Who and What I am Thankful For

I'm joining with The Blended Blog once again this Monday to list those things and people I am thankful for.  

I honestly just debating about taking last year's list and pasting it here as a re-share since not much changes from year to year.  (Yes, that is the same graphic).

I love Thanksgiving and it's one of my very favorite holidays. I love this time of year and I find that focusing on those things I am grateful for helps me keep a more positive outlook on life.  

After all I have so many things to be thankful for!  

I have a wonderful husband and three growing boys who continue to surprise me  each day.  

I have a wonderful extended family and married into a loving family as well.  

My husband's uncle bought flowers for EVERY single adult female in the family as part of a town-wide
fundraiser; if that isn't sweet I don't what is!
I get to stay home with my children and learn alongside them.  Watching them grow, and learn, and challenge themselves can be so rewarding.  

We have lots of wonderful homeschooling friends and we continue to meet new families all the time.  We've joined a few co-ops this year and I am so thankful for the opportunity to meet up with fellow homeschoolers several times a week.

We have a beautiful home (on a lake with fantastic views!)

We have plenty of food to eat and my boys have started taking an interest in cooking and baking so I'm not the only one preparing all our meals anymore!

We typically are able to take a nice family vacation each year and the boys and I often take off for a day of learning outside the home.  We are so thankful for all these wonderful family memories. 

I have this blog and all my wonderful readers that make me feel like perhaps I'm not just writing out into the void like I often feel. I love having my own voice and a platform to share it!

I am thankful for many material things too like all the books I get to read each month, the comfy, soft sweaters I just can't seem to get enough of, and simple things like hot cocoa and sweet tea.  

Pretty much if it's a part of my life... I'm thankful for it!

What are YOU thankful for?   

Linking Up With:


by Angie Ouellette-Tower for http://www.godsgrowinggarden.com/ photo YoureTheStarHopLarge_zpsncuylahd.jpg


  1. You are creating such great memories for your family. I have contemplated homeschooling...my son is totally on board...but we'll see where God takes us. Right now we are where we are suppose to be. Thanks for linking up with us!

    1. You'll know if and when the time is right. I always swore I'd NEVER homeschool... and now we've been at it for years.

  2. "I love Thanksgiving and it's one of my very favorite holidays. I love this time of year and I find that focusing on those things I am grateful for helps me keep a more positive outlook on life." YES! To all. :) And oh my word, that view! No doubt, something to be thankful for every day. Happy Thanksgiving to you...stopping by from the #breakthroughlinkup.

  3. Shouting amen to all of it and inspired to be grateful for my crew of boys and crazy life as well!

  4. Such a sweet post. I never want to forget how grateful I am to be home with the kids teaching them, because as I am sure you know, there are hard days. Happy Tuesday!!

    1. Oh yes, some days are so unbelievably hard! But as they age I realize how fast this time really is going by and I am so glad to have just a bit more time with them.


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