Glad to Do It! Book Giveaway!

I am so excited to be trying and sharing something new for the blog today!  I have never participated in any sort of giveaway so I was thrilled when Homeschool Insights asked if I'd like to pair up with them in giving away some wonderful children's books.

You know how much I love to read and encourage a love of reading in children so please spread the word!

Are you looking for good stories for boys and girls?  Finding books with great values and free of bad behaving children and adults is not so easy to find.  You'll be very pleased with the books from Glad To Do It!

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I met the author of these wonderful books, Jim Brewster, at the homeschool convention (HEAV Convention) in Richmond.  He was so kind to send these 4 books to include in the Giveaway.  He writes these books with the hope that they will encourage kids to serve others with a happy heart.  Isn't this a great goal?  As homeschool moms, we all have this wish for our children.

Uncle Rocky Book

These books showcase how ordinary people serve others, putting them first while having a great attitude.  The main characters are: Uncle Rocky, the fireman and his two nephews.  Other series are Officer Jack, the policeman and his partner, Kate.  The EMT Morales book is about two EMT officers who help an injured man.  The 4th book, Aunt Louise Comes to Visit is a sweet book that all children will relate to.

Officer Jack Book

The author sent me instructions to make the books even more fun, when you're reading them aloud.

Uncle Rocky, Fireman, is more fun when we do this together:  When the alarm goes off EVERYONE jumps up and shouts CLANG, CLANG, etc.  Then they act out getting dressed for the fire, then they make all the sounds of the truck.  Next, when the light turns red, they put up their hands like a cop stopping traffic.  After Rocky races to the fire, they all sit down and the story continues.  At the end of the story when Rocky says, "Glad to do it!" everyone shouts "Glad To Do It!" with Rocky.  (Say it like Dudley Do-Right, the Canadian Mounty) would say it.  

The illustrations are well done and the kids can even color some Free Coloring sheets.  These can be downloaded off the website.  I'm extremely impressed with all of the books.  They are filled with excitement and good lessons.

EMT Morales Book

The entire collection of books can be found on the Glad To Do It! website, as well as Amazon and Barnes & Noble.  I encourage you to check out all the books and see how much your children will love them.  Then, please enter the Giveaway below and share it with your friends.

Aunt Louise Book

Giveaway Disclosure: Giveaway is open to entrants 18+ in the US.  Winner will be chosen randomly by Rafflecopter and emailed.  Winner has 48 hours to reply to claim prize.  If winner doesn't reply within 48 hours, a new winner is chosen.  All social media in the giveaway have no responsibility.   Glad To Do It! is responsible for prize fulfillment.

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Glad To Do It! Books Giveaway

A Huge thanks to our Co-Hosts for all their hard work!  Please visit their Awesome Blogs!

Glad To Do It! Giveaway 


4 Winners!

Good Luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

@2017, copyright Lisa Ehrman

Linking up with:


Oh My Heartsie Girl

JENerally Informed

 photo TWTpictures_zpslz1mzxyh.jpg



  1. These sound like really greats books! I've been meaning to introduce my 4 year old to more community helper-type books. Thanks for sharing on This is How We Roll link up.

    1. These are great for introducing community helpers!

  2. My son would love these books, but unfortunately I live in Malta (never heard of it? You're not the only one don't worry haha). I tweeted this instead, cos I'm sure a lot of kids would be thrilled to add these to their book collection =)
    Visiting from Sincerely, Paula's Weekend Blog Party =)

    1. I have heard of Malta (I'm not confident I could find it on a map but I have heard of it). Sorry you can't participate but thank you so much for sharing!


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