Homeschool Weekly Wrap- Up: The Week with the Labor Day Holiday

We  had a pretty full week of activities.  With the Labor day holiday we enjoyed a bit of extra family time.  We went on a few hikes, enjoyed some time at the beach and even started on a few new school books this week.  I still wouldn't say we're officially back to school yet but we're slowly making our way into our new routine.

Friday the boys and I met up with some friends for a fall hike.  It was a bit windy by the like (as you can tell by the white capped pictures) but it was a beautiful day!  We walked around for a bit and then the kids all settled on the lawn to play together while us moms chatted.  We went home for lunch and Ian cleaned his turtle tank while Evan and I went to check out a new hiking trail at a neighboring park.

We had a lot of work to do around the house on Saturday.  While my husband and I worked on the shed Ian worked on finishing up his fireplace poker in the forge.  Alec spent quite a lot of time reading and Evan rode his bike.  After lunch Evan and Ian rode four wheelers and I asked all the boys to go through their drawers to see what they needed for fall clothes.  Since they all needed some pants we headed out shopping and went to dinner at the Olive Garden.

He had a bit of help from his father; particularly with shaping the hook but it was a great first project!

We woke to a rainy, dreary Sunday.  Ian headed off to work with his grandfather while the younger boys went to the woodworking shop with my husband and I to make some bats for our board and batten shed we've been working on.  Alec helped chop up the leftover pieces for scrap using the chop saw and Evan helped carry boards.  The younger boys spent the afternoon inside watching TV and playing video games while Ian helped my husband and I on the shed.  We managed to get all the bats on one side of the shed done before the rain really started pouring down.

We decided to head out hiking on Monday; though Ian elected to join his grandfather instead.  We headed to Purgatory Chasm with the younger boys and hiked all around for a good hour or two.  We came home for lunch and then Evan and Ian went with my  husband on a long four wheeling ride through the woods to visit some family.  They came home all muddy and sweaty and smiling.

The younger boys started back to karate on Tuesday and after class we headed to the beach to meet up with some homeschooling friends.  They had a wonderful time playing in the waves and digging holes in the sand.  We saw quite a few large boats; one really nice yacht and a container ship really caught our attention.

Wednesday it rained all day.  We had planned to spend most of the day at home but the boys asked to go to the library and we learned that I had won a gift certificate to a local pizza place as part of their adult summer reading program.  We decided to head out to lunch immediately and use my gift certificate.  We watched the weather channel and learned a lot about hurricane Irma.  The boys did complete a full day of schooling and then set about to clean some of the house.

I had an appointment on Thursday afternoon so we decided to just plan on a quiet morning at home.  The boys all did a bit of schoolwork and we started our mini history unit on the Salem witch trials.  I did quite a bit of reading aloud and all three boys built with our Keva blocks.  Evan made a starship, Alec built a house and Ian started on a bridge.  Alec also pulled out our scratch art papers and made a drawing of a fish.


  1. Sounds like a great week! Happy School Year to YOU!

  2. That sounds like a great week! Plus you got stuff done around the house! I'm always trying to get things sorted or organized...

    1. I love when I can get stuff done around the house; it's such a bonus! I do feel like the cleaning and organizing is never ending though.

  3. What a lovely spot to spend time on Labour Day - even if it was a bit windy. Absolutely love the smithing project!

    1. I was quite surprised to see how quickly he is taking up smithing! He really enjoys it and tries so hard to figure out how to get the metal to do what he wants it to.

  4. What a great week. I told my lad about the forge your boy uses and now he wants one too. :)

    1. It is pretty neat! The forge has been a huge hit with the boys' friends too.

  5. I love your relaxed way of homeschooling. I would certainly count a great deal of what you do as school time.
    Blessings, Dawn

    1. Thank you! We do more traditional schooling in the winter when we're stuck inside more but I do enjoy our relaxed homeschooling.

  6. What a fun week! Your guys did a great job on their projects. And it's great that they do karate - my son's done that for the past few years and loves it!

    1. They really enjoy karate and have all taken lessons off and on for 4 or 5 years now.

  7. Great job on the fire place poker. You have a forge?! Thant is so cool. My kids would love to create in there. Our week was spent caring for my grandparents as we were evacuated due to wildfire and fled to their home. We cooked, cleaned, and did yard work for them. I need to get over there to help them out more often. We're safely home now, fyi.

    1. We DO! My husband inherited the forge (back in high school) from his great uncle who taught him how to use it and we finally just got it moved onto our property. I am so glad to hear you are back home safe and sound. Those wildfires (and all the natural disasters that seem to be happening lately) are so scary.

  8. Wow! What a busy week! I really like that they have the freedom of their choice to do anything they can imagine and that they have the tools to do them to. I am a bit jealous. My kids just watch television on any given opportunities! lol! I love the house. I think you an Architect in the making.

    Thank you so much for linking up with us on #FabFridayPost x

    1. Oh mine would absolutely choose TV or Video games if given the choice but we do try to limit screen time; especially during any school day! But I am lucky that they find such wonderful things to occupy themselves when I tell them to turn off screens and go find something to do.


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