Our Trip to the Ecotarium

We went to the Ecotarium last week.  It was educator month which meant I would get in free as well as one of the boys!  We could also get two free tickets to the planetarium too.  We met up with 6 other homeschooling families and had a great day exploring science!  

Alec playing with the wind 
 They also had fun socializing!  The kids were breaking off into their own little groups all day.

A pitcher plant

Checking out fingerprints up close 

Playing with magnifying glasses

A cute little turtle
This trip Evan was really into checking out all the rocks and crystals they had on display.  Here are a few we thought were pretty cool looking.

There was a new exhibit set up on the bottom floor all about turtles, their predators, and why this species is important enough to protect. 

Helping the animals safely cross the road 

Learning about the different kinds of turtles 

Playing with the "Swiss Army turtle"

Watching a movie about the loggerhead sea turtle 

Finding the hidden turtle using sonar 
No trip to the Ecotarium is complete without a drawing or two to take home with us.

My boys just love this double pendulum drawing station 

The designs are always so neat!

It's actually quite mesmerizing 

Trying to place homes in a town out of the turtle's path 

A very interesting shell we saw

The porcupine was awake!

So were the skunks 

Playing checkers with friends 

And, of course, we had to build something. 

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  1. I guarantee you, you take the best field trips, better than any public institution! I would've loved to have gone on this one, you could use an extra field trip chaperone right? Ha ha have a wonderful Wednesday

    1. Sure, we can always use another chaperone! We love to keep those adult/child ratios very low.

  2. Great shots! It looks like the kids had a blast.
    Thanks for linking up at http://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2016/12/the-church-of-transfiguration.html

  3. What a wonderful place to explore. Looks like everyone had fun.

    1. I just love that their exhibits change a couple of times a year (in fact they had half a floor closed off for renovations while were there).

  4. Cool trip! Great it was free too! Lots of learning and your pictures show your kids really engaged, love it! Thanks for linking up to #familyfun

  5. That looks like a fab place to take the kids. Educational and social - not to mention some free tickets is always a bonus. Some fab photos here too thank you for sharing at #familyfun xx


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