Weekly Wrap- Up: The Week The Storm Knocked out Our Power

I have very few pictures for the blog this week since we had a rather unusual week.  We were busy and yet I felt like we didn't do much of anything; at least nothing photo worthy anyway.  We spent two days waiting for our power to come back on after a storm hit our area pretty hard.  We spent a couple of days running around like crazy doing errands and going to appointments.  We managed to get schoolwork done but the boys mostly just focused on their books and tried to finish their work as quickly as possible.

Friday was a whirlwind of a day.  I had a dentist appointment, Evan had a physical appointment, we needed to do groceries and get more paint at Lowe's for the shed.  With all that running around I was so surprised we found any time to get schoolwork done.  The boys did manage to work on math, reading, and grammar though so I was happy.   After dinner, my husband, Alec and myself all played Scrabble.  Alec won!  He was so thrilled to squeeze out a last minute win by using up all of his tiles first.

On Saturday my husband and I worked on painting the shed again.  We finally got a first coat on the whole thing with a second coat in a few spots.  Ian had a friend over and they went fishing, played ping pong, worked on spray painting some guards my husband build for the shed doors, and had a great time catching up with one another.  Alec and Evan played outside most of the day and worked on building a new fort.

With lots of rain in the forecast for Sunday I put the boys to work cleaning the house.  With the whole family working together we cleaned the entire house and I even managed to get all the laundry done.  I had cooked chili in the crock pot and made some homemade chocolate chip cookies so we had a nice warm and hearty meal once the storm set in.

We woke Monday at 12:31 am to find we had no power.  The storm raged on shaking our house and rattling the windows.  All the boys woke up and no one really fell back to sleep until 3 or 4 when the storm started dying down.  Unfortunately, all the boys were awake again by 7 or so and I had to truck in buckets of water from the lake so we could flush our toilets.  The boys settled in to do a bit of a schoolwork once the sun was up and it was light enough in the house to see their books.  They all worked on grammar, math, reading, and spelling.  By noon my husband came home with the generator and the boys happily played video games most of the day.  The rain finally stopped but the wind was still pretty fierce and the temperatures dropped quick.  In the later afternoon Ian and I headed to the library and found we had to take a few detours with roads close due to downed trees.  It was easy to see why so many were without power; there were trees and lines down everywhere.

Tuesday I took all the boys to Alec's karate class with me.  They packed up all their books and got their schoolwork all done pretty quickly.  They worked on cursive, spelling, math and reading. We still didn't have power and I was hoping to go to the library after karate.  The boys' grandmother offered to take them out to breakfast at Dunkin Donuts and since Evan started feeling really sick after eating we headed right home.  He felt much better after going to the bathroom and taking a nice long walk.  It was a beautiful day and we enjoyed watching the waterfall near our house since it was quite full with all the rain we had.  I was bummed not to get to the library to use their wi- fi and be able to blog and catch up on my emails but I was so thrilled that Evan was feeling so much better so quickly and we were still able to make it to Alec's art class.  He got to use watercolors to paint flowers and try out some fun effects with cling wrap.  Once art was over we hurried home to get ready for Trick or Treating and found that our power was restored!!  The boys quickly changed into costumes and we headed out to their grandparent's house, their great aunt's house, and my mother's house.  We met up with my sisters and their kids and all went trick or treating together.  We wandered all through my mom's neighborhood for well over an hour enjoying a nice walk in the cool night air.  The boys had a great time trick or treating with their family and came home with loads of candy and goodies.

The boys woke a bit later than normal on Wednesday and I let them have a bit of extra screen time in the morning since they were all anxious to use our wi-fi and we had no real plans for the day.  We read a book together during breakfast and then decided to run out for some errands.  We met up with some friends of our to exchange some things we had left at their house and then went to the gas station, post office and library. We found my husband home for an unexpected lunch when we arrived home and he worked with the boys a bit on their math while I corrected some of the work they had brought in the car.  The boys all finished math, grammar, reading, and spelling for the day and I let them head off and play.  It was another rainy miserable day and they wanted to watch movies, play video games and use their Legos.

