Weekly Wrap- Up: The Week We Dyed Evan's Hair Green and Made Brownies

We had a pretty quiet week at home.  Evan had some tummy troubles in the beginning of the week; more of his chronic pain that we're still trying to get under control.  Ian hurt his foot Monday night and had to try and stay off it most of the week.  We had cold, cloudy, dreary weather most every day and so by the end of the week I was starting to feel like I was trapped inside the house.  Yet every time we finally made it out of the house and enjoyed soaking in a bit of fresh air or a few minutes of the very elusive sunshine we were immediately swamped by gypsy moth caterpillars.  We discovered that my skin and the two younger boys are quite sensitive to the caterpillars and we break out in rashes.... so we spent an awful lot of time inside this week. That meant plenty of TV, movies, and video games.

The boys finished up their work quickly on Friday since we had dentist appointments.  We started a new writing series and worked together to the clean house.  The boys wanted to make Mofo Makasaoka; a Malagasy fried bread we made back when Evan was studying Madagascar.  Since it fit so neatly into our Africa study I agreed and we all enjoyed a fun treat.

Saturday my husband put the two younger boys to work cleaning up at his hydroelectric plant.  We had to unload a trailer load of pipes and load the trailer with old buoys and lumber.  They were thrilled to earn some spending money.  Ian wen to work with his grandfather for most of the day and we spent a quiet night at home.

My husband took Evan and Ian to see Guardians of the Galaxy on Sunday but since Alec really did not want to go I offered to stay home with him.  Then I figured since I so rarely have just one boy with me we'd go out to lunch; just the two of us.  It was so nice to spend some quality one on one time with him.

Monday we got right to work and finished up our work early so we could head to the park and play some capture the flag with homeschooling friends; 1/2 way there it started pouring so we turned around and went home. I offered to pull out some Sculpey clay and all three boys happily settled down at the table to create with clay.  I had no idea how much they'd enjoy working with clay or we would have done something long before now!  Alec made an adorable clay owl.  Evan made the Overwatch symbol and Ian made a coiled mug/ pot using a can of vegetables as a template. (Details coming to the blog soon!).

The younger boys had karate Tuesday and so I didn't give them much in the way of schoolwork.  We weren't sure if we'd  be taking Ian to the doctor's or not since he had stepped on a nail and I wasn't sure if he was up to date on his tetanus shot; thankfully he was and left us plenty of time to dye Evan's hair green.  This year he decided to try dying the WHOLE head; luckily he loved it. Alec sat down and taught me all about the new video game he's been playing and Evan spent the afternoon putting a new Lego set together.

Wednesday we enjoyed a very quiet day at home.  The boys worked on their schoolwork, helped with some housework, and enjoyed a lot of free play time.  Ian helped me start planning our family vacation and the younger two boys enjoyed a rainy day watching a movie-- The Emperor's New Groove.

The boys completed a bit of schoolwork on Thursday.  Ian finished up his math unit and also finished reading his latest chapter book.  Alec ended up going with me to the grocery store so he could complete his writing assignment on giving directions. He had no idea how to get anywhere from our house; until he was in the car.  Once he saw each stop he could dictate where to go and write down directions without any difficulty.  With our schoolwork completed and another cloudy, miserable day outside Ian decided to try a new brownie recipe complete with caramel and a chocolaty Rice Krispie topping (courtesy of Marilyn's Treats).
Mixing up the chocolate and peanut butter topping

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  1. Those brownies look delicious! My kids love working with clay. I need to get it out more often. What writing program did you start?

    1. It's a new program we were given to try out for a review it's called "The Pirate's Guide T' Th' Grammar of Story" and we are just loving it. I should have a full review up one day next week but I wanted to get at least one or two more lessons in before typing it up.

  2. I have been craving something chocolate, and nothing in my house has fit the bill - those brownies look SWEET! Just what I need :)

  3. Those brownies look delish! What a lovely week filled with such wonderful learning opportunities. You do such s lovely job each week.
    Blessings, Dawn

    1. Well, thank you. That is so nice to hear (and those brownies are amazing!).

  4. I just want to say you are the most amazing mom!!! The smiles on those boy's faces says it all!!!!! Happy Mother's day beautiful!!

  5. I like how you did that. Taking your boy along so he can learn how to write down directions. :)

    1. Thanks; it was all I could think of to help him out.

  6. Those brownies look delish!!! I like the green hair! Gypsy moth caterpillars are out in force here as well.

    Happy Mothers Day!


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