sweat playing Wii Sports Resort.

Alec had karate on Tuesday so we began our day with few quick lessons in math, reading, cursive, and geography.  After putting the groceries away and eating lunch we cleaned Ian's turtle tank and made some Chex mix.  Alec spent most of the day in his room reading and the other two boys played with Evan's Legos.  Ian worked a bit more on his model.

Wednesday we began our day with our schoolwork, but as soon as Evan saw the pile of books on the table he handed in his homeschooling coupon for one game day (I just gave the boys their Homeschool Coupon Book over our winter break).  We started our new family read aloud; Flashback Four The Titanic Mission and then played Apples to Apples, Harry Potter Scene it Edition 2, Zeus on the Loose, and Rollers Deluxe.  Alec was heading out shopping with his grandmother while the other boys and I were headed out to go hiking with some friends and we actually had to stop our game of Harry Potter Scene it and pick it back up in the late afternoon once we were all back home.  The boys and I walked for an hour in the snow and it was actually not that cold with the sun out.  We had a great time!  Alec came home with a stack of new clothes and some new books; glowing about the wonderful time he had.

The boys worked on quite a bit of schoolwork on Thursday.  They each worked on math, English and reading.  We tried out a few new science experiments and both Evan and Alec started reading some new books. We cleaned a few more rooms in the house and the boys spent a bit of time playing outside working on their snow fort.  The older boys and I played some Wii sports resort in the afternoon and then we got dinner ready.  Alec helped cook the chicken and couscous to go with all the veggies I prepared.  While Alec and I were cooking Ian finished up his model.

What did you do this week?

Linking Up With:


  1. We were fortunate to get outside for a little bit this week. (Though not nearly as much as we probably should have!) We are very slowly easing back into "school stuff" for my 5 year old. She was VERY resistant last week...and it's not like we do anything "hard" most days. We're usually arts and crafts people at this stage. lol I *may* have bribed her with a field trip to a nature center and Native American museum if she did "school stuff" one day. ;)

    1. Hey, many a day were rewards used to get them through the schoolwork and it's not like a museum and nature center weren't "school stuff" anyway! :)

  2. Looks like a fun week. We had a day off yesterday and we baked cookies!

  3. Awesome week! I love the coupon book. I think I will print that out. My kids are in love with Mastermind at the moment. We love games.
    Blessings, Dawn

    1. Mastermind is a good one! I tried the coupon book last year for the fist day of school and I found I resented them handing in coupons before we really even got started on our schoolwork but I'm finding that giving them the coupons in January it's a nice break from our typical school work.

  4. Great week! Snowflake art looks fun :) We've had contractors here all week, so we hope to jump back into a full schedule on Monday.

    1. It's so hard to get anything done when work is being done on the house. We had our basement sheet rocked a few years ago and it was a whole week of real life learning watching them work..

  5. What a fun week! That model looks very cool, and the snowflake art too! Thanks for linking up!

    1. The models are so neat! He found them when we were on vacation in Florida and has now put together three of them.

  6. So much goodness here, and such a varied week! I so want your snow :)

    1. It's all gone now; we woke up to bare ground yesterday after a huge rainstorm all day Friday and through the night. It's crazy weather around here.


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