Weekly Wrap- Up: The Week We had the Two Birthdays

I must warn you we had a busy week and this post is FILLED with pictures!  We had two different birthdays to celebrate this week and both days were so much fun. We got a lot of schoolwork done and remembered to play at least game each day that we had school.

Friday:  The boys all took their spelling tests and wrote a short story using some story prompts.   Evan worked on two more pages in his Word family book and then read Ninja Bunny.  Alec read the book Hawks.  Evan and I played Penguin Multiplication game and he started taking his one minute math tests for multiplication starting with the 10's times tables.  Ian completed two more pages in his math book while Alec worked on Khan Academy.  We read a few more pages in Vespers Rising and started reading a new chapter book called Darling, Mercy Dog of World War 1.  Ian put together another EEME kit while Alec sat down to do some painting.  Once Alec was finished he wanted to try putting together a parrot using his Quixels 3D kit. We finished our school day by playing a game called Hit the Deck and then the younger boys and I went to the park for a bit to play with some homeschooling friends.

deep in thought; figuring out that multiplication problem

Saturday we went to a birthday party and they had live animal presentations.  We got to see (and pet) chinchillas, guinea pig, a dove, a chicken, some bunnies, a ferret, a leopard gecko, a box tortoise. It was so much fun.  Once home, Ian helped make some cole slaw for supper.

Chewie the bunny; has a home right above Darth Vader (seriously!)

Snowball was a huge hit with her super soft fur.

Sunday the boys spent a lot of time playing their new video games; all three of them picked one out over the weekend and agreed to use the money from trade-ins to pay for it all.  Every now and again I made them take a break.  I found Alec and Evan playing a nice long game of Exploding Kittens.  Alec also helped me make chicken Parmesan for dinner.

Monday we debated about taking the day off from school but decided to just dive into our schoolwork.  All three boys completed pages in their spelling workbooks.  Evan worked in his word family book while the older two boys worked on a page in their grammar books.  The boys all worked on math, did a bit of reading and cleaned their rooms. Evan read Wink, the Ninja Who Wanted to Nap.  Alec started reading the series Foxcraft.  We played Don't Rock the Boat one last time before packing it up to give to my sister.  Alec put together another Quixels 3-D project.

We had a busy day of errands on Tuesday!  The boys managed to squeeze in some spelling work, math practice, cursive, and reading.  Evan read Just a Snowman.  Alec is now half way through Foxcraft book and he told me it's AMAZING! Ian started reading Who Is Tougher?  Navy Seals Vs. Army Rangers learning about the history of these two military branches.  For Science we read Exploring Caves and learned about the different types of caves.  We also read another two chapters in Darling, Mercy Dog of World War I.  We played Topple one last time before packing that up to give to my sister too.  The younger boys went to karate while Ian and I dropped off the games and went to a few stores.  The younger boys and I took a quick trip to the library and then they went to earn some money returning cans... an hour later they each had $10 (and sticky, dirty hands).

We decided to take the day off from school on Wednesday and just have a fun day.  We do this each time any of my boys celebrate a birthday.  We pick a day near their birthday and let them guide us in what we'll do, what we'll eat, and basically just make the day all about them.  My middle son had requested waking up to an obstacle course and even offered to stay in him room an hour longer than usual; so I complied and boy did he and his younger brother have a ball!  They crawled through the course several times making up all sorts of games to go along with it.  Ian made crepes for breakfast at Alec's request and by the time we all sat down the boys had all agreed to watch the two episodes of Wild Kratts that was on our DVR.  Ian had never made crepes before but he did a wonderful job!  We heated up some strawberries, mashed them and mixed up some cinnamon and sugar for crepe fillings.  We headed to Barnes and Noble aruond lunchtime at Alec's request and after picking out a few books (OK a stack of books) we headed over to get his free cupcake from the cafe! Alec helped me make a Caesar salad and some homemade chicken finger for dinner.  He spent his night playing with his new chocolate pen; it's fun and yummy!

Birthday boy picked out just a few books-- good thing he had a few gift cards! 

Thursday we tried to get an extra bit of work done knowing we'd have a shortened day on Friday.  Ian finished reading Who is Tougher? Navy Seals Vs. Army Rangers and read much of it aloud to Alec and I.  Evan read How to Wash a Wooly Mammoth.  Alec read a bit more in Foxcraft.  All three boys worked on two pages in their spelling books so they'll be prepared for Friday's test.  They each worked on some math and writing as well.  Ian chose to do a timed writing assignment; setting the timer for 5 minutes and writing until the timer went off.  Funny enough I often think some of his  best stories are written this way.  Evan decided to work on a Draw Write Now page while Alec just wanted a free write.  All three boys worked a bit on science too.  Ian put together his last EEME kit, Alec worked on putting together his Geckobot and Evan and I finished up reading his last Ranger Rick magazine.  All three boys helped clean the house and then we played Sequence Numbers together.  We read another chapter in Darling, Mercy Dog of World War 1 and started reading The Medusa Plot; a continuation of the 39 Clues books.   Alec played with his chocolate pen again and Ian worked with his father to finish up his robotic arm.

We have to much to look forward to this weekend too!  I just love when we have fun weeks like this filled with all sorts of wonderful learning opportunities!


  1. What a busy, but fun week!!
    How creative to make that obstacle course!!

    1. Thank goodness for Pinterest... I was stressing about that obstacle course but a few pins showed just how simple it was; string, crepe paper and painter's tape!

  2. Love the obstacle course. My daughter loved her chocolate pen! It was fun and yummy! I love that he wanted books for his birthday - he sounds like my kids!

    1. It was much easier to put together than I had originally feared. He's having a lot of fun learning the ins and outs of his pen. He, of all my boys, is my reader.

  3. What a great birthday for that age of boys!

  4. That obstacle course looks awesome! What a fun way to start your birthday! #fdflinkparty

  5. I love the obstacle course! You always have the neatest games and activities, but that one is tops. :-)

  6. We have 2 birthdays in one week here, too. And then 6 months later, we have 2 birthdays a week apart.

    1. I find that's how it goes in our family; we sometimes go months without a birthday and then we have three nieces and nephews all born on the same day or within the same week!

  7. oh...what a great week you had! :)

  8. Love the obstacle course! What an awesome time. The week looks like a smashing success.
    Blessings, Dawn

  9. I think picture posts are the best and this one was so much fun to see! So happy you shared it with us at #FridayFrivolity!

  10. Busy week. Awesome photos Thanks so much for linking up at #familyfriday we appreciate it! We hope you come back next week.

  11. Looks like quite an exciting week! I can't imagine homeschooling my little ones right now. I may have to take up that option in junior high since our local school has a HORRIBLE reputation, but for now I like the idea of dropping the kids off for a few hours.

    Thanks so much for posting your blog post to the #FanDayFriday Link Party! I hope you have a great experience with the link party and come back again next week! #fdflinkparty

    1. My kids went to public school for quite a few years, in fact I worked at our school and the more I talked with all the teachers (and even our principal) and heard things like "oh it all goes downhill after 5th grade" the more I knew I had to find another option. There are still days when I'd like to drop them off somewhere for a few hours but luckily it's not nearly as often now.

  12. So much fun times! Love the photos. :) Thank you for sharing your busy birthday week at #FridayFrivolity!!


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