Weekly Wrap- Up: The Week We Went to the Ice Castles

We had a fun time playing lots of games this week.  We took a mid- week field trip to go see the ice castles.  It's something that has been on my winter bucket list for a few years now and we decided this was the year.  It was a long day with all the driving involved but we all agreed that the ice castles were pretty impressive.

It snowed on Friday!  My boys were so thrilled that we had to spend some time outside playing in it before it all melted.  Since we had gotten only about an inch it wasn't long before it was gone.  Our homeschool day followed no routine at all since the boys were in and out but by the afternoon all three boys had taken their spelling test (and the older two boys were kind enough to let me quiz them on next week's words too-- we'll be skipping that list altogether since they each only got one word wrong).  All three boys worked a bit on math and did some reading.  Evan finished up Never Swim in Applesauce and Alec started reading The Subtle Knife.  Ian read a few more pages in Double Down.  We played Ancient History Memory and Brain Quest States Game.  Ian helped me make some peanut butter cookie bars with the last of our holiday M & M's.  Evan used our wood burning tool to add some embellishments to the sword he made.

We got even more snow on Saturday.  Ian went to work with his grandfather.  The younger two boys worked with Legos, watched some videos and just kept warm inside the house.

Sunday, Ian went to plow and shovel snow.  Once he arrived home we all went sledding.  We didn't last very long outside though since it was still pretty cold and windy.

Monday the younger two boys went out to breakfast with their grandmother.  We got a late start on our schoolwork but that's OK.  That's the beauty of homeschooling!  The boys each worked in their spelling books.  Ian and Evan worked in their math workbooks while Alec worked on Khan Academy.  Evan started another unit in his word family book while Alec and Ian worked on another page in their English and Grammar books.  Evan read Now I Know Turtles.  Alec read Panda's Earthquake Escape and Ian read a few more pages in Double Down.  We played Scrambled States of America and Ooga Booga.  We read Vespers Rising during lunch and then learned about Henri Matisse after lunch.  We read some books about Henri and made our own collage pictures in his style.  You can read about our artist study here. Alec asked me to play Blokus with him while Ian went to the basement to start working on his new toy garage he's building.  He spent the afternoon measuring, cutting, and nailing boards together.  We all headed outside for some fresh air.  Alec and Evan built a snow dragon while Ian played with sand, epsom salt and his trucks.

Roaring behind their snow dragon. (before they added his wings)
Side view of the dragon with his wings on

Tuesday the younger two boys had karate.  We used the drive to and from karate to finish our book on CD: The Trials of Apollo. Once home all three boys worked in their spelling books, did some math  work, and worked in their cursive books.  We read Rags Hero Dog of WWI.  Alec and Evan both read Hansel and Gretel Ninja Chicks.  Ian read a bit more in Double Down.  We all played a game of Beat the Parents and then played two more rounds at night once my husband was home.

They beat us... each and every time!
Wednesday we took the day off from school to head up to New Hampshire to see the ice castles!  "It was so cool!" as Evan kept saying... "Get it mom; my pun.  Cool because it's ice."

On Thursday Alec was heading out shopping with his grandmother so we got an early start on schoolwork.  All three boys completed another page in their spelling books.  Alec and Ian worked on a page in their grammar books.  Alec read Wink The Ninja Who Wanted to Nap, Ninja Bunny, and Ninja!  Evan also read Ninja! and Ian finished reading The Jaguar's Jewel.  Ian worked on two pages in his Key to Decimals books while Evan picked two pages from his Math Basics grade 3 book and Alec used Khan Academy. All three boys also completed two pages in Multiplication games.  We played a few rounds of Van Gogh and Friends Go fish and spent a good hour outside playing with the partially frozen brook.


  1. I see you played Blokus this week! We think it's such a great game at our house. Did you enjoy it? Looks like a great week! You have snow, we were wearing shorts and T-shirts this week!

    1. I loved it! It was one of those games we've had sitting around forever that I really wanted to take out and actually play. We ended up playing several rounds.

  2. What a fun looking week! We've been to the ice castles in Utah, and it was such a fun outing!

    1. We really enjoyed our trip a lot. It was so neat to see just amazing to think of all the work that must go into it all.

  3. A full week you have had.. love all the games you play and that ice.. WOW.

    1. Thanks. We're in the middle of a gameschooling challenge to bring more games into our homeschool and I must admit; I'm loving it!

  4. The sword is pretty neat, and the frozen brook sounds like fun!

    1. It was a lot of fun; I must admit I joined right in after a few minutes.

  5. Your ice castle field trip looks like 'snow' much fun! Looks like a great full week.

    1. It really was! Thankfully we picked a nice warm day to visit to.

  6. Those ice castles look amazing. We are thinking of moving North in two years. I was born in New Hampshire. I have had more than enough of the south.
    Blessings, Dawn

    1. Ha! I'd love to move south! I have had more than enough of winter these past 30-*cough* something years.

  7. Oh wow, we rarely get so much snow in London. I do love snow and am very envious!!

    1. We haven't been getting as much snow these last few winters but I remember one where we got a good 20 inches a week one February and we were running out of places to put it all.

  8. Wow, that ice castles thing looks SO COOL (pun intended)! Sometimes I really wish we had snow... I just played Blokus for the first time last fall and loved it! My husband even really enjoyed it, and he's not a game guy. (hmmm, must remember to buy it for our house soon) So glad you joined us at #FridayFrivolity this week!

    1. Thanks for stopping by! We have had Blokus for almost two years now and that is the first time we thought to sit down and actually read the directions and play. It was a lot of fun. I'm a visual/spatial person so I won each time but I have to be careful of that... no one will play Qbitz or Connect 4 with me anymore!

  9. Looks like you had a blast! Thank you so much for sharing at #familyfriday. Please come back next week.

  10. Winter has been mild here - so far! I would LOVE to see the ice castles, they look extremely cold . . . er, COOL. ;-) Thanks for linking at Homeschool Highlights!

    1. We've had huge ups and downs here.. one week it was in the negatives and then the next week it was in the 50's; which has made for a pretty muddy winter. The ice castles were another few hours north and even at that we felt like we were being rained on at some points because it was a warmish day when we went to see them and they were melting a bit. They said the season varies greatly and is totally dependent upon the weather. It was so neat to see in person though.

  11. Looks like your crew has been busy! I love the ice castles field trip. It looks amazing! We are also close enough to head to NH so you got my wheels turning of when we can fit that in. Thanks for sharing!


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