We had our second co- op meeting on Thursday and since we had put off Alec's literary presentation for a whole week we had to settle down and make his mobile.  The boys also worked on math, writing, reading, and spelling.  We did a quick science experiment on air pressure and then headed out to co-op.  Alec presented his book and then the younger boys played spelling games and mad libs with their friends.  Ian and the older kids worked on collages and then played a fun Meme game together.  After co-op the younger boys and I went on a walk around the block while Ian used the stationary bike to get some exercise.

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  1. It's so stinkin' hard to get along without electricity. We came through the storm o.k., but my sons were all affected, so we saw rather more of one of them this week, which was great. What a beginning to the month of November!

    1. Yep, and it was rather funny, looking back on the same week just a few years ago we were also without power after a huge storm came raging through our area. I guess the last week of Oct/ first week of Nov. isn't a great one for our area!

  2. I love a day with out power! It's like a cozy holiday!

    1. I wouldn't have minded if I didn't have to schlep bucket after bucket of water from our lake to flush the toilets. We hadn't anticipated loosing power and weren't prepared. I was also worried about our food going bad in the fridge and freezer since we were hearing it might be up to a week before power was restored. Thankfully the generator eliminated those to issues.

  3. Most of my weeks feels like that - busy but didn't get anything done! Sorry about the day without power! Yes, usually a pretty fun adventure in my opinion, but not if you have to haul water!

    1. That's how I've been feeling a lot lately-- busy without getting anything done. I was just talking to the boys today about ways we can re-vamp our schedule to make it all a little less hectic.

  4. It sounds like you all got lots done. I am glad you all were ok through the storm. Going without power is always a bit of a challenge. Having a generator sure does help.
    Blessings, Dawn

    1. The generator is a lifesaver! I am always so thankful that I married one of those guys that can go around fixing things (like broken generators since ours always needs work when we actually need it to run!)... of course that means he was gone for most of the two days we were without power keeping all the generators up and running for lots of friends and family members but that's OK. At least we knew the end was in sight and everyone we knew made it through the storm relatively unscathed! :)

  5. Oh man, what a week! I know those weeks well - you feel like you did so much, but most of it was just going and going! I'm glad everyone was safe during the storm (and also glad on a completely separate note that you are teaching the kids cursive writing!)

    Hope you have a great weekend!

    1. Yep, that pretty much summed our week.

      I don't require my boys to write in cursive all the time but I do want them to be able to read it and be able to sign their names using it. So we practice it once a week for 3 or 4 years until I know they COULD write in it if they had to.

  6. We live rural and lose power frequently...but I'm so glad we don't lose water when the electricity goes out!! I love all the fun projects and activities your family does!

    1. Thank you! We loose power quite frequently too and typically for at least a day. My only real complaint is the water but at least it wasn't middle of winter when the lake would have been frozen... I'm not sure what I would have done then!

  7. you did soooo much!! It's always fascinating to hear what other home educators get up to. inspiring as well. Thanks for sharing and linking up with us #FabFridayPost

    1. Thank you; I too love reading what other home educators do and how they handle their days.

  8. Wow! What a week you have had! Crazy but blissful! We have kept it together very well. I'd love it if my kids would tidy up their bedrooms! lol! Glad Evan feels better after the long walk. Nothing a good long walk in the nature can't fix as they say. I love the boys water colour painting - they are so beautiful. I also love the mobile idea too. I think I will get my big E to do this with his story telling too. What a wonderful idea! Glad all is now restored at the house in the end. :) Thank you so much for sharing your post with us on #FabFridayPost x

    1. Alec really enjoyed making his mobile and it did help him remember which parts of the books he wanted to focus on and talk about.

  9. We are really reliant on all of our modern conveniences. A week is a long time. I cannot even fathom what it must be like in Puerto Rico. Bravo to you all! #FabFridayPost xoxo

    1. That's all my husband and I kept saying-- "What must in be like in Puerto Rico!" It's amazing how much we rely on these modern conveniences and to have them taken away really brings home how important they have become.

  10. Popping by again, from #FridayFrivolity xox


